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Old 06-18-2009, 02:06 PM
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Re: Ending the TV Debate - An Honest to God Blogsp

LOL Please don't take away my Wipeout,Iceroad Truckers, and I Survived a Japanese game show
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Old 06-18-2009, 02:43 PM
Kim Komando Kim Komando is offline
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Re: Ending the TV Debate - An Honest to God Blogsp

I just saw this at the BeforeYouSignIt site. I wonder if many people know that this was once all that was stated in the holiness rules? I wonder if they would ever return to something like this?
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Old 06-18-2009, 02:45 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Ending the TV Debate - An Honest to God Blogsp

Originally Posted by Kim Komando View Post
Why do you think this kind of stuff is ignored Timmy and RandyWayne by ministers of the gospel?
Tradition and salvation.

This all ties into the other standards threads. Standards BECOME salvational and tradition is AS powerful or more so than the Word itself to the average human brain.
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Old 06-18-2009, 02:55 PM
GrowingPains GrowingPains is offline

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Re: Ending the TV Debate - An Honest to God Blogsp

Quickly, from a marketing perspective there is a distinct difference between a push medium and a pull medium. Look it up.

It's not inconsistency if I, as a father, and priest of my home, think there's no need for a television. Though we have an internet, and take precautions to be above reproach, that is my prerogative. The arguments some have used against ministers that are against TV, tend to also be stinging rebukes against fathers like myself who don't want it in our home. At the same token, I don't believe it should be a matter of disfellowship or participation. The greater standard is for us to preach to the churches to remember they are "in the world, not of it," and to be careful what you take into the eye gate.

Please think about that though. Often, were so quick to get our argument down seal-tight, that it has other implications. In my experience, both with and without, my family is better without a television. It's not a blanket on some TV shows, news, discovery channel, etc... and this is where most miss the boat. It's settling the issue on this primary technology.

The differences between push and pull are still quite distinct. When that changes, my family and I may not have a choice, and may just have to be even more careful, because we value our souls -- but until then, there's no reason to.
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Old 06-18-2009, 03:09 PM
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Re: Ending the TV Debate - An Honest to God Blogsp

Originally Posted by GrowingPains View Post
It's not inconsistency if I, as a father, and priest of my home, think there's no need for a television. Though we have an internet, and take precautions to be above reproach, that is my prerogative. The arguments some have used against ministers that are against TV, tend to also be stinging rebukes against fathers like myself who don't want it in our home. At the same token, I don't believe it should be a matter of disfellowship or participation. The greater standard is for us to preach to the churches to remember they are "in the world, not of it," and to be careful what you take into the eye gate.
As a parent you have a responsibility to raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. If you think that you should not have a television that is OK with me. Actually, it's none of my business how you raise your family.

If, however, you tell me not to have a television in my home, you have intruded into something that is none of your business. If you tell me that I and my family are worldly because we have a television or that we are going to hell because we have a television, again, you have intruded into something that is none of your business. And, if you look at me as a backslider, compromiser, sinner, second class saint, or reprobate because I have a television in my home you are intruding into the place of God who is my Judge and to Whom I am responsible.
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Old 06-18-2009, 03:26 PM
GrowingPains GrowingPains is offline

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Re: Ending the TV Debate - An Honest to God Blogsp

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
As a parent you have a responsibility to raise your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. If you think that you should not have a television that is OK with me. Actually, it's none of my business how you raise your family.

If, however, you tell me not to have a television in my home, you have intruded into something that is none of your business. If you tell me that I and my family are worldly because we have a television or that we are going to hell because we have a television, again, you have intruded into something that is none of your business. And, if you look at me as a backslider, compromiser, sinner, second class saint, or reprobate because I have a television in my home you are intruding into the place of God who is my Judge and to Whom I am responsible.
Sam -- you've spoken only what I have said and qualified in my post. I agree. What I'm saying is, on the grounds for taking down the anti-TV preachers, they say they have no right because of the internet. This attack is also against daddies.

Furthermore, a Pastor may not ban televisions, nor make it grounds for disfellowship, but I applaud pastors who at least admonish Christian men to be holy and pure, keeping their home a safe place, that's not for "uninvited guests." In our concern over pastors over-stepping bounds, we must be careful to not muzzle the ox. It's not an either-or scenario, and that's the risk.
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Old 06-18-2009, 03:35 PM
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Re: Ending the TV Debate - An Honest to God Blogsp

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
So who owns the blog? A lot of the same material that has been posted here recently.
It was registered through domainsbyproxy.com, the site allows a user to "mask" the ownership of a website.

Who ever owns it, wants to keep it secret.
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Old 06-18-2009, 03:36 PM
GrowingPains GrowingPains is offline

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Re: Ending the TV Debate - An Honest to God Blogsp

I'll bet it's a fellow AFF'er
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Old 06-18-2009, 03:37 PM
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Re: Ending the TV Debate - An Honest to God Blogsp

Originally Posted by GrowingPains View Post
I'll bet it's a fellow AFF'er
Since a lot of the content on that website is also found on AFF, I'd have to agree with you.
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Old 06-18-2009, 03:41 PM
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