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Old 12-08-2009, 01:33 PM
Jeffrey Jeffrey is offline

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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Great golfer, terrible husband.
Thank God for mulligans called grace.

I'll go back to work on being a better husband myself. I mean I could easily pray right now "Got, I'm just thankful that I'm not as much a loser husband as Tiger is." Sounds too close like a scripture in the NT though.
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Old 12-08-2009, 01:38 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by n david View Post
I hope his wife takes the $300 million and kicks him to the curb.

If a man or woman has one affair, work it out. Seek help and try to keep the marriage together. A second affair ... tougher, but better to try and work out and keep the family together.

Ten separate affairs ... not a chance to save anything. The marriage is over because of Woods himself. He's completely (and publicly) humiliated, dishonored and disrespected her. He obviously views the vows he took as a complete joke.

But now he's sorry ... because he got caught. His sorrow and repentence is only there because of being caught. Had that not happened, it would be business as usual. The proof of this is the voicemail that was released where he called one of his *ahem* homewreckers (to be nice; another word or two comes to mind but will not be mentioned) to beg her to remove her name from her voicemail because his wife went thru his phone and got her number.

Had Woods truely been sorry, that would not have happened. It did, he isn't and the list will likely only get bigger.

His wife should have her and the kids checked for an STD, especially since one of the homewreckers is a porn star.

Disgusting. Woods may be a good golfer, but nothing else. I hope his sponsors change their minds and dump him. He's not a role model for a company or product.

Yes, let's all get stones in our hands and start throwing!! Him him hard!! Make it hurt! He deserves it, right?
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Old 12-08-2009, 03:04 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
Yes, let's all get stones in our hands and start throwing!! Him him hard!! Make it hurt! He deserves it, right?
Have you experienced or had to live with the aftermath of an affair?

In regards to marriage, he deserves losing his wife and $300 million. He made the choice every time, and who knows how many times for how long with each of the 10.

In regards to business, he deserves to lose his sponsorships and money as role model for these companies.

In regards to personal and spiritual matters, should he seek help and is truely repentant, he's deserving of the grace and mercy of God.
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Old 12-08-2009, 03:07 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

You get to go first! You can him him hard!!
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Old 12-08-2009, 03:14 PM
Jeffrey Jeffrey is offline

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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Have you experienced or had to live with the aftermath of an affair?

In regards to marriage, he deserves losing his wife and $300 million. He made the choice every time, and who knows how many times for how long with each of the 10.

In regards to business, he deserves to lose his sponsorships and money as role model for these companies.

In regards to personal and spiritual matters, should he seek help and is truely repentant, he's deserving of the grace and mercy of God.
What do you deserve?

Are you claiming these 10 women as a fact? Judge, jury and executionary aren't you.

Amazing that you are in a position to mete out justice. Sure, I'll agree, any man who has an affair deserves to lose his family. I just pray that doesn't have to happen. If it does, she has every right under the law (both God's and ours). As a Christian, I think I can be more productive pointing out my own shortcomings, rather than actually getting emotionally involved in delivering justice to Tiger Woods.
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Old 12-08-2009, 03:37 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
You get to go first! You can him him hard!!

Well, I was going to and then this guy said, "Let him that is without........." so I stopped.
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Old 12-08-2009, 03:38 PM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by Jeffrey View Post
What do you deserve?

Are you claiming these 10 women as a fact? Judge, jury and executionary aren't you.

Amazing that you are in a position to mete out justice. Sure, I'll agree, any man who has an affair deserves to lose his family. I just pray that doesn't have to happen. If it does, she has every right under the law (both God's and ours). As a Christian, I think I can be more productive pointing out my own shortcomings, rather than actually getting emotionally involved in delivering justice to Tiger Woods.
I'll bow out of the discussion with this ... until you've personally had to live and deal with the aftermath of infidelity, you can talk with a more-righteous-than-you attitude ... but it means absolutely nothing.

I don't claim the 10 as fact. Were anyone to ask, I'd submit that a few, if not several of them, are probably lying as a sick way to get attention and their "15 minutes of fame."

I'm not meting out justice. I'm just giving my opinion. You gave yours, I'm giving mine. You don't like it, fine. But don't try to get all righteous and holier than thou with me because my opinion is different than yours. You've lived your life, I've lived mine and because of that, we've arrived at different opinions.

Good day.
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Old 12-08-2009, 03:40 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by n david View Post
Have you experienced or had to live with the aftermath of an affair?

In regards to marriage, he deserves losing his wife and $300 million. He made the choice every time, and who knows how many times for how long with each of the 10.

In regards to business, he deserves to lose his sponsorships and money as role model for these companies.

In regards to personal and spiritual matters, should he seek help and is truely repentant, he's deserving of the grace and mercy of God.

1) It doesn't matter what I've experienced. We've all experienced sin;
2) Yes, he deserves to lose everything. You and I deserve a lot of things that we won't be receiving through the grace of God.
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Old 12-08-2009, 03:44 PM
Jeffrey Jeffrey is offline

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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by n david View Post
I'll bow out of the discussion with this ... until you've personally had to live and deal with the aftermath of infidelity, you can talk with a more-righteous-than-you attitude ... but it means absolutely nothing.

I don't claim the 10 as fact. Were anyone to ask, I'd submit that a few, if not several of them, are probably lying as a sick way to get attention and their "15 minutes of fame."

I'm not meting out justice. I'm just giving my opinion. You gave yours, I'm giving mine. You don't like it, fine. But don't try to get all righteous and holier than thou with me because my opinion is different than yours. You've lived your life, I've lived mine and because of that, we've arrived at different opinions.

Good day.
Apparently your still seeing the world through this hurt.

Please make no assumptions that my life has not been affected by infidelity. Quite the opposite. This wasn't a matter of opinion, as if "tiger is right or wrong" but a gauge of the venom you had toward him to "make sure he gets what he deserves." Yes, at the end of the day, it's just my opinion weighted against yours. I'd say I have stronger support in this situation than my opinion, but you'd accuse me of being "righteous."

I'm no more righteous than you, and that's probably why I'm slow to throw stones at Tiger. What he did was absolutely wrong. Now let's get out of his glass house, and install some mirrors on the walls of our own home.
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Old 12-08-2009, 03:52 PM
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Re: Tiger Woods Update Thread

Originally Posted by Jeffrey View Post
Apparently your still seeing the world through this hurt.

Please make no assumptions that my life has not been affected by infidelity. Quite the opposite. This wasn't a matter of opinion, as if "tiger is right or wrong" but a gauge of the venom you had toward him to "make sure he gets what he deserves." Yes, at the end of the day, it's just my opinion weighted against yours. I'd say I have stronger support in this situation than my opinion, but you'd accuse me of being "righteous."

I'm no more righteous than you, and that's probably why I'm slow to throw stones at Tiger. What he did was absolutely wrong. Now let's get out of his glass house, and install some mirrors on the walls of our own home.
My dear Jeffrey, I have fought with you more times than I can count, but I just stood up in my office and gave you a standing ovation. I will be quoting you on that last sentence this coming Sunday. Wow.
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