Originally Posted by noeticknight
Concerning Bro. Sabin, why did he change his beliefs? What are his current doctrinal values? Thanks.
I'm probably not the best to describe the beliefs of Robert Sabin, and I haven't spoken to him in about +15 years, but my general impression is that his beliefs haven't really changed all that much over the years.
He seemed to take to heart S.G. Norris' "equivocations" on the extreme Three Stepper program and even to have found some comfort in it. Norris ("The Bear") left the gates of heaven open for Trinitarians and for those who had not spoken in tongues nor been baptized in Jesus' name. For all of his denunciations of "greasy grace," The Bear seemed to have a fairly similar soteriology as those he railed against. Thomas Fudge says as much in his book as well.
Recently I was talking to one "old timer" who mentioned how that he remembered the new General Superintendent had, years ago, denounced my own "T.U.L.I.P." doctrines in a meeting where Sabin was also present.
I don't remember being "denounced" at all... and I've never held to Calvin's "Five Points," but the conversation was illuminating because it did provide a glimpse of how I was perceived by someone who didn't particularly care for me. He tended to see the give and take in terms of acrimony and animosity. I saw it as more of a collegial fellowship of "iron on iron." He also tended to exaggerate my position ("greasy grace") and sought to align the UPC leadership with his own motives, at least within his own mind. Self justification seems to have been his aim and if he could use DKB to belittle me, then his fantasies were more lush. DKB actually went out of his way to say some very kind words, and how my staunch Arminianism could be perceived as "T.U.L.I.P." style Five Point Calvinism is beyond me.
In that same meeting, Bob Sabin had spoken in terms that I've heard him speak of today (we were both UPC back then). He was and I believe is still a very ardent believer in Oneness theology and has developed what is perhaps the best and most sophisticated statements on Oneness Christology (he along with Talmadge French, though they each seem to give a different take on it).
Brother Sabin had perhaps subordinated some of his opinions in obedience to our leaders while in the UPC, we all did that. Once free from that self inflicted limitation he has been freer to discussion ideas. I suspect that some folks may play the mental gymnastics with Brother Sabin and others that my "old timer" friend had done with me.
Again, my take on Robert Sabin is certainly a bit dated unfortunately, but that's my take.