Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
However, there many Republicans who will beat their Democrat incumbents and then we'll see how things shape up.
I think the House and the Senate will have GOP majorities very soon. Many Democrats are disheartened because Obama is not to the left enough. Most Conservatives are enraged because Obama has been painted to be just a little shy of communist. This will affect who turns out to vote and who they will vote for.
GOP majorities?
I doubt it but many are hoping for it.
If we do get GOP majorities I doubt it will be a large enough figure to over ride a BHO veto. I also doubt the GOP majority will do much more than a lot of posturing and pontificating but probably will do nothing of substance. I doubt if they will try to reverse any legislation passed by the Dems. And the stuff they hold out for carrots before a gullible public (like health care reform, action on abortion, job creation, etc) will continue to be dangled out there with no actual action.