Just since we've managed to get so far off the original "End of the World" scenario of the commies sinking a South Korean ship, let's pursue the end times further:
Today, Federal agents raided a group called the "
Hutaree" in three states. This "militia" (that's what they appear to call themselves -
www.hutaree.com) are headquartered in Adrian, MI. I had not heard of this group before. Check out their website. They believe in much of the same "conspiracy theories" that have been thrown around here.
(On a side note - does anyone remember the name of the Oneness guy who broadcast via a pirate radio station from Michigan? I think he was former UPC, but I'm not certain. He used to be a mainstay of the "we're all gonna die unless we hide out in a bunker" crowd. I thought that he was in Adrian, MI as well).
Anyhoo... given that the devil has been so obviously working to bring us all down - at least since the Tower of Babel, and now Esther wants me to believe that he was somehow involved in the Garden of Eden as well... well, shouldn't we be doing something about this malevolent force?
This thought first occurred to me in early 1980, after years of Dispensational study of the Scripture and a rather zealous investigation into the writings of everyone from
William Guy Carr ("The Synagogue of Satan"),
Charles Chiniquy ("50 Years in the Church of Rome"),
Hal Lindsey ("The Late Great Planet Earth") and even a box full of old
Haldeman-Julius Monthly magazines from the 1920's that I had carefully preserved after finding them in the attic of an old house my father was remodeling.
I remember clearly, I was a teenager still at the time, and had just finished up with a season of prayer in the altar, when I was trying to make sense of all of the end-time stuff in careful thought while sitting in a pew. It occurred to me then, shouldn't we as Christians be doing something to prevent the "Antichrist" and the "spirit of the Antichrist" from having such complete control of our world? (Jimmy Carter was still the President, so you can see how I would be asking questions about these things).
Then the thought came to me, we ought to be like the "survivalists" that we read about in the gun magazines! We need to fight!
But... fight who? Jimmy Carter? Nah, he's just a goof. The only folks it seemed to make sense to be fighting at that moment was the Iranians, but even the Marines and the U.S. Army didn't seem up to that task (at the time).
So the thought was put on hold... in fact I didn't really even think about it again until just after April 19, 1995, when I heard Timothy McVeigh's justification for bombing the Murrah Building. I felt a stabbing pain go through my heart. That nimrod was actually using the same thoughts that had crossed my own mind so many years before - and he was using them to justify the murder of innocents!
So, my question is this: Just how seriously do you take this stuff? If you really mean it then you should be arming and doing battle with this "Beast" that your "evidence" has so "clearly identified."
Luke 25:35-37.
Instead, this whole discussion strikes me as just so many people caught up in an exciting fiction - until some nut in the group goes out and blows up a day care center.