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Old 08-27-2010, 12:54 PM
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Re: The Mosque Should Be Built!

Originally Posted by Jason Badejo View Post
Jermyn, how about actually commenting on the point I made. I did not say we are a theocracy, or that a theocracy even exists today. In fact, I don't believe there will ever be another theocracy, until the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

At the same time, we promote (which is exactly what we do by making it as easy as pie for pagans to set up religous shop on our soil) paganism and idolatry when we refuse to stand for the things of God.

You should consider your name sake. Jeremiah the Prophet. He wrote a book that shouldn't be altogether divorced from this discussion.

Who is refusing to stand for the things of God?

What I am standing for is the right of this private citizen to do what he wills with his property IAW the local laws and regualtions of NYC. I am AGAINST the Feds doing anything to nullify this Constitutionally granted right of that American citizen.

Further, I am against other private citizens mobilizing to nullify his Constitutionally granted right.

Today, the Muslim is stymied in his efforts to exercise his Constitutionally protected rights. Tomorrow, the Christian. I won't stand for either one of those situations.

I think what he is attempting to do is unnecessarilly hurtful.

So is waving the Stars and Bars. Many more attrocities were committed and many more people died under that flag. When I see it, it reminds me of racial hatred and violence. It doesn't affect my every day life, but if there was a flag to be burned, it would be that thing!

That same thing that so many seem to take pride in and have an affection for is the thing I find so distasteful about the South and those who wish to justify away the ugliness associated with that thing.
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Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 08-27-2010 at 12:58 PM.
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Old 08-27-2010, 01:09 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: The Mosque Should Be Built!

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Who is refusing to stand for the things of God?

What I am standing for is the right of this private citizen to do what he wills with his property IAW the local laws and regualtions of NYC. I am AGAINST the Feds doing anything to nullify this Constitutionally granted right of that American citizen.

Further, I am against other private citizens mobilizing to nullify his Constitutionally granted right.

Today, the Muslim is stymied in his efforts to exercise his Constitutionally protected rights. Tomorrow, the Christian. I won't stand for either one of those situations.

I think what he is attempting to do is unnecessarilly hurtful.

So is waving the Stars and Bars. Many more attrocities were committed and many more people died under that flag. When I see it, it reminds me of racial hatred and violence. It doesn't affect my every day life, but if there was a flag to be burned, it would be that thing!

That same thing that so many seem to take pride in and have an affection for is the thing I find so distasteful about the South and those who wish to justify away the ugliness associated with that thing.
You are not very patriotic. The Mosques fly the flags of the Muslim countries.
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Old 08-27-2010, 01:33 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: The Mosque Should Be Built!

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
I take back something I said earlier. I had said that there appeared to be no "call to prayer" in this appeal. Seeing and translating this newer version of the Malay fundraising appeal we can read:

"Azan cry from the WTC debris
Islamic Da'wah in the heart of American post 9 / 11"

"Azan" is Malay for the Arabic "Adhan" - the call to prayer. The fundraiser (Imam Rauf) is emphasizing the fact that the Muslim call to prayer will be broadcast "from the WTC debris." This is a tremendously symbolic victory for the mujahedin (those fighting to spread Islam).

In their life times (presumably) bin Laden and his second in command Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri along with the 9/11 plot coordinator Khalid Shaikh Mohammed will actually be able to hear the "adhan" from the very site that they had so famously attacked. AND - that site will be a center for further "calls to join Islam before it's too late" type of appeals.

Pretty cool. Right?

Pel, just wondering if you've ever done a scientific study on the collapse of the World Trade Centers, and building 7. Many scientists have concluded foul play on this day that changed the World. I have Engineers as business associates, and I've discussed this with them, and they totally believe there were “Smoking Guns” on 911.

Building 7 (The Command Center for the Twin Towers), fell to the ground in heap of rubble in less than 10 seconds and wasn't even hit by a plane.

Also, nowhere in history has a steel framed skyscraper collapsed because of fire, the 911 Commissions conclusion as to why the buildings fell, free fall, with virtually no resistance into a pile of dust.

The best film out there dealing with this is, "Press for Truth", done by the Jersey Girls. These 4 women lost their husbands on 911, going before the 911 Commission with no success on getting a "Strait Answer".



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Old 08-27-2010, 01:38 PM
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Re: The Mosque Should Be Built!

Originally Posted by Mr. Smith View Post
But if "The People" don't want it, what difference does it make? They have no power to prevent it outside of legal means.
Nobody said they did anymore than people that protest other things, but they have as much right to voice their opinions that they believe something is right or wrong
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Old 08-27-2010, 01:41 PM
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Re: The Mosque Should Be Built!

Originally Posted by Mr. Smith View Post
Fred Phelps is apples and oranges, here. He has taken direct action that is widely considered indecent. This local mosque, has not. There are plenty of insinuations flying but nothing directly.

You say, "There are 2 kinds of Islam. Political and Religious. The two can't really be separated from each other...". Couldn't the same be said about Christianity? I would say, absolutely, "Yes." And this is my point all along. Whatever judgement is handed out here, will come right back upon Christianity.
no it's not apples and oranges. It's an example of how people have legal rights to build a church and how we have legal rights to protest and make our feelings known

The issue here is not Christianity. That's a logical fallacy. You are trying to divert attention away from my point. If there was a church being protested against being built and there was some reasons like a certain leader and politics of Christianity, then we can discuss that
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  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 08-27-2010, 02:44 PM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: The Mosque Should Be Built!

I suspect you have not read the Quran. If you had then you would read about Abraham, Moses, Noah, Lot, Jesus, and others - the same prophets venerated in your book are venerated in the Quran. There is a whole Surah about Jesus' mother alone.

So, after you read it, come back and speak of miracles or not......

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
That is what we expect after the Muslim terrorists attacked.
They can pray in other Mosques.

Islam has no miracles in the Quran. what is the point of prayer and why can't he hear their prayer other places?
Christians prayed without churches in Haiti.
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Old 08-27-2010, 03:07 PM
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Re: The Mosque Should Be Built!

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
You are not very patriotic. The Mosques fly the flags of the Muslim countries.
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Old 08-27-2010, 03:29 PM
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Re: The Mosque Should Be Built!

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
I suspect you have not read the Quran. If you had then you would read about Abraham, Moses, Noah, Lot, Jesus, and others - the same prophets venerated in your book are venerated in the Quran. There is a whole Surah about Jesus' mother alone.

So, after you read it, come back and speak of miracles or not......
turning the Koran into sausage should be other threads on "Textual Criticism of the Koran" or "Mohammed the tyrant"

Mohammed was a demon possessed narcissist who killed a entire innocent tribe of Jews, had his warriors use them as sex slaves, and sold their children into slavery after they signed a peace treaty with him.




Please don't bring Mohammed into this forum as anything other than a false messiah who twisted Christian and Jewish teachings with his tribes belief in the moon God Hubal who was worshiped in the Kaba along with the rock that Muslims face several times a day in Mecca.


Name-calling is the last resort of an exhausted mind.

When people have the facts, they argue the facts.

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Old 08-27-2010, 03:36 PM
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Re: The Mosque Should Be Built!

Originally Posted by Liberal View Post
I said earlier that if one rejects a project by a particular group because of their religion, race, or gender, one is bigoted. I stand by that.
bigots play the bigot card. One is bigoted if they establish bigot criteria.

From an accounting standpoint, fund raising for terrorist activity is done by very complex electronic transfer.
Muslims like praxes says are a political and religious enterprise.

They are two more enterprises, They are military and criminal. Sheltering fraudulent business transactions and mlitary training is done very carefully.

The Muslims are slick and play the bigot card and the liberals join them. My landlord is a bank with a high rise office buuilding. We have with the patriot act requirements to report cash transactions over 10,000 if cash. Just anothe loophole to get around. Mosques and related enterprises are used to launder money.
If we had a religion that brought in cockfights for fundraising instead of car washes and bake sales, the liberals could do nothing for fear of being politically incorrect. Jesus would be a bigot if he was in NYC.
The strongest weapon of moderno Pharisees is the bigot accusation.

Today is friday.

State-ordered beheadings are performed in courtyards outside crowded mosques in major cities after weekly Friday prayer services
See anything wrong here?
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Old 08-27-2010, 06:40 PM
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Re: The Mosque Should Be Built!

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
no it's not apples and oranges. It's an example of how people have legal rights to build a church and how we have legal rights to protest and make our feelings known

The issue here is not Christianity. That's a logical fallacy. You are trying to divert attention away from my point. If there was a church being protested against being built and there was some reasons like a certain leader and politics of Christianity, then we can discuss that

Sorry, but it IS apples and oranges. You're not gonna see it that way because you need to present it that way in order to have a point. But Phelps doesn't compare to this situation. Phelps is a very polarizing figure and nothing in this Muslim group's history seems polarizing.

I'm not trying to divert attention from your point because you don't seem to have one.
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