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Old 05-03-2010, 06:17 PM
PatriciaA PatriciaA is offline
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Re: STARTLING! LARRY BOOKER'S Latest Message!!!(wa

Bro. Larry Booker is one of the greatest preachers and men of God that you will ever have the pleasure to meet. No one that is trying to live a full Christian life should have a T.V. in their home, but if you think about it computer is just as bad. You can fault a man of God preaching or not being a part of what he feels is a threat to the very Christian way of life. Sit down and write the good you see on T.V. & and then the bad. Just in one hour of T.V. you will be surprised as to how long your bad list is. Not to mention that it takes away from prayer time, and sports that has even consumed the minds of Christians during just the Super Bowl. If there is a disagreement with what a preacher believes leave it to God, and pray for what your conviction is on T.V.
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Old 05-03-2010, 06:29 PM
PatriciaA PatriciaA is offline
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Re: STARTLING! LARRY BOOKER'S Latest Message!!!(wa

When outside forces are let into the church it will not stand. I have friends that are members of the UPC, and I haven't heard a lot of good out of the churches lately. They really should change their organization to non-denominational. I was part of the UPC in South Carolina and the church was compromising then. The fact is that you can't talk about or put down a man of God, there are consequences. When you disagree with a man of God, you pray about what it is that you disagree with and let God deal with his child.
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Old 05-03-2010, 08:19 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Re: STARTLING! LARRY BOOKER'S Latest Message!!!(wa

Originally Posted by PatriciaA View Post
Bro. Larry Booker is one of the greatest preachers and men of God that you will ever have the pleasure to meet. No one that is trying to live a full Christian life should have a T.V. in their home, but if you think about it computer is just as bad. You can fault a man of God preaching or not being a part of what he feels is a threat to the very Christian way of life. Sit down and write the good you see on T.V. & and then the bad. Just in one hour of T.V. you will be surprised as to how long your bad list is. Not to mention that it takes away from prayer time, and sports that has even consumed the minds of Christians during just the Super Bowl. If there is a disagreement with what a preacher believes leave it to God, and pray for what your conviction is on T.V.
Why do you assume that eeryone with the Holy Ghost has a conviction against TV?

I don't.

I have a TV. I live by principles. I don't watch things with murder, sex, filthy language, etc. If I'm watching something, and the Holy Ghost pricks me, I turn it off or change the channel.

Imagine that, led by the Spirit.

We don't need a bunch of laws to live by, we need the Spirit of God in our hearts, leading and guiding our lives.
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards

"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship

"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
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Old 05-03-2010, 08:58 PM
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Re: STARTLING! LARRY BOOKER'S Latest Message!!!(wa

Jason Badejo, people that are miseducated about Grace often say things like that what PatriciaA has said....IMO
"If we don't learn to live together we're gonna die alone"
Jack Shephard.
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Old 05-04-2010, 03:49 PM
edjen01 edjen01 is offline
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Re: STARTLING! LARRY BOOKER'S Latest Message!!!(wa

PatriciaA....aren't we all men/women of God? Is this a reference to the O.T. prophets?

JB....when you have a writen manuel...many times the unwriten "Spirit" gets tossed.
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Old 05-04-2010, 03:55 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: STARTLING! LARRY BOOKER'S Latest Message!!!(wa

I have a television and had satalite television. Guess what... I barely ever watched it. lol I don't have a "conviction" against television per se and I'd never condemn someone who watched decent programming. But in all honesty, while experimenting with television I believe the Holy Ghost just kept me busy. lol Today I have a television and cancelled the satalite television... why pay for something you don't watch?
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Old 05-04-2010, 04:29 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: STARTLING! LARRY BOOKER'S Latest Message!!!(wa

I think most, if not all of what we find on TV is in the Bible. Murder, Sex, Abuse, War, Genocide, Lying, and so on. Many feel the Song of Solomon is too graphic for immature readers. I've watched many good movies that had graphic detail, and were rated for mature audiences.

Sometimes over sheltering our perspective in life by avoiding the Arts that display the grim realities on Earth can lead to a very shallow understanding about our Planet by not uncoverving the darkness of Religion, Government, and past Rulers of evil.

One excellent movie my wife and I watched recently was "Bordertown". This was not only an eye opener of what takes place in Mexico, I realized Americans are very naive when shopping for those good prices. Rape, murder, and deep corruption are what bring many things into our homes, via the great deal.

Another movie we saw that is a heart breaker is, Tears of the Sun. This film takes you right into the heart of Africa where guerilla warfare has cancered the jungle where innocent people are slaughtered. I never knew that these men with a "Cause" would go into a village and kill everyone, cutting the breasts off of women with child, which makes the statement of stopping the future generation from surviving.

Our "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" numbness in this Culture is more damaging than trying to abstain from Truth's we can't stomach. We think we do ourselves a favor by closing our eyes to things that may be hard to bear, but knowing what really goes on can change our hearts for the better.

On the other hand, just like anything, the tool of a good program or movie can become nothing but an escape. IMO, Video Games and Internet Pornography are far worse than TV.
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Old 05-04-2010, 04:39 PM
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Re: STARTLING! LARRY BOOKER'S Latest Message!!!(wa

Originally Posted by NotforSale View Post
I think most, if not all of what we find on TV is in the Bible. Murder, Sex, Abuse, War, Genocide, Lying, and so on. Many feel the Song of Solomon is too graphic for immature readers. I've watched many good movies that had graphic detail, and were rated for mature audiences.

Sometimes over sheltering our perspective in life by avoiding the Arts that display the grim realities on Earth can lead to a very shallow understanding about our Planet by not uncoverving the darkness of Religion, Government, and past Rulers of evil.

One excellent movie my wife and I watched recently was "Bordertown". This was not only an eye opener of what takes place in Mexico, I realized Americans are very naive when shopping for those good prices. Rape, murder, and deep corruption are what bring many things into our homes, via the great deal.

Another movie we saw that is a heart breaker is, Tears of the Sun. This film takes you right into the heart of Africa where guerilla warfare has cancered the jungle where innocent people are slaughtered. I never knew that these men with a "Cause" would go into a village and kill everyone, cutting the breasts off of women with child, which makes the statement of stopping the future generation from surviving.

Our "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" numbness in this Culture is more damaging than trying to abstain from Truth's we can't stomach. We think we do ourselves a favor by closing our eyes to things that may be hard to bear, but knowing what really goes on can change our hearts for the better.

On the other hand, just like anything, the tool of a good program or movie can become nothing but an escape. IMO, Video Games and Internet Pornography are far worse than TV.
I agree with you.
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Old 05-04-2010, 04:49 PM
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Re: STARTLING! LARRY BOOKER'S Latest Message!!!(wa

Originally Posted by NotforSale View Post
I think most, if not all of what we find on TV is in the Bible. Murder, Sex, Abuse, War, Genocide, Lying, and so on. Many feel the Song of Solomon is too graphic for immature readers. I've watched many good movies that had graphic detail, and were rated for mature audiences.

What kind of graphic detail??
Today pull up the little weeds,
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Or they will take the reins themselves
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The most deadly sins do not leap upon us, they creep up on us.
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Old 05-04-2010, 04:58 PM
NotforSale NotforSale is offline

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Re: STARTLING! LARRY BOOKER'S Latest Message!!!(wa

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
What kind of graphic detail??

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