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Old 11-17-2009, 02:58 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Bristol was home taking care of her baby and going to school!
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Old 11-17-2009, 02:58 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
I heard that, and I paid attention to every word of the interview. I didn't even have my laptop with me, because I didn't want to be distracted. It didn't come across as an honest rendition of what happened, even though I want to believe her, and it may very well be true.
I personally believe you viewed the interview through the eyes of those looking for fault and not listening to what she was really saying.

Sure--and I agree with that point. You're not really reading my posts, PO. Taken as just WORDS, her responses are sometimes good; however, attitude, tone, wordING, gestures, etc., all play into public impression, and some people have it and some people don't. So far, it appears to me that SP does NOT have good interview skills, and she demonstrated that again yesterday.

I didn't say that I disagreed with everything she said. LOL!!! But she still came ACROSS as avoiding questions and being disingenuous, and I don't appreciate that. Further, and more importantly, that will just give her critics more material to work with.
No she didn't.

She came out with this purpose, which she stated - I KNOW the truth! No matter what anyone has said or will say - I know the truth!

Of COURSE Couric had an agenda, and of COURSE it was a rude, condescending question. Palin knew the interview was going to be tough, and apparently she didn't get really good advice on how to handle stupid questions.
You know what? I have no idea how I would have handled Couric myself. Normally, when people annoy me, I just turn around and walk off. My husband will just look at you and not answer you. LOL!

I NEVER said she was stupid. Not once. But she may NOT be a good choice for PRESIDENT, because that requires, at the very least, diplomacy.
I'm not looking for her to run for President at this point. The damage done in the media is horrendous and will take some work on her part to fix it. Time will tell.

Her speeches during the campaign, and her debate with Biden were well done; if she could carry that congeniality into live interviews, it would make me HAPPY!
That is why I questioned what was going on with the McCain campaign. I didn't see why she wasn't holding the momentum. She had it and was very capable. I can only suspect that she was being torn in a million pieces and directions not being able to overcome. It was a hard deal. Just makes you wonder why they wanted to put her down so badly. Why was that sooooo important?

I was NOT happy with yesterday's interview, and I watched, understood and absorbed every moment of it. I'm not posting an uninformed opinion--I saw the WHOLE thing. I am also not a stupid woman by any means, and it wasn't just her words that mattered. It was the whole picture. I'll give her two brownie points--she looked pretty (as usual), and she brought her daughters along for the event.
I don't think you really did absorb it, Bratti. A lot of depth going on there that you seemed to have missed. It was an important interview and she carried herself well. She didn't cower to Oprah. She wasn't intimidated by the Lady of the Talkshow. She carried herself well, yesterday. I can only see her doing better as time develops.

She didn't say she wasn't doing a talk show, when asked. Frankly, I don't know, at this point, what could work for her. Speaking is a good start, but I can't quite see her doing the Huckabee or Scarborough thing.

Which reminds me of another thought I had--and maybe Bristol didn't want to--but I thought, why not let BRISTOL answer questions about how she felt during the campaign about the media attention? It sounded weird for Palin to relate Bristol's feelings when she was right there in the room. Also, Palin relates conversations from a "summed up" perspective of the communication, rather than sharing the actual words--again, this adds to the impression of being a little less than straight forward.
That was up to Oprah and her show on whether they wanted to speak to Bristol. I guess that would have been Willow. I know that Barbara Walters spoke with both of them.

Lord, you are long-winded!!!

Last edited by Pressing-On; 11-17-2009 at 03:02 PM.
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Old 11-17-2009, 03:00 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
So you're alright with mothers who don't stay home and take care of their children?
If both parents are able to work it out - Yes.
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Old 11-17-2009, 03:01 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

I think the answers were canned and we'll hear the same thing over and over as she's on other shows and interviews. Nothing original - - I think that's what Miss B was looking for. Stop reading the 3 x 5 cards.
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Old 11-17-2009, 03:02 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

I think the only "off the cuff" answer was the Thanksgiving one!
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Old 11-17-2009, 03:03 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
I think the answers were canned and we'll hear the same thing over and over as she's on other shows and interviews. Nothing original - - I think that's what Miss B was looking for. Stop reading the 3 x 5 cards.
Goodness - What in the world was so canned about what Palin said yesterday? LOL! Sorry, I didn't see that at all!
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Old 11-17-2009, 03:04 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
I think the only "off the cuff" answer was the Thanksgiving one!
Not agreeing with you!

Ricky Hollywood was good!
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Old 11-17-2009, 03:05 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by Jeffrey View Post
MB, I don't think she'll EVER be a great major political player. The buzz was short-lived. She can't articulate conservative ideology. She repeats phrases, but I doubt she can explain further. Her interview with Oprah was not much different than her interviews on the campaign trail -- not very helpful to her.

I'm glad she's a conservative. I'm glad she's an attractive hockey mom. But she's not a pony to ride on for the big stage.
I am afraid that most conservatives feel the way you do. I personally think it would be a mistake to put her in again as the presidential or VP candidate. I think she has a voice in politics just not at that level.
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Old 11-17-2009, 03:05 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Goodness - What in the world was so canned about what Palin said yesterday? LOL! Sorry, I didn't see that at all!
Maybe it's the way she presents them........

I will say that I was expecting Oprah to give her a hard time and she really didn't. Matter of fact, she quoted a couple places in her book and said she really liked them. I thought she was very fair with her.
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Old 11-17-2009, 03:06 PM
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Re: Sarah Palin on Oprah--My Take

She babbles nonsensically.

She uses the word "American" way too much.

She stepped away from her role as governor to pursue celebrity and cold, hard, cash.

I never thought it possible, but the GOP has found an even worse communicator than GW Bush.

No serious Republican would consider her for President.

Sarah Palin? Really?

There are several candidates far more qualified than her.
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