One takeaway from Palin's speech today is how tired she's become of the frivolous ethics complaints launched against her since she returned to Alaska in November 2008. Even Palin critics will admit that these complaints don't hold water and distract from state business. The complaints also bring with them a heavy financial burden that Palin has struggled with.
From Palin's point of view, then, leaving the governor's office would free her from these burdens. No one can file a state ethics complaint against a private citizen.
Palin may not be a lawyer, but she's definitely a client. She owes more than $500,000 to the Alaska law firm of Clapp, Peterson, Van Flein, Tiemessen & Thorsness, which has defended her against various ethics complaints. Paying off her debt shouldn't be a problem, thanks to the (surely lucrative) book deal negotiated for her by Williams & Connolly super-agent Robert Barnett (who spoke to ATL last September, when his firm hired appellate superstar Kannon Shanmugam).
Crak, with all due respect, if the reason for the sudden resignation is that she could not handle the wicked media, I'm not sure I want her as the Commander-in-Chief and CEO of the country (and by default, the world). There has to be more.
If this was the only reason, then this was a small-minded, selfish move on her part. When she stepped onto the center stage of the GOP, she took on a responsiblity bigger than herself...even bigger than Alaska. There are people all over the country who defended her and promoted her in conversations and debates. People who basically defended her and aligned themselves with her as if they knew her personally. I know many people still will no matter what, but there are also many who recognize that she will have left them with egg on their faces if she basically absconded for no real reason at all.
In fact I agree with you, I don't think she is ready for the Presidency.
However, if character and the real desire to do what was best for America really counted in politics today, I would trade our current president for Sarah in a moment.
That is my whole point, I don't believe character and true statesmanship really matters. Sarah is just simple, she believes we should do the right thing, what a novel thought.
Where are the men that have the country's true best interest at heart? Maybe there are many that start there, but unfortunately the powers that be prevent truth and righteousness. JMHO
__________________ For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)
Of course FOX is would defend her. What it could be - FOX is taking her out of the running - to make room for REAL viable candidates, like Romney or a few others. And having her out of the way but still OUT THERE mixing it up with the base, she will be campaigning (in her own wonderful way) pulling in money for the GOP.
I think its a good move. 'Keep' her out there but on a very short leash. It seems that shes tasted the high life and there is no way she will walk away from the lower 48 and stay tucked up there in Alaska. She has become bigger than Alaska. Alaska cant contain Sarah.
What I dont get is her stating that - the world needs more down syndrome babies.What???
I noticed that also. My take is it is a mother proud of her baby and not willing to throw him out because of his handicap and it has made the family have to give more to him and those babies are usually just sweet. I don't think she meant it as need more handicap babies. However, I am quite sure the ignorant media will make hash with this.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
She's stepping down on my birthday... this must be an end time sign!
Happy Birthday Justin!
You share my husband's birthday!
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
She could have handled the office, character and the desire to do the right thing she has, handling the wickedness in politics and the media, she was not prepared for.
That is what is sad, it is not enough to have character and the desire to make right choices, you have to be brutal to win in current politics.
I'm not buying what you're peddling there.
Jimmy Carter and GWB are two prime examples of good Christian moral men who had a desire to do right and ended up being two of the worst, most inept, Presidents of the last 40 years.
A desire to do right does not a President make. If Sarah Palin can't effectively handle one term as the Gov. of Alaska she doesn't have the capability of serving in high office, IMO. It looks like the majority of Republican strategists and RNC members are calling her toast as well.
If we're deciding qualifications for President on the basis of wanting do do what's right and being a good moral person, then the pool of qualified people becomes astrononmical.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
I went over to DailyKos (a liberal blog) and they are buzzing about federal indictments against Plain for embezzlement relating to a spots complex that was built when she was mayor. Only time will tell, but if this is true, then everything she said today was a lie and by that i mean she didnt resign for all the reasons she spelled out, rather she did it because she knew the feds were coming!