Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
.... We know who republicans stand for. Big oil, Big business and Big money. Hypocrites! should be tarred and feathered.
GE (sorry Sam) along with their huge financial business is partly owned by the Federal gov't. GE is the parent company of MSNBC, CNBC and NBC News. Those news agencies are defacto government owned media outlets that shill for their pay masters. When the Shorebank of Chicago (a long time Obama backer) was set to fail last week, GE along with Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street powerhouses went running to their aid.
What prompted all of Wall Street to go running to the aid of a little (and failing!) Chicago bank when so many other banks across the country are failing and NOT getting any help from Wall Street?
Goldman Sachs has had several of their top people people placed in the White House and the Treasury Department. - See this liberal blogger over at the liberal HuffPo for more details.
Obama's people even made the incredible move of hiring a 29 year old Goldman Sachs executive to be the SEC's chief enforcement officer! Right. Hire the kid from Goldman Sachs to enforce our Securities laws? ... and that right on the heels of massive fraud by GS that hasn't even been accounted for?
Clinton's Treasury Secretary was my former "boss" at Citibank (Robert Reich) and another of his treas. Secs was Robert Rubin from... Goldman Sachs. Obama's secretary of the Treasury is also a former Wall Street banker. He spent most of 2007 as Fed Chairman rewriting the regulations for how much capital a bank needed to have on hand to operate.
It was this policy that led directly to the collapse of Leaman Brothers and AIG and the current financial mess we're in.
Almost all of Wall Street is just a huge banker's staffing service for the Democratic Party and Democratic Administrations. The Republicans don't have a major auto insurance giant set up to help fund their candidates, they don't have the BIG MONEY to do that. The Democrats of course have Progressive Insurance.