pastorrush, Give and it shall be given to you... There is soo much wrong with this mentality in relation to offerings. Who here thinks that if he gives a can of soup to the hungry that he will be blessed by God with one or more cans of soup? Who thinks if they give their time to the works of God that he will be blessed with at least that much more time? Who thinks that if they were to give their car to an evangelist that God would bless them with another car? I don't think anyone ever teaches or preaches these things. In other words, no matter what object we give to God (besides money of course) God does not usually bless us with that same type of object in return. How then is money any different? Consider this, that our blessing in all these gifts is the same type. That the blessing of giving is not in material but in conscience, in the knowledge that we may have been able to work some small good by our gift.
Luke 6:38 says "Give and it shall be given unto you..." This does not have anything to do with money. This verse is about forgiveness and judgment. Jesus is here saying that if we forgive, then the same forgiveness (or possibly greater) will be given to us, and if we judge then the same judgment (or possibly greater) will be given to us. If you do not believe me read
Luke 6:37.
What more needs said to condemn the concept of "giving to get"? Is it not plainly evident that this whole concept is against the very nature of a true gift? What more needs said to restore to the mind the true notion of giving? That true giving is never to get. That the only return on a gift is the simple fact of knowing that we did some good by our generosity.