Originally Posted by oletime
This president has been looking for a way to stab israel imo and they finally found it, due to an ill advised move ,timing wise by some israeli hardliner underling to their president .To the israelis, i say, please be patient,give us two years and we will get rid of this clown show. AMERICA SCREWED UP BIG TIME,this president is no fan of the jewish people. Hopefully we survive long enough to right our wrong !
I dunno OT. The announcement of the expansion of housing units in Israeli held Jerusalem was a bit of bad PR and probably only served to embarrass Vice President Joe Biden.
But then again, Amtrak Joe weathered the embarrassment of his hair plugs okay and his
failed plastic surgery on the eve of his debate with Sarah Palin (see attached).
And, you've got to remember: The current WH Chief of Staff actually volunteers and serves in the Israeli Defense Forces during emergencies. That would imply some concern for the well being of the Jewish State. See
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-..._b_143976.html James Zogby is an Arab-American. Obama's not going to sell out Israel. He's too concerned about the window dressing to take on any real challenges... except for his socialist domestic agenda. Israel doesn't need to worry, but America should.