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Old 11-04-2009, 02:36 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Real Life Ghost Story:


2. Your statement here "most people think unclean spirits and fallen angels are the same thing. They are not " Probably the reason MOST people believe that is because they are right. Why do you believe different?
Yes, I do believe differently. In my experience with casting out spirits I’ve encountered “unclean spirits” and I’ve encountered “fallen angels”. Never encountered Satan himself and pray I never do. When dealing with a fallen angel it’s typically regarding a regional spiritual strong hold. This principalities rule spiritual dominions throughout the world. There are fallen angels that have claimed authority over villages, towns, cities, states, countries, and entire regions. Rarely do they oppose people directly unless those people are of significant influence (pastors, business men, politicians, leaders). They are highly intelligent. They are diabolical in advancing Satan’s agenda in the earth. These heavily resist evangelistic efforts and often insight bloody persecution or other obstacles for the church, spread disease, often operate in high realms of spiritual authority. Devils do possess people, but again, normally they are world leaders or people with much influence and they act rationally and often cause MUCH damage. Consider Hitler, Stalin, Vlad Tepes, Domitian, Nero, etc. Casting them out takes a lot of word because they often throw the Bible back at you. In addition they are rarely tricked and they are masters of deception themselves.

But when dealing with unclean spirit’s its different…

I was shopping in a grocery store in Dayton Ohio and while standing in an isle I heard what sounded like a swarm of cicadas coming from a woman shopping down the isle from me. It wasn’t a true “noise” but more of a “sound” like that when you reflect on a memory of a sound. As I looked at her I felt the Spirit of God anoint me to see… it looked like thousands of insects were crawling under the skin of her face, neck, and arms. It was like she was infested with something. As soon as I saw it and realized what it looked like the vision was gone and there she stood simply looking at items as normal as could be. Then I felt the Lord impress upon me, “They will use her to fulfill their lusts until they kill her. When she dies, they will find another.”

While in church one night we had a woman who had an unclean spirit. While casting it out of her (I was just holding her arms, I wasn’t leading the deliverance) she became violent and thrashed like crazy. At one point in the event she fell limp and loose as though the spirit had departed. The one leading the deliverance (an elder in our church) said, “Are you gone?” The woman’s voice weakly, but almost impishly, answered, “Yes, we’re all gone.” At that point she began thrashing again and we continued. She was eventually delivered but I had to bow out because I was becoming exhausted, not to mention a bit frightened (this was when I was relatively new to this sort of thing).

Unclean spirits aren’t very intelligent. For example, in the example above it was asked if these spirits were gone and they foolishly said, “Yes, we’re all gone.” They are almost mentally deficient. They act erratically and illogically. Almost with a bent toward mental retardation or insanity. They aren’t as diabolical as fallen angels… these are more maniacal. They just aren’t “all there”. Also they are cowards.

After much prayer and seeking the Lord about these differences I encountered when praying for those who were oppressed or possessed I believe the Lord led me to answers in the Word of God regarding their difference and origin. Both are types of “demon” if you will. But there are significant differences. Fallen Angels were originally Holy Angels who fell from Heaven’s grace through rebellion and now wage war against Heaven and the Church. We know that. But Unclean Spirits originally had bodies. These actually walked the earth at one time. Before the Flood a band of Fallen Angels materialized on earth (yes an angel can assume a physical form). Mind you, while in physical form an angel can eat, drink, walk, talk, and even wrestle. While in physical form these angels have all the biological functionality of an actual living thing. However, they can vanish into thin air and resume their spiritual state of being instantly at will. While in physical form on earth these angels took the daughters of men for wives in an elaborate attempt to “demonize” the Messiah’s bloodline. The union between these Fallen Angels and the daughters of men produced the Nephilim, (fallen ones). These were half human and have devil. Demonic in origin they are a type of demon. However, these never rose to high intelligence and in fact are mentally unstable. These filled the earth with violence with their maniacal thirst for blood and pleasures. Mankind followed in suit and many of these things were worshiped as demi-gods. When God sent the flood to rid the world of wickedness (both human and demonic) he spared Noah. Those angels that rebelled and sought strange flesh among mankind were bound in chains of darkness until this very day. However, when the Nephilim drowned in the flood their spirits were between realities. They were not bound with the angels for they were also human in nature….yet they didn’t move on to judgment because they were also demonic in nature. Therefore their spirits were cursed to roam the earthly plane in a state of unrest. These are what we know as “Unclean Spirits”. These used to have bodies. Their spirits still desire the sin, violence, and debauchery they once experienced while living. When a man is living a life of sin, if one of these things see him they may seek to enter his life and then enter his body so that they can once more live out their desires by executing violence or performing lasciviousness. Spirits of violence, drug abuse, perversion, etc. are all “Unclean Spirits”. When they possess a host they drive them to deeper and deeper levels of sin to satisfy their unholy thirst for pleasures, violence, and debauchery. Eventually the host may find themselves overdosed on drugs, dying of disease, or killed as a result of these spirits. When a possessed person dies, these things driven by their lusts move like insects to infest their next host and so the cycle continues over and over and over. They live out their desires through the unwary sinner and destroy the sinner in the process. Or they bring some sort of affliction upon the individual out of pure cruelty.

That’s the long and short of it according to my understanding. If it helps you by believing that unclean spirits and fallen angels are all alike…by my guest. But if you operate in the spirit for any extended period of time and deal with these things you’ll realize very quickly that they are two very, very different types of spirits.

Hope that helps explain my take on it.

God bless.
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Old 11-04-2009, 08:08 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Real Life Ghost Story:

What? No thoughts on this? lol
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Old 11-04-2009, 08:17 PM
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Re: Real Life Ghost Story:

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
What? No thoughts on this? lol
Plenty, but you won't hear them anyhow.

You've made it very clear that you are the resident expert on this subject and no one else can possibly know as much as you. Why even try to discuss it with you?
You become free from who you have become, by becoming who you were meant to be. ~Mark from another forum I post on

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Old 11-04-2009, 08:45 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Real Life Ghost Story:

Originally Posted by nahkoe View Post
Plenty, but you won't hear them anyhow.

You've made it very clear that you are the resident expert on this subject and no one else can possibly know as much as you. Why even try to discuss it with you?
I've only come to the conclusions that best explain what I've experienced. I'm open to considering other perspectives. Please share, I'd like to know.
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Old 11-05-2009, 09:21 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Real Life Ghost Story:

Not willing to share nahkoe?
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Old 11-05-2009, 09:31 PM
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Re: Real Life Ghost Story:

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
Not willing to share nahkoe?
Not at this time, no.
You become free from who you have become, by becoming who you were meant to be. ~Mark from another forum I post on

God did it for us. Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift. He got us out of the mess we're in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ. ~Romans 3:24 from The Message
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Old 11-08-2009, 09:03 AM
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Re: Real Life Ghost Story:

Our personal feelings and emotions and experiences do not invalidate the Bible.
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Old 11-08-2009, 11:11 AM
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Re: Real Life Ghost Story:

Originally Posted by Trouvere View Post
Our personal feelings and emotions and experiences do not invalidate the Bible.
Can they validate it?
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Old 11-09-2009, 07:33 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Real Life Ghost Story:

Originally Posted by Trouvere View Post
Our personal feelings and emotions and experiences do not invalidate the Bible.

But I do think that our personal feelings and emotions can invalidate and skewed interpretation of the Bible.

For example, my mom was raised Baptist and before attending a Pentecostal church my mom believed that tongues were of the Devil. My grandfather, a Baptist Sunday School teacher and lay minister, was really serious about his interpretation of the Bible that taught against tongues. When my mom got the Holy Ghost with speaking in other tongues the entire family warned her that she was getting involved with a cult and experiencing demonism. Then I got the Holy Ghost. My mother struggled until the day she died with the fear that "maybe" they were right. I prayed and studied and discovered that what I experienced and what I felt was indeed real and it was the hyper-religious Baptist interpretation of the Bible that was infact error. I had never felt more peace than when leaning on the Holy Ghost in this area.

So while I fully agree that our experiences and feelings don't invalidate the Bible... I do believe that our experiences and feelings "can" open our eyes to a deeper understanding of the Bible that often moves beyond traditional religious paradigms.
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Old 11-09-2009, 07:37 AM
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Re: Real Life Ghost Story:

In casting out many spirits I realize they have one thing in common...they all lie.
You cannot believe any thing they tell you in deliverance. If its not Bible leave it alone.
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