Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi
Originally Posted by rgcraig
• Thursday morning featured a special “Apostolic Identity” session with Brent and Rachel Coltharp that not only celebrated and affirmed the Bible basis for our worldview, but also challenged the teens to live it out loud when they returned home.
So, this isn't just a DAII pinned expression - it's being propagated.
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during that session.
Without knowing anything other then that brief description I an probably make a very accurate guess as to what was taught. I HOPE I am wrong and would be overjoyed if I was.
Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi
I have to copy AJ's post from the DKB thread - it's so on target!
Originally Posted by John Atkinson
That is just it, the epistles really didn't hand down any dress codes other than modesty. Most folks wore open toed shoes (sandals) and in Jewish culture only two kinds of men were clean shaven... sodomites and Romans.
Modesty is the standard when it comes to clothing. And with correctly applied biblical principles+Holy Ghost convictions, no-one will have purple hair, piercings or lay on the beach in a speedo or bikini.
I really have no problem with standards applied personally as an outward manifestation of and inward commitment to Jesus. Since we seem to be new to each other and for the benefit of those who do not know me or know me well I fall on the conservative side of the fence and am what this forum's member would call a three stepper. In fact I am probably a bit more on the conservative side than many mainstream UPCI churches.
I agree that having no standards is unrealistic. Everyone has a line, it may be drawn at different places but the line is there.
My only problems with them fall into three areas.
When they are inconsistently taught using inapplicable scriptures or misinterpreted scripture. i.e.
This scripture is incorrectly used as a prohibition against wearing any jewelry. Yet where is the standard which could also be extracted from this on plaiting of hair and apparel? The last UPCI General COnference I went to had all kinds of hairdos and outlandish dresses, but no jewelry of course!
Instead the principle of the verses is simple, don't let the outward be your adorning. So correctly applied biblical principle would dictate that if I wear jewelry (i don't BTW) it won't be the extravagant sort that draw attention to itself and the same would apply to my hair and clothes.
When they are used as a guideline to judge and discard people, whether they be sinner or saint. Despite the old Apostolic title "Fruit Inspector" which I always heard used in conjunction with judging someone's outward appearance, God never commissioned such an office.
When we put someone in hell because they got hair on their face or own a television, I think we stand in danger of the judgment over it, because that is precisely what the Pharisees did and we know how Jesus responded to that... he hasn't changed his mind on that.
When preacher arbitrarily make rules up and demand obedience to their personal likes or dislikes because they are "the man of God" and threatens people with hell if they don't line up.
So there that is, pretty much my view of all that. Jesus' didn't come to make a new religion. And when we place an over emphasis on out ward things and mandate them, that is what we are doing, turning the liberty he called us to into another religion.
The UPCI started on a good course, one steppers and three steppers commited to work together to further the gospel, outward wasn't much of an issue... but somewhere along the way it turned into just another religious denomination.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi
Originally Posted by rgcraig
I agree - - I believe it's the wrong direction to be heading.
Note: I apologize to all those that think since I'm no longer UPC I shouldn't have an opinion on this.
Ironic that you feel the need to apologize for your opinion on your own forum. I understand the pressure that you are under from some, and the reason you feel the need to do so but...
With the freedom out there to form your own group or website, where does this need to control or criticize this one come from? Jealousy, perhaps, because some can't quite match the level of success AFF has attained? I'm just sayin...
Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi
Originally Posted by rgcraig
• Thursday morning featured a special “Apostolic Identity” session with Brent and Rachel Coltharp that not only celebrated and affirmed the Bible basis for our worldview, but also challenged the teens to live it out loud when they returned home.
So, this isn't just a DAII pinned expression - it's being propagated.
You are astute, RG. This campaign is not new, nor a figment of imagination.
The AI campaign is very real and is about to get an upgrade.
Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi
Originally Posted by dizzyde
Ironic that you feel the need to apologize for your opinion on your own forum. I understand the pressure that you are under from some, and the reason you feel the need to do so but...
With the freedom out there to form your own group or website, where does this need to control or criticize this one come from? Jealousy, perhaps, because some can't quite match the level of success AFF has attained? I'm just sayin...
LOL.....just wanna keep the peace!
Many here feel that those of us that are "from" UPC shouldn't be concerned with the goings on, but as many have explained over and over - - we still have close contact with UPC - many are part of our families.
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
PhD in Petulant Tantrum Quelling
Dean of the School of Hard Knocks
Re: Modesty as described by the General Youth Divi
Originally Posted by rgcraig
LOL.....just wanna keep the peace!
Many here feel that those of us that are "from" UPC shouldn't be concerned with the goings on, but as many have explained over and over - - we still have close contact with UPC many are part of our families.
I get it, just think it's ironic... and more than a little controlling. (on their part)