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Old 12-23-2009, 01:55 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

I think we like to blast people we're jealous of. We also like to blast people who exemplify our own personal weaknesses. Let's just pray for Tiger and his family.
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Old 12-23-2009, 02:21 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
True. But it took time for David to get to that point. Let's not condemn and judge him "out" yet. It might take a year or two until God's finished dealing with him. All of this isn't over yet.
True. I'm not saying God is done, but in order for God to do anything, the person has to acknowledge wrong done.

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I think we like to blast people we're jealous of. We also like to blast people who exemplify our own personal weaknesses. Let's just pray for Tiger and his family.
I have been hard on him. I'm not jealous of him, honestly never really followed the guy. I'm not into golf. As I stated in a post when this first came out, my critique is from dealing personally with the aftermath of infidelity. It's not out of jealousy or because of personal weakness.

I'm just annoyed with those who seem to excuse Woods' behavior.
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Old 02-18-2010, 11:19 AM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

My family and I are looking forward to the potential return of Tiger. We also hope he continues to keep this a family issue and not fold to those who are demanding he "spill his guts" to the public.

He will be, and is already being, heavily criticized for the way he's controlling the environment surrounding his scheduled public apology tomorrow, but we think it's being managed perfectly and don't believe he should subject himself to the massive, detailed, and intense questioning he would receive it this were an open press conference.

So way to go Tiger! You have many that are cheering for you and your family and look forward to your return!
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Old 02-18-2010, 11:28 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

*yawn* Looks like Cheetah is finally going public.

Who cares. I really don't want to hear from the guy. I'd rather he straightened up his private life and marriage and didn't say anything, rather than doing what he's going to do and that's get in front of cameras with his wife and tell everyone he's sorry. Not for what he did, mind you, but for getting caught.

He won't change. He has the same group of men around him and agent representing him. If he really has changed, he would replace his agent and get rid of the others who helped him cover up the affairs.
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Old 02-18-2010, 11:45 AM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by n david View Post
*yawn* Looks like Cheetah is finally going public.

Who cares. I really don't want to hear from the guy. I'd rather he straightened up his private life and marriage and didn't say anything, rather than doing what he's going to do and that's get in front of cameras with his wife and tell everyone he's sorry. Not for what he did, mind you, but for getting caught.

He won't change. He has the same group of men around him and agent representing him. If he really has changed, he would replace his agent and get rid of the others who helped him cover up the affairs.
Sounds like you'll be disappointed if he does change.

I knew you'd come out from underneath your religious rock even if this thread has been administratively strategically buried in the remotest of forum corners. Your faith and confidence in people is refreshing.

As Bill O'Reilly says, I'll let you have the last word. But as for me and my house, we love Tiger, support him, believe in him, and are thankful for the meaningful role he has played in our lives. His kindness to us, and especially to our sons, during the worst of times will never be forgotten and we will not strike out at him now that his fallibility has been uncovered.

Go Tiger.
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Last edited by notofworks; 02-18-2010 at 11:47 AM.
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Old 02-18-2010, 12:07 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
Sounds like you'll be disappointed if he does change.

I knew you'd come out from underneath your religious rock even if this thread has been administratively strategically buried in the remotest of forum corners. Your faith and confidence in people is refreshing.

As Bill O'Reilly says, I'll let you have the last word. But as for me and my house, we love Tiger, support him, believe in him, and are thankful for the meaningful role he has played in our lives. His kindness to us, and especially to our sons, during the worst of times will never be forgotten and we will not strike out at him now that his fallibility has been uncovered.

Go Tiger.
Oh yah, forgot you and Cheetah are like thisclose. Tight!

No conspiracy as to the "buried" thread. Admin had nothing to do with it. The way it works is people create threads and people respond to threads. And if a thread hasn't been replied to, it moves down the list. The more replies to other threads, or the more threads created ... the further down the list old ones go.

The last response, before today, was back in December ... thus the reason for it being wayyyyyy down the list.

I do have faith and confidence in people who want change and take action to make the change. I'm not the only person to state that for Cheetah to really show he's changed, he needs a change in agent and other people around him that helped him hid his affairs.

Give Cheetah a fist bump for me next time you two hang out.
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Old 02-18-2010, 12:18 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Shhhhh! You're in the Library. (And I think that's what NoW meant. This isn't as active as the Fellowship hall, e.g.)
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Old 02-18-2010, 03:33 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Why couldn't Tiger be restored?

King David, Jimmy Swaggart, and Bill Clinton have been restored, haven't they?
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Old 02-18-2010, 08:47 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Why couldn't Tiger be restored?

King David, Jimmy Swaggart, and Bill Clinton have been restored, haven't they?
Tiger can be if Tiger wants to be. I hope he proves me wrong. But I'm not the only person suggesting that Tiger needs a change of agent and company if he truly wants to change.

These guys helped and facilitated his affairs - they would do so again.

I hope his wife isn't there with him. This is his decision, let him do it alone. She shouldn't be dragged out in front of the cameras, as she's been humiliated enough already.

She should take notes from the ex Mrs Sanford (ex Governor of SC's wife) who made it clear it was her husbands issue to get over and refused to let herself be dragged into his public tv apology. She's doing well without him.
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Old 02-19-2010, 09:02 AM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Oh yah, forgot you and Cheetah are like thisclose. Tight!

No conspiracy as to the "buried" thread. Admin had nothing to do with it. The way it works is people create threads and people respond to threads. And if a thread hasn't been replied to, it moves down the list. The more replies to other threads, or the more threads created ... the further down the list old ones go.

The last response, before today, was back in December ... thus the reason for it being wayyyyyy down the list.

I do have faith and confidence in people who want change and take action to make the change. I'm not the only person to state that for Cheetah to really show he's changed, he needs a change in agent and other people around him that helped him hid his affairs.

Give Cheetah a fist bump for me next time you two hang out.

You're reaching conclusions that seem logical but those conclusions may not necessarily be true. You don't know for a fact that Mark Steinberg or Stevie Williams or others, knew. They may have but they claim they didn't and I choose to believe them. To me, it makes logical sense that they didn't....Stevie, at least. Contrary to popular belief, part of the pro golf sub-culture is, that caddies and golfers don't "hang out" much. Stevie and Tiger are closer than the norm, but for the most part, it's very much a "boss-employee" relationship. It's rare that caddies and golfers stay together long. They are hired and fired on a regular basis.

Steinberg? It makes sense he knew, especially with the revelation of an agreement reached a couple years ago with a magazine. However, Steinberg's job is not to be the moral compass for his client. I don't believe it's reasonable to "clean house" of his circle of influence. There's a difference between them "having knowledge", and "Encouraging his behavior", and there's no way to know if they were encouraging his behavior or merely tolerating it. But it makes logical sense that they were only tolerating it (if Steinberg knew). No agent in his right mind would encourage his client to do what Tiger was doing.

Is Tiger using all this as a "prop" to regain public trust so that he can, once again, be a major endorser and make hundreds of millions? Maybe. But maybe not. It could be that he's serious about transforming. It could be that he's serious about changing his life, and we choose to believe him. Based on what we know, he's a kind yet serious person.

Speaking of "based on what we know"....I know you've made fun of what I've said about our personal connection. That's your right so if you feel the need, knock yourself out. Hopefully, you know from my posting pattern that I don't "name-drop." There are those on AFF that do, one in particular. So if you think I have no connection, again, fine. But because of a particular situation, our family does have a connection and experience with Tiger. And our experience with him, which was more direct in the past and now more indirect, has been extremely pleasant.

As it turns out, he's greatly flawed. You and I both share that character trait with him. Our imperfect humanity unites us all and in the end, we all need to be changed.
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