Originally Posted by Ferd
CR we look to be pretty close. now if I can just convert you to being a republican you will be perfect!
I vote Republican, but I don't claim most of the current Republicans in Congress. They're a bunch of spenders who are ~not~ Reagan Republicans. And I have some issues with President Bush. Immigration. Big Government. Spending. Executive Powers.
I'd love for Ron Paul to win the '08 elections . . . but that's just a dream. The current Republican Presidential "contenders" aren't very exciting.
Guiliani is too morally liberal;
Romney is too tied with polls and flip-flops positions too much;
McCain, well I live in his home state and I don't vote for him . . . he's a RINO;
Huckabee, bleh - the last time we elected a guy from Hope, AR things headed south;
Thompson, I really like this guy, but I've heard he's not as conservative as I had thought and heard (I had heard he voted more conservatively than several prominent conservative republicans);
Tancredo, won't make it past the first couple rounds - perceived as a bigot and racist towards immigrants (though he and I share some views on immigration)
I think '08 is the Dems best chance to take back the WH.