The problem for me, and may be this has already been addressed, if homosexual marriage becomes codified in law, I think it could lead to a place where in America chruches and like-minded people would be forced by law to compromise thier consciences on a deeply personal issue.
To avoid this forced compromise, I am against the government legalizing homosexaul marriages.
How so? I don't think they can force a minister to marry a homosexual couple. What compromise would they have to make by law?
Its a sin. They are going to hell. plain simple Bible fact.
There sin is no worse than anyone else's. Sin is sin. I think we forget that without the blood of Jesus, and the progressive sanctification brought by the Holy Ghost, we'd all be going to Hell right along with them.
I was responding to Charnock's question, "Which should a Christian be most concerned with; protecting individual liberties or declaring Bible absolutes?"
I stated that Christians should be most concerned with declaring Bible absolutes and I stand by that statement.
In order to preserve that "liberty" that others want to stand for, we need to ensure that the CHURCH and that CHRISTIANS are NEVER FORCED to violate their consciences here in America by force of law.
The problem for me, and may be this has already been addressed, if homosexual marriage becomes codified in law, I think it could lead to a place where in America chruches and like-minded people would be forced by law to compromise thier consciences on a deeply personal issue.
To avoid this forced compromise, I am against the government legalizing homosexaul marriages.
Does the government force churches to perform any form of marriage that a church might disagree with at present?
Can't the reparative therapy work in concert with the healing power of God working in a person's life?
I've heard horror stories regarding "reparative therapy". I'd much rather have patience with them and allow the love of God to do the work in their lives that God desires to do. Man's therapies have often been thought of as beneficial only to find out later that it was mentally, emotionally, or spiritually damaging. One can never go wrong by just trusting God. After all... isn't that what the church has done for centuries before all this Christian pop-psychology stuff?
The question was not asked about repented homo's. It was asked about those still committing it and bound by that horrid spirit.
I imagine we should have the same patience and grace toward them as we do anyone struggling with sexual sin in the church. I'm comforted knowing that some day everyone's private sin will be revealed at the judgment. I fear that many who have come out so hard on various sins and sinners will be discovered to have been just as bad... or worse. I'd rather find myself standing in the judgment having had been too merciful than not having been merciful enough.
Christian love for all mankind, including those who appear to be the worst of sinners, is holy.
ALL the citizens have the constitutional right to vote and create amendments to their constitutions.
Some liberals do not want to honor constitutional processes.
Abortion, gay marriage and federal debt are very important priorities for liberals.As the country is getting indigestion on gubment, it is becoming conservative rapidly.
Freedom of religious conscience is guaranteed and protected by the Constitution. My uncle-in-law is dean of an Anglican accademy. He's VERY LIBERAL (we've had many friendly debates lol). He has traveled and performed gay marriages in countries where they are legal. His church's religious beliefs regarding gay marriage is "acceptance". Believing that marriage is a sacrament of the church, should the government be allowed to force him not to perform unions he and his church believe are "acceptable"? While we may disagree with him theologically, his freedom of religion is on the table as he's described it.