Originally Posted by Whole Hearted
You are right they claim to be Apostolic but they are not.
This is very accurate.
I must have missed the news where the Almighty stepped off His throne and turned it over to the hands of humanity.
Oh...He didn't do that?!
Glad to know it!!
Thrilled deep down in my inner beings to know that GOD, and GOD ALONE knows the heart and mind of man.
HE knows who is right with Him.
HE knows who will make it in the end.
HE will make the final call, not me...AND not anyone else.
As we have already learned by reading this thread, in particular Mr. Steinway's last post, those that others deem as not being Apostolic believe and obey
Acts 2:38...so where is the riff?!
Because he and others are no longer on board the Mothership?! Hardly seems like evidence to me.
I heard something interesting yesterday regarding the political system...
Back in the day, even senators and congressman of differing views would refer to someone 'across the aisle' as, "My beloved colleague..." or "My friend from Virginia," or wherever.
There was a modicum respect, in the public eye at least...not so today.
Nothing is off limits when it comes to attacking a view...it becomes personal.
When I heard that, I thought about the Church...
Back in the day, brethren of differing views referred to each other as "My brother..."
There was love in the midst of difference, and in the eye of the public, there was respect.
O the tragedy, that we do not see this today.
Where is the love that was displayed in days gone by?!
It saddens me...