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Old 08-11-2009, 02:25 PM
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Re: The hypocrisy of Mark Sanford continues

Originally Posted by Light View Post

So Ferd because Bill did wrong it is OK for the SC REPUGNANT to lie, cheat on wife and steal money from the tax payer for a hair cut that cost over a Thousand dollars?
Originally Posted by Light View Post
Ferd it looks like you are becoming a clone of coadi!!!!!
Before Codi was.... I errr... you get the drift.

and Light, because the democrat party and you included decided that morality had no bearing on ones ability to govern, you and the democrats have no right what so ever to suggest someones morality has any bering on their ability to govern.

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Old 08-11-2009, 02:27 PM
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Re: The hypocrisy of Mark Sanford continues

On and the more I think about this thread the more angery I get.

It is right out of the Saul Alinsky playbook... (the playbook he dedicated to Lucifer the first community organizer)

It works like this.

To distroy and institution, dont attack the institution.
Identify and isolate an individual that represents the institution, and redicule him.
Distroy that individual, you weaken that institution.

Mike in Arkansas is playing by the devils handbook. Nice job Mike.
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Old 08-11-2009, 02:32 PM
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Re: The hypocrisy of Mark Sanford continues

Originally Posted by RevDWW View Post
Vote out all incumbents! Then after the House is cleaned out, start voting based on character and not party affiliation. Vote out every Pol that lies to their voters. Vote in men and women that stand for the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

This is what America needs!
Rev, I wouldnt vote for every repbublican that is for sure, But I know some very moral people who are quite liberal. I love them. Go to church with them. Want the best for them and would do anything for them....except vote for them.....

Character is a good thing. If I am talking to a Republican about what we need to do considering the likes of a guy like Mark Sanford, that conversation is vastly different than the conversation I would have with someone I know to be a liberal.

They simply dont have a seat at the table when the conversation takes place. They dont sit in judgement of the decision, they dont get a voice, they dont even get to play monday morning Quartback.

They abdicated any right to a role in the process YEARS ago. Their right to such drowned with Mary Jo Kopechne.
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Old 08-11-2009, 02:34 PM
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Re: The hypocrisy of Mark Sanford continues

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
On and the more I think about this thread the more angery I get.

It is right out of the Saul Alinsky playbook... (the playbook he dedicated to Lucifer the first community organizer)

It works like this.

To distroy and institution, dont attack the institution.
Identify and isolate an individual that represents the institution, and redicule him.
Distroy that individual, you weaken that institution.

Mike in Arkansas is playing by the devils handbook. Nice job Mike.
Ferd, Mark Sanford destroyed himself. I read the new article yesterday on him breaking the law using the state plane and brought it here. Sanford is a small fish in a big pond, but I can't believe the guy has survived this long.

I mean seriously, who thought he'd actually survive the week after the news broke. But there he is still plugging along as disgraced as can be. I'm shocked he's found a way to survive all this.

By the way Ferd, you've spent as much time "destorying indivduals" as anyone on this board. You've told all kinds of wacko stuff on BO just like your "death panel" craziness today.

At least the things I've posted on Mark Sanford are documented facts that are true. I haven't resorted to lies and half truths.
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Old 08-11-2009, 02:43 PM
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Re: The hypocrisy of Mark Sanford continues

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
Ferd, Mark Sanford destroyed himself.
Again, drilling down to the point where we actually talk about Mr. Sanford isn’t something I am going to do with anyone outside of the Republican Party.

Your thread Mike, is about the Republican Party and how the Republican Party has messed up by not administering a public flogging to one of our own.

My only point to you is that, I am not gonna play that game with you.

You don’t get a seat at this discussion table. You lost that right a long time ago.

I don’t care how you spin this, those of you who defend democrats and liberals in general don’t have a moral leg to stand on so you don’t get to cast moral dispersions toward those on this side of the aisle.
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Old 08-11-2009, 02:46 PM
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Re: The hypocrisy of Mark Sanford continues

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
By the way Ferd, you've spent as much time "destorying indivduals" as anyone on this board. You've told all kinds of wacko stuff on BO just like your "death panel" craziness today.

At least the things I've posted on Mark Sanford are documented facts that are true. I haven't resorted to lies and half truths.

"Distroying individuals" Im calling Pelosi on you for that one.

as for the death panel stuff.... get ready because your friendly neighborhood bureaucrat will be calling the shots on what shots you get in the future if BO and the Pelosites get their way.... just like the Medical Board in Brittian does for those chaps.
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Old 08-11-2009, 02:48 PM
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Re: The hypocrisy of Mark Sanford continues

as for the death panel stuff.... get ready because your friendly neighborhood bureaucrat will be calling the shots on what shots you get in the future if BO and the Pelosites get their way.... just like the Medical Board in Brittian does for those chaps.[/QUOTE]

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My Countdown Counting down to: My daughter's 5th Birthday!!
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Old 08-11-2009, 03:20 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: The hypocrisy of Mark Sanford continues

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
Ferd, Mark Sanford destroyed himself. I read the new article yesterday on him breaking the law using the state plane and brought it here. Sanford is a small fish in a big pond, but I can't believe the guy has survived this long.

I mean seriously, who thought he'd actually survive the week after the news broke. But there he is still plugging along as disgraced as can be. I'm shocked he's found a way to survive all this.

By the way Ferd, you've spent as much time "destorying indivduals" as anyone on this board. You've told all kinds of wacko stuff on BO just like your "death panel" craziness today.

At least the things I've posted on Mark Sanford are documented facts that are true. I haven't resorted to lies and half truths.
While the relationship reportedly ended 10 years ago, Frank was serving on the House Banking Committee the entire 10 years they were together. The committee is the primary House body which along with the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) has jurisdiction over the government-sponsored enterprises.

He has served on the committee since becoming a congressman in 1981 and became the ranking Democrat on the committee in 2003. He became chairman of the committee, now called the House Financial Services Committee, in 2007.

Moses was the assistant director for product initiatives at Fannie Mae and had been at the forefront of relaxing lending restrictions at the company for rural customers, according to the Feb. 23, 1998, issue of National Mortgage News (NMN).

“Herb Moses, who helped develop many of Fannie Mae’s affordable housing and home improvement lending programs, has left the mortgage industry,” Darryl Hicks wrote for NMN. “Mr. Moses - whose last day was Feb. 13 - spent the past seven years at Fannie Mae, most recently as director of housing initiatives. Over the course of time, he played an instrumental role in developing the company’s Title One and 203(k) home improvement lending programs.”

Hicks explained in his story how Moses orchestrated a collaborative effort between Fannie Mae and the Department of Agriculture.

The Washington Post reported Frank, who is openly gay, had a relationship with Herb Moses, an executive for the now-government controlled Fannie Mae

Congressman Barney Frank’s scandalous tolerance of a gay prostitution business operating out of his house, uncovered by the Washington Times in 1989, drew from ABC nowhere near the dramatic amount of attention ABC gave Mark Foley. On the August 25, 1989 World News Tonight, Sam Donaldson noted it just once in passing, a mere 67 words:

"Massachusetts Representative Barney Frank, an acknowledged homosexual, today confirmed that his Washington apartment had been used as a callboy headquarters by a male prostitute for a year and a half until late 1987. Responding to a story in today's Washington Times, Frank said he had hired the prostitute out of his own funds as a personal aide and fired him when he found out what was going on."

Why not deal with Brney Fwank?
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Old 08-11-2009, 04:48 PM
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Re: The hypocrisy of Mark Sanford continues

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
While the relationship reportedly ended 10 years ago, Frank was serving on the House Banking Committee the entire 10 years they were together. The committee is the primary House body which along with the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) has jurisdiction over the government-sponsored enterprises.

He has served on the committee since becoming a congressman in 1981 and became the ranking Democrat on the committee in 2003. He became chairman of the committee, now called the House Financial Services Committee, in 2007.

Moses was the assistant director for product initiatives at Fannie Mae and had been at the forefront of relaxing lending restrictions at the company for rural customers, according to the Feb. 23, 1998, issue of National Mortgage News (NMN).

“Herb Moses, who helped develop many of Fannie Mae’s affordable housing and home improvement lending programs, has left the mortgage industry,” Darryl Hicks wrote for NMN. “Mr. Moses - whose last day was Feb. 13 - spent the past seven years at Fannie Mae, most recently as director of housing initiatives. Over the course of time, he played an instrumental role in developing the company’s Title One and 203(k) home improvement lending programs.”

Hicks explained in his story how Moses orchestrated a collaborative effort between Fannie Mae and the Department of Agriculture.

The Washington Post reported Frank, who is openly gay, had a relationship with Herb Moses, an executive for the now-government controlled Fannie Mae

Congressman Barney Frank’s scandalous tolerance of a gay prostitution business operating out of his house, uncovered by the Washington Times in 1989, drew from ABC nowhere near the dramatic amount of attention ABC gave Mark Foley. On the August 25, 1989 World News Tonight, Sam Donaldson noted it just once in passing, a mere 67 words:

"Massachusetts Representative Barney Frank, an acknowledged homosexual, today confirmed that his Washington apartment had been used as a callboy headquarters by a male prostitute for a year and a half until late 1987. Responding to a story in today's Washington Times, Frank said he had hired the prostitute out of his own funds as a personal aide and fired him when he found out what was going on."

Why not deal with Brney Fwank?
That will never happen, he is democrat! They are excused and 9 times out of 10 their situation is much worse that the reported Republicans.

Compare Frank with the Mark Sanford situation, no comparison!
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Old 08-11-2009, 04:49 PM
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Re: The hypocrisy of Mark Sanford continues

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
Ferd, Mark Sanford destroyed himself. I read the new article yesterday on him breaking the law using the state plane and brought it here. Sanford is a small fish in a big pond, but I can't believe the guy has survived this long.

I mean seriously, who thought he'd actually survive the week after the news broke. But there he is still plugging along as disgraced as can be. I'm shocked he's found a way to survive all this.

By the way Ferd, you've spent as much time "destorying indivduals" as anyone on this board. You've told all kinds of wacko stuff on BO just like your "death panel" craziness today.

At least the things I've posted on Mark Sanford are documented facts that are true. I haven't resorted to lies and half truths.
Like president Clinton did?
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