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Old 07-15-2009, 02:14 PM
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
snopes is not an academically acceptible site for citations.
Apparently education lacking people use it to google scholar.
I won't let college students quote it.
"Numerous sources" Un named.
health departments holds COLB. Yep and won't release it.

snopes doesn't verify anything.
It does make your argument look worse as a matter of fact.

I know you haven't delivered babies. snopes hasn't either. But snopes and yourself can't ive a name of the person that can verify the live birth.

The company I own has been to a state supreme court to try a case. i got a brief education in rules of evidence. Externally generated third party documents are NOT admitted as evidence.

Someone is lying. According to Obama's Kenyan (paternal) grandmother, as well as his half-brother and half-sister, Barack Hussein Obama was born in Kenya, not in Hawaii as the Democratic candidate for president claims. His grandmother bragged that her grandson is about to be President of the United States and is so proud because she was present DURING HIS BIRTH IN KENYA, in the delivery room. -This, according to several news sites and Pennsylvania attorney Philip J. Berg (see video below) who is, surprisingly, a life long democrat himself. Berg is the former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, and he has an impressive background in his activities as a democrat, but his support for the party seemingly stops when it comes to his trust in Barack Hussein Obama.
Why can't snopes deal with this?

I can't say where he was born. I can feel comfy that his Birth certificate is a fraud.

a web site with political in its name "politifact" says it all.

Medical people do not go to political sites to answer physical or medical questions. There are a few docs in washington. They sure don't go to lawyers for medical records. Actually I find the defense by Obama loyal people to be entertaining and and very revealing.

Give you a little reality. Had Obama had an incident discovered as a newborn and all that was offered as "proof" that he was born in Hawaaii at a specific hospital, no lawyer would accept it. It has no signatures on it of witnesses. It is both fake and incomplete. It is at most a birth announcement on some official looking stationary.
People say they have seen it and say it is real also applies to people that say they have seen noah's ark and the Ark of the covenant.
Politifacts Not acceptible
snopes? also huighely inferior and biased source.

They despise conservatives that say prove it.
Yeah, because "Atlasshrugs200" and WND are much more reliable sites, with no bias or slant at all. I did reference Snopes, merely because you could go there and view the sources and it was easier than posting them all myself. Factcheck.org has also examined the document and concluded it was legit:

If you don't like those, perhaps these are more credible for you. Here is the 2nd largest paper in the state of Hawaii, quoting state Health Director Chiyome Fukino, authenticating that his birth certificate is on file:

And here is an article from the Seattle Times, saying that the registrar of vital statistics has personally verified his original birth certificate:

I completely agree that you are probably comfy saying his birth certificate is a fraud. I just think you don't have any facts or sources to back it up. At least, none that you have shown.
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Old 07-15-2009, 02:46 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

You are still not offering an honest response.
You don't get it.
You just do not get it. A document without a name and witness on it is not evidence.
What is it about no doc's name. no hospital name etc and signatures do you find so difficult.


Here is a little history lesson. A lot of the thugs and junk that raised him.
all the communists and people that have been in jail. But no birth certificate. pictures of all these people.
No one can see the birth certificate for a reason.
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Old 07-15-2009, 03:00 PM
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
You are still not offering an honest response.
You don't get it.
You just do not get it. A document without a name and witness on it is not evidence.
What is it about no doc's name. no hospital name etc and signatures do you find so difficult.


Here is a little history lesson. A lot of the thugs and junk that raised him.
all the communists and people that have been in jail. But no birth certificate. pictures of all these people.
No one can see the birth certificate for a reason.
The signature is on the back, which you can see in some of the links I posted. It is a typical short form birth certificate. It also appears that Hawaii does not give an option for a short form or a long form document on the application you fill out.
Again, what proof is there that it is fake?
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Old 07-15-2009, 03:07 PM
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

Originally Posted by Twisp View Post
The embossed seal and signature is on the back, which did not show through very well on the scan. Numerous sources have examined it closely, in person, and have verified that the seal is there. There were birth announcements in two separate Honolulu papers on August 1961 documenting the birth. Hawaiian officials also state that there is "no doubt Barack Obama was born in Hawaii." The Health Department Director and the registrar of vital statistics have both verified that the health department holds Obama's original birth certificate. All sources for this can be found at the links below.
It is not that I do not "get it", it is that I believe in a reality based in factuality.


REALITY based in FACTUALITY? Why not just present hard evidence to the Court instead of to people who wouldn't know a good forgery if they saw one? (I am right or wrongly assuming honest ignorance on the part of these websites rather than deceit).

Please look at the Atlas Shrugs citation cited on this thread which has a forensic expert explaining in detail how we know that the certificate of live birth is a forgery. WHY plant a forgery?

At best, the birth announcements do not say that Obama was born in Hawaii.

At worst, there is speculation that the birth announcements could likewise be planted. Of particular interest is the fact that the address listed was never an address where Obama or his relatives were known to have lived. Hmm....

Last edited by Newman; 07-15-2009 at 03:13 PM.
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Old 07-15-2009, 03:08 PM
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

Originally Posted by Twisp View Post
It is not that I do not "get it", it is that I believe in a reality based in factuality.[\QUOTE]

So you are stating that a CofLB is the same as a Birth Certificate? And that only children born in Hawaii would get a CofLB?
Not the same exact thing, but definitely interchangeable.

I looked at my wife's birth certificate that we used to get our marriage license. It says "Certificate of Live Birth". It does not use the term "birth certificate" on it. She was born in TN. Obviously, her certificate of live birth was okay with the state.
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Old 07-15-2009, 03:19 PM
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
REALITY based in FACTUALITY? Why not just present hard evidence to the Court instead of to people who wouldn't know a good forgery if they saw one? (I am right or wrongly assuming honest ignorance on the part of these websites rather than deceit).

Please look at the Atlas Shrugs citation cited on this thread which has a forensic expert explaining in detail how we know that the certificate of live birth is a forgery. WHY plant a forgery?

At best, the birth announcements do not say that Obama was born in Hawaii.

At worst, there is speculation that the birth announcements could likewise be planted. Of particular interest is the fact that the address listed was never an address where Obama or his relatives were known to lived. Hmm....
Obviously the Supreme Court thought there was enough evidence of Obama's American citizenship to dismiss the lawsuits.
The Hawaiian application to get birth certificate does not include an option for a long form or a short form birth certificate. Since Obama's camp had to request it, they had to take what Hawaiian State Officials gave them.
In terms of Atlas's "forgery expert", I am assuming you mean this bit?
Sorry if I don't take "Techdude's" word for it. If there is another forgery expert on that site that I missed, please let me know.
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Old 07-15-2009, 03:25 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

Originally Posted by Newman View Post
REALITY based in FACTUALITY? Why not just present hard evidence to the Court instead of to people who wouldn't know a good forgery if they saw one? (I am right or wrongly assuming honest ignorance on the part of these websites rather than deceit).

Please look at the Atlas Shrugs citation cited on this thread which has a forensic expert explaining in detail how we know that the certificate of live birth is a forgery. WHY plant a forgery?

At best, the birth announcements do not say that Obama was born in Hawaii.

At worst, there is speculation that the birth announcements could likewise be planted. Of particular interest is the fact that the address listed was never an address where Obama or his relatives were known to lived. Hmm....

Finally, please show us the origianal site where alledgedly a Hawaiin "official" is quoted as saying "no doubt Barack Obama was born in Hawaii."
apparently we are being lied to. Several years ago, I got acquainted with some Mormons. Really pleasant people. Really nice. I read some of Smiths works and his claim that an angel had shown him plates. His elders all testified to having seen the plates. But none of 4.5 million Mormons can explain the plates. If the plates are a hoax, all they have left is the KJV bible and no church of their own.

My baloney detector goes off. If Obama senior is running more than 1 wifie, I have difficulty believing every and anything all surropunding this ordeal. None of the people at the University recall them being together.
These were liberated people before their time. Stanley may not know who the father was and told Senior that it was him.One lawyer investigator was shocked in one of his trips to hear people claim the dad was frank Marshall Davis,.

(NEW YORK)(July 15, 2009) A month ago I commented on the mushrooming "birth certificate brouhaha" that I had created concerning Barack Obama:


Since then, the controversy has continued to increase.

Tuesday Keith Olbermann pilloried someone for questioning Obama's "natural born" status ("Worst Person in the World"). Lou Dobbs apparently said he was going to contact the Hawai'i governor to demand release of the birth certificate. Lawsuits continue to fly everywhere.

In my opinion, the issue of Obama's birth certificate is eventually going to explode. As public doubts about Obama's leadership grow, and his programs and policies draw increasing opposition, issues that were ignored during the 2008 campaign are going to be revivified.

One of my birth certificate petitions remains pending before the Hawai'i Supreme Court. And there is a great deal more litigation to come in the Hawai'i court system.

ContrarianCommentary.com is about to add explosive new fuel to the birth certificate fire

Snopes is caught lying aqain

WND has a screen shot which snopes deleted a few days ago claims bama was born at Quens hospital and Obama claims the other childrens hospital.

How nice of them to make stuff up to cover for THE One.
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Old 07-15-2009, 03:47 PM
coadie coadie is offline
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

Originally Posted by Twisp View Post
Obviously the Supreme Court thought there was enough evidence of Obama's American citizenship to dismiss the lawsuits.
The Hawaiian application to get birth certificate does not include an option for a long form or a short form birth certificate. Since Obama's camp had to request it, they had to take what Hawaiian State Officials gave them.
In terms of Atlas's "forgery expert", I am assuming you mean this bit?
Sorry if I don't take "Techdude's" word for it. If there is another forgery expert on that site that I missed, please let me know.
Notice how Snopes has been caught full of bunk?

They posted he was born at Queens and Barry remembers

Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women and Children is the one. Are you willing to admit Snopes was wrong?

It is so sticky to cover for dishonesty. You need to get more accurate links.

Dissmis cases? They never heard the cases. They put less than 8% of cases that come in on the docket. The case was a TRO case. Temporary injunctive relief.
Need to brush up on legal concepts. Will snopes admit Barry disagrees with them?
You made a dishonest claim. You said the following

Obviously the Supreme Court thought
thought there was enough evidence of Obama's American citizenship to dismiss the lawsuits.
They didn't take the case. That means they didn't have evidence submited under rules of evidence and have hearings. You are speaking for them and they said nothing that supported your conclusion.

When Phillip Berg Filed, he said he would have the court order production of the 1961 documents which are generated in handwriting or typewriter and not on software.
Do you have more speculation to share?
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Old 07-15-2009, 03:47 PM
Newman Newman is offline
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

Originally Posted by Twisp View Post
In terms of Atlas's "forgery expert", I am assuming you mean this bit?
Sorry if I don't take "Techdude's" word for it. If there is another forgery expert on that site that I missed, please let me know.
Techdude is an "active member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, American College of Forensic Examiners, The International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners, International Information Systems Forensics Association - the list goes on. He also a board certified as a forensic computer examiner, a certificated legal investigator, and a licensed private investigator. He has been performing computer based forensic investigations since 1993 (although back then it did not even have a formal name yet) and he has performed countless investigations since then."

His work is laid out and right there so that any other forensic fraud examiner could critique it and say it was a bunch of balony. Where are they?

Instead, lay people have been given the job to authenticate certificate of birth. Why? Really?

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Old 07-15-2009, 03:52 PM
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Re: Supreme Court to Hear Case on Obama

Originally Posted by coadie View Post
Dissmis cases? They never heard the cases. They put less than 8% of cases that come in on the docket. The case was a TRO case. Temporary injunctive relief.
Need to brush up on legal concepts. Will snopes admit Barry disagrees with them?
You made a dishonest claim. You said the following

They didn't take the case. That means they didn't have evidence submited under rules of evidence and have hearings. You are speaking for them and they said nothing that supported your conclusion.

When Phillip Berg Filed, he said he would have the court order production of the 1961 documents which are generated in handwriting or typewriter and not on software.
Do you have more speculation to share?
coadie- In fairness to Twisp, I do not believe he intentionally made a "dishonest claim." One can be mistaken or uninformed about how such things work without any intent to convey a falsehood.
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