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Old 11-16-2009, 08:08 PM
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Re: Contemporary Christian Music

Jermyn, have you watched any of the Truth Behind HipHop series? There are some pretty interesting things he points out about the Hip Hop movement. Of course, he focuses on Hip Hop because that is his audience and forte, but I would apply quite a bit of the same concepts to many other genres.
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Old 11-16-2009, 08:17 PM
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Re: Contemporary Christian Music

Sad, ain't it?
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Old 11-16-2009, 09:04 PM
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Re: Contemporary Christian Music

Alternative-ish Christian music was a major influence over me in a good way. Daniel Amos, 77s, and Steve Taylor had some great songs with powerful lyrics. Love that stuff.
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Old 11-16-2009, 09:09 PM
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Re: Contemporary Christian Music

Example of good sanctified Christian music.

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Old 11-16-2009, 09:27 PM
holinesspk holinesspk is offline

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Re: Contemporary Christian Music

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
Is a genre of music that is in fact of the world, but with strong Christian lyrics.

If this is not true, how would you describe it?

Would you label Audio Adrenaline as Christian Rock or Contemporary Christian Music? One or the other or both?
Neither actually. Take the word "Christian" off because it isnt. And by the way, no, those of us who are still against this so-called "christian" music, are not dying off. We are alive and well. There is plenty of music of there without listening to "christian rock, rap, jazz, techno, etc". And I know this to be true, because my brother and I have been collecting christian music for a long time. We probably have the largest music collection in our church. I think that last count we had around 38,000 songs. We are pretty close to needing some more terabytes of storage for our computers. lol.

I can tell you right now that what we have is indeed christian, it isnt rock, rap or techno, or whatever else they like to claim is christian. It truely is.

DC Talk?

Point of Grace?
Nope and nope.

Are there other Holy Ghost filled Apostolics who have a conviction AGAINST CCM?

Christian Rock?

Christian Rap?

Christian Jazz?
Yes indeed. Christian music is different than wordly music, you should be able to see a difference, just like our lives should show. Christian music should glorify the Lord and not mimick the world IMO. So yes there are other apostolics who are still against all that.

There are some well meaning relatively new members of my church who lately have been RELENTLESS in trying to get me to see the error of my ways in listening to Christian Rap.

However, I am trying to choose my words wisely with these folks because I really don't want to say or do something to cause them to stumble or to doubt the work that God is doing and the direction God is taking them in their lives.

Maybe I should be convicted about Christian Rap, but I lump THIS GENRE OF MUSIC in the same category as CCM.

Am I misguided?
Personally I view that music as ungodly, but let the Lord guide you there, not a bunch of goofy screen names on Apostate Fiends Forum. lol....

You may hit a different conclusion than all those brought up on here, I dunno. I doubt it, but just make sure to not let everyones opinions on here make that decision for you. Get your nose in the Word, and let the Lord guide you there.
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Old 11-16-2009, 09:31 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Contemporary Christian Music

Originally Posted by holinesspk View Post
Neither actually. Take the word "Christian" off because it isnt. And by the way, no, those of us who are still against this so-called "christian" music, are not dying off. We are alive and well. There is plenty of music of there without listening to "christian rock, rap, jazz, techno, etc". And I know this to be true, because my brother and I have been collecting christian music for a long time. We probably have the largest music collection in our church. I think that last count we had around 38,000 songs. We are pretty close to needing some more terabytes of storage for our computers. lol.

I can tell you right now that what we have is indeed christian, it isnt rock, rap or techno, or whatever else they like to claim is christian. It truely is.

Nope and nope.

Yes indeed. Christian music is different than wordly music, you should be able to see a difference, just like our lives should show. Christian music should glorify the Lord and not mimick the world IMO. So yes there are other apostolics who are still against all that.

Personally I view that music as ungodly, but let the Lord guide you there, not a bunch of goofy screen names on Apostate Fiends Forum. lol....

You may hit a different conclusion than all those brought up on here, I dunno. I doubt it, but just make sure to not let everyones opinions on here make that decision for you. Get your nose in the Word, and let the Lord guide you there.
You just proclaimed Christian rock, rap, jaz, and techno as ungodly.... While I cannot STAND rap or hip hop as a style, I have to ask why -and far far more importantly, what WOULD good Christian music be? As a style that is.

(Please don't say 'Southern Gospel' because that is the same as bringing out the old "appearence of age" argument on a young Earth/old Earth thread.)
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Old 11-16-2009, 09:32 PM
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Re: Contemporary Christian Music

Originally Posted by holinesspk View Post
. . .
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Old 11-16-2009, 10:07 PM
holinesspk holinesspk is offline

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Re: Contemporary Christian Music

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
You just proclaimed Christian rock, rap, jaz, and techno as ungodly.... While I cannot STAND rap or hip hop as a style, I have to ask why -and far far more importantly, what WOULD good Christian music be? As a style that is.

(Please don't say 'Southern Gospel' because that is the same as bringing out the old "appearence of age" argument on a young Earth/old Earth thread.)
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You know honestly I dont add all southern gospel, or black gospel or contemporary or anything into "christian". Some is, and some isnt. What genres are in my music collection? Oh goodness, lots. You could go fom Don Moen and Bob Fitts, to those horrid groups as mentioned above (lol), to Mississippi Mass Choir, to Jackson Masss Choir, to Mahalia Jackson, to Walt Mills, to Byron Cage, to SOME IBC (not all *shudder*), to Mark Condon, etc. I am more concerned with the music itself usually than who sings.

I have a filter for the music that goes into my collection. If somewhere along the way, this music gets stopped by a question in my personal filter, its thrown out. Here is my filter for music.

1. Is it mimicking the world?

2. Does it sound like the world?

2A. If the lyrics were taken away, could you tell if it was christian or not?

3. Who or what does it glorify?

4. Do the singers try to act like the world?

5. Do the singers make me cringe by their appearance and look like black sabbath or something?

6. Is the music pure?

7. Is the music straightforward (i.e. no hidden messaging)?

8. **Here is a personal one. Do the guy singers sound gay? LOL! (If they do, out the window it goes. UGH!)

9. Can I pray with this music playing?

10. More importantly can I break through to the Holy Ghost with this music playing?

11. Deep down, would I be embarrased and kinda turn down this music if the Lord walked in as it was playing?

12. Does this group playing the song also play worldly songs?

13. Does the message of the song bring praise to the Lord?

14. Does the music pump up my flesh with a beat or my soul with praise?

15. Does this music portray a message contrary to the doctrine I know to be true or the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

16. What is the background of the singer or group and does it bring glory to the Lord or not?

17. Does this song or CD or whatever pass the Philippians 4:8 test?

And that gives you an idea. That may not be all of my personal guidelines for music, but it is the general idea. Music is powerful and as such we need to have protections in place when dealing with music.

Look who first used music, who probably understands the power in music more than anyone else in the universe under the Lord Himself. Thats right, satan. The former leader of worship in Heaven. The angel who apparently had built in musical instruments. I would say that satan understands music and how to use it for his benefit. Thats why I am so careful about music. The Deciever uses music as a weapon against the people of God and as such we need to be careful of music because music is power.

Last edited by holinesspk; 11-16-2009 at 10:10 PM.
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Old 11-17-2009, 12:02 AM
NewWine NewWine is offline
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Re: Contemporary Christian Music

A-men I say to your list Holinessspk; I particularly like questions 3, 9, 10, and 11. Thank you for sharing that

I enjoy must and once had tons of music. But, I went through a time of spiritual house cleaning if you will; and I smashed tons of CDs. Some I had purchased just because I like one single song on the CD. I thought to myself, while only 1:12 songs is okay to listen to my money just supported 11 songs that are not okay to listen to. This may sound off-topic, but I believe that it has a lot to do with the topic of this thread/discussion. How many "Christian" singers say the name of Jesus in a song? How many "Christian" singers sing about the power in the name of Jesus? What about the blood? Now, I was listening to something some time ago and the person speaking made a statement was in answering the following question: What makes a song gospel? Their answer was that if it doesn't didn't mention the name or the blood it wasn't gospel.

There are some beats to music that I do not find appropriate for a Christian to listen to. I absolutely cringe when I hear "heavy-metal" and it is supposed to be a song that is uplifting God. That genre of music did not come from God, yet, some think it's okay. I would guesstimate that over 40% of the music a person bops to; is not because they are listening to the lyrics, but because the music (instruments) have evoked an emotion within them. I say ask yourself the question: What feelings do you have when listening to a song? How does your state of mind change?

For example: I love classical music, and was trained in classical violin. However, there are some classical songs that can take you from a happy state to a down right depression mood. Music is powerful and one must allow the Holy Ghost to lead and guide them or we can find ourselves taking in things that we are not even conscious of.
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Old 11-17-2009, 12:18 AM
deadeye deadeye is offline

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Re: Contemporary Christian Music

Originally Posted by NewWine View Post
A-men I say to your list Holinessspk; I particularly like questions 3, 9, 10, and 11. Thank you for sharing that

I enjoy must and once had tons of music. But, I went through a time of spiritual house cleaning if you will; and I smashed tons of CDs. Some I had purchased just because I like one single song on the CD. I thought to myself, while only 1:12 songs is okay to listen to my money just supported 11 songs that are not okay to listen to. This may sound off-topic, but I believe that it has a lot to do with the topic of this thread/discussion. How many "Christian" singers say the name of Jesus in a song? How many "Christian" singers sing about the power in the name of Jesus? What about the blood? Now, I was listening to something some time ago and the person speaking made a statement was in answering the following question: What makes a song gospel? Their answer was that if it doesn't didn't mention the name or the blood it wasn't gospel.

There are some beats to music that I do not find appropriate for a Christian to listen to. I absolutely cringe when I hear "heavy-metal" and it is supposed to be a song that is uplifting God. That genre of music did not come from God, yet, some think it's okay. I would guesstimate that over 40% of the music a person bops to; is not because they are listening to the lyrics, but because the music (instruments) have evoked an emotion within them. I say ask yourself the question: What feelings do you have when listening to a song? How does your state of mind change?

For example: I love classical music, and was trained in classical violin. However, there are some classical songs that can take you from a happy state to a down right depression mood. Music is powerful and one must allow the Holy Ghost to lead and guide them or we can find ourselves taking in things that we are not even conscious of.
Music to slit your wrists by....
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