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Old 11-30-2009, 08:36 PM
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Re: Dear AFF,

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
1. Your original premise was that the framers of the Constitution weren't political. They were.

2. Please let me know just which president had about the same level of credentials as Obama. Remember, Washington led an army before he led the nation.
Correct, I did. I was speaking of political experience within the framework of the United States of America.

And part two....I just don't give a hoot about it. How much political experience did Ronald Reagan have when he was elected governor of California.

And I need to answer your long email. There are some noteworthy things said there I'd love to address.
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Old 11-30-2009, 09:27 PM
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Re: Dear AFF,

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
Correct, I did. I was speaking of political experience within the framework of the United States of America.

And part two....I just don't give a hoot about it. How much political experience did Ronald Reagan have when he was elected governor of California.

And I need to answer your long email. There are some noteworthy things said there I'd love to address.
What? The issue is what kind of experience does someone bring to the presidency. Being a governor of California is indicative of one's ability to lead and govern. Being a senator for a couple of terms is indicative of one's ability to work with others and influence legislation. Both venues give the American people insight into the kind of leader the politician might be if elected president.

Obama could claim neither venue nor was he a decorated war hero who had fearlessly lead the troops in combat.

The bottom line is that Obama should have been laughed out of the primaries. Sadly he wasn't.

email? Don't bother addressing the American Thinker article. The greatest harm of the Obama presidency around the world is yet to come.
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Old 11-30-2009, 09:34 PM
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Re: Dear AFF,

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
What? The issue is what kind of experience does someone bring to the presidency. Being a governor of California is indicative of one's ability to lead and govern. Being a senator for a couple of terms is indicative of one's ability to work with others and influence legislation. Both venues give the American people insight into the kind of leader the politician might be if elected president.

Obama could claim neither venue nor was he a decorated war hero who had fearlessly lead the troops in combat.

The bottom line is that Obama should have been laughed out of the primaries. Sadly he wasn't.

email? Don't bother addressing the American Thinker article. The greatest harm of the Obama presidency around the world is yet to come.

Did you even read what I wrote? I'm asking what qualified RR to be the governor of California? Yet, he did very well as the governor. I really don't care about someone's experience. Palin's experience was pretty limited too but I didn't really care about that. And it became incredibly clear that she was extremely limited in her knowledge of serious issues. I'll tell you this....Obama was much better with the subject matter than Palin.
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Old 12-01-2009, 07:23 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Holiday Wishes for Obama

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
WHAT????? Perverted? Are you completely off your rocker?
A prayer for gay rights and pro-choice ... yes, I'd say it's perverted. Of course, I'm not surprised you would like it.
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Old 12-01-2009, 07:29 AM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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Re: Holiday Wishes for Obama

I wish Santa would leave a giftwrapped impeachement right under his tree...

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Old 12-01-2009, 07:38 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Holiday Wishes for Obama

Originally Posted by John Atkinson View Post
I wish Santa would leave a giftwrapped impeachement right under his tree...

My Holiday Wish for BHO ... a conservative landslide in the 2010 elections, starting with Reid and Pelosi getting the boot.
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Old 12-01-2009, 08:02 AM
John Atkinson John Atkinson is offline

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Re: Holiday Wishes for Obama

Originally Posted by n david View Post

My Holiday Wish for BHO ... a conservative landslide in the 2010 elections, starting with Reid and Pelosi getting the boot.
That would really be nice, the only thing better than seeing Nancy and Harry led away in chains would be seeing Nancy and Harry getting on the bus to go home permanently.

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Old 12-01-2009, 09:06 AM
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Re: Holiday Wishes for Obama

Originally Posted by n david View Post
A prayer for gay rights and pro-choice ... yes, I'd say it's perverted. Of course, I'm not surprised you would like it.
I'm seriously starting to suspect that you are intentionally being whacko to prove a point. You ignore SO many obvious absolute facts that I'm getting suspicious. Like yesterday, you did it again and you've done it before several times...you just blatantly misquote me and then make a point with the misquote. And the NLT/paraphrase thing. And denying the existence of internet"dirt" on other AI contestants, and if I dig, I could probably find more complete denials of fact. It just doesn't add up.

How in this great big world can you say that Aquila prayed a prayer FOR gay rights and abortion???? Do you misplace your reading glasses often or just enjoy twisting, or.....I don't know. What's the deal?
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Old 12-01-2009, 09:33 AM
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Re: Dear AFF,

Originally Posted by Newman View Post

1. Approximately 8% of black Americans are not enthralled with the president.

Which backs up exactly what I said. He is greatly beloved by the African-American community and for them, is great progress for the fulfillment of "The Dream." And their viewpoint should be considered, acknowledged, and respected.

2. I first got a clue about what Obama stood for when I read an article by Thomas Sowell, a black economist. He pleaded with America to look under the wrapper and not be dazzled by skin color. He said Obama had nothing to offer but an old failed message. He thought, one day, there would be a black man as president, but he was adamant that Obama was the wrong man. He admonished us to remember that the wrapper wasn't as important as the contents.

And there are many caucasian columnist who didn't want Sen. McCain. Why does it matter that Sowell is African-American? If you want to do a racial thing, we could point the a great, great pastor in the suburbs of Houston, Kirbyjon Caldwell, who started www.jamesdobsondoesntspeakforme.com (since taken down) in which he greatly supported Obama.

3. I don't deny that Obama was elected because of his appeal and charisma. But I do recognize that that wasn't enough to get him through the primaries with his paper thin resume had he not been black and backed by others who were clearing the playing field for him (a coalition of POWER BROKERS who wanted to fundamentally change America).

Sounds like Rush Limbaugh on ESPN again. It's laughable, really, to suggest the African-Americans have an advantage in America. You need to read "Black Like Me" by John Howard Griffin". Although written in the 60's, its principles are still, largely, alive and well today. Obama's "paper-thin resume" is similar to Ronald Reagan's "paper-thin resume."

4. You better believe he was elected because of his potential. But potential to do what?

Every president is elected for his potential. Has to be. No president that's elected to replace someone is ever elected because of his presidential experience, with the exception of Grover Cleveland. Much of the pro-Obama vote was really anti-republican vote, which I think is a poor reason to vote for someone. But Obama's election immediately gave us much better standing in the international community. Of course, it's up to him to maintain that.

5. Obama's world view was shaped in his childhood by a mother who was an Atheist and father figures who were Communist. His education continued in the sewer swamp of Chicago politics under the special care and guidance of radicals. Most Americans pulling the lever for Obama on election day did not fully understand this although the media made sure that we knew everything there was to know about Sarah Palin's pregnant daughter and Joe the plumber's taxes.

Seems to me like there was plenty about Obama's associations from the past. It was spattered all over the place. I won't deny for a minute there is a double standard in the media, but the information was out there. I'm not a Limbaugh, Fox News, conservative newsletter-type guy, but I heard plenty about it. And there isn't a candidate these days that doesn't have gobs of internet dirt on them.

6. I stand by my original post in saying that Obama was not the fullfilment of Martin Luther King's dream. The content of his character took a back seat to skin color. (Are you aware of the many character and association issues out there)?

And I stand by my original statement. And I never said that Obama's election was the "fulfillment of Dr. King's dream." And I strongly disagree with the notion because he's black. But if that is true? Well, it's about time. America has a long history of people being chosen because they're white. It would take the next two hundred-plus years of choosing people because they're African-American to even the score.

7. I understand Black Americans being happy that a black man became president [despite his character] but I believe a legitimate black presidency could have happened 8 years earlier had Colin Powell decided to run for office. And that would have been the fullfillment of Dr. King's dream.
Colin Powell? Are you speaking of the Colin Powell that endorsed Barak Obama for president? Pretty sure it's the same guy. Interesting how an Obama supporter would be the fulfillment of the dream, but Obama isn't. Hmmm......
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Old 12-01-2009, 09:35 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Holiday Wishes for Obama

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
I'm seriously starting to suspect that you are intentionally being whacko to prove a point. You ignore SO many obvious absolute facts that I'm getting suspicious. Like yesterday, you did it again and you've done it before several times...you just blatantly misquote me and then make a point with the misquote. And the NLT/paraphrase thing. And denying the existence of internet"dirt" on other AI contestants, and if I dig, I could probably find more complete denials of fact. It just doesn't add up.
I corrected the "excrement" statement. It wasn't blatant, it was unintentional and was corrected immediately when I saw the error.

The NLT/paraphrase thing is your problem. I posted a link directly to the NLT website which states they used paraphrase with the new bible. Don't complain to me about what their website says, write them. You want me to get their contact info for you?

Your "dirt" on Danny -- some dumb letter written by an "annonymous" person who spends most of the letter bashing Danny's church and all of one paragraph, or 3 sentences, complaining about Danny's leadership. Oh, and yah there was one very, very brief mention that he flirted with the girls on the worship team.

When I pointed this out you suddenly developed the urge to retract your statments and not want to go further with it.

As for Kris, you make a baseless statement on some allegation. No source, no proof, nothing.

If anything doesn't add up, it's these baseless accusations against Danny and Kris, which you even admitted to bringing up as a way to deflect criticism of your mancrush Adam Lambert ... then you stated regret for doing so.

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
I found one that I hadn't seen before and it's from a former church member. I'll send it to you by PM. I'm not gonna post it. If you wanna find more, you can dig yourself. It's been all over the internet. In retrospect, I wish I hadn't said anything. I was attempting to make a point that Adam wasn't the only one with rumored moral issues and in the process, I mentioned Danny's rumors. I regret that.

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
I did some more looking even though I said I wouldn't and found more stuff, but I'm gonna just back out at this point. I'll retract.

In the attempt to make a point in Adam's defense, I referenced rumors about Danny. "Never tear someone else down to build someone up." I broke that principle. And the truth is, I really don't care if the stuff about Danny is true and the same is true with Adam.

I'm just tired of Adam's name being drug through the mud. The truth is, we really don't know any of these people. Serial killers have been on church boards, so what do we really know about anyone. So I just like to listen to them and enjoy them.

Adam can be anything he wants to be as well as Danny. There was even dirt on Kris cooperating with the show to suppress TV time for his wife in order to get the teeny-girl vote. It all gets ridiculous.

So if you're not satisfied with what you see on the internet, that's fine. I'm wrong. I retract.

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
How in this great big world can you say that Aquila prayed a prayer FOR gay rights and abortion???? Do you misplace your reading glasses often or just enjoy twisting, or.....I don't know. What's the deal?
Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Heavenly Father,

I pray for our president Obama. I know that he supports equal representation and rights under the law that allows gays to marry. I pray that his intentions are pure and in favor of freedom, even if it be freedoms I disagree with. I pray that those who take this freedom find happiness, but ultimately I pray they find you.
I know that he supports equal representation and rights under the law that allows gays to marry.
Pretty straight forward ...

I pray that his intentions are pure and in favor of freedom, even if it be freedoms I disagree with.
Intentions to support gay rights and marriage. There is an added "even if it be freedoms I disagree with."

I pray that those who take this freedom find happiness, but ultimately I pray they find you.
Here's the kicker. Praying those who do have gay rights and marriage are happy and "find You [God]."

It's a gay friendly prayer. No mention of right or wrong. Very ambiguous, politically correct.

Father, I know Obama believes that a woman's body isn't property of the United States Government and that a woman should have a right to choose.
Right to choose? Not the property of the US Gov't, sure. But she does belong to God. The choice was made before the moment of conception, when she committed the act. After that, it's no longer a choice.

I pray that his motives are pure and truly are concerned with the rights and welfare of women. I also pray that those who he empowers choose life.
It ends on a nice note, prayer that they choose life. But it's still a morally ambiguous prayer that says nothing of right and wrong, and even states emphatically that the woman should have a right to choose.

I stand by my analysis. I didn't twist or misquote. It's there. At best it's a politically correct, morally ambiguous prayer. No right or wrong. It's okay as long as the intention is pure.

Makes me want to

Last edited by n david; 12-01-2009 at 09:41 AM.
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