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05-08-2009, 12:13 AM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 3,961
Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1
The truth of the matter is that I have shared what Islam is and what Islam teaches. I do not go research what pagans did 1500 years ago because I (this may surprise you) do not care. I already know that paganism is a sin and do not need a wordy article on the internet to confirm that. Everyone who has every bowed to a pagan god or worshipped a pagan god or given room in their hearts for money, things, relationships, or anything else to anyone that shares any form of devotion to anything but the one and true God has a specific end. The nearly infinite number of ways that others have selected to achieve that end interests me so little that I do not have a comment on it. I also have no comment on actions or beliefs of thousands of years ago. I have no comment on the sinful actions of "muslims" who currently do those actions today except to point out, when specific cases are referenced, the precise areas where those cases violate the teachings of Islam. When you or anyone else is dumb enough to apply those actions to me I return the favor by applying the actions of bad people who do bad things in the name of "christianity" back to you. Then spell out how dumb and wrong it is.
When we pray we face the Kabaa. We do not pray to the Kabaa. We pray to God. God sees that prayer and the intention behind that prayer in our hearts. Each one of us is responsible for our own actions. Facing the Kabaa is a symbol of unity. From Muslims around the entire world. Giving the Kabaa homage or any form of diety equivalent to God is a form of Shirk. Shirk is to include anyone or anything in the oneness of God. This is, like the Bible clearly spells out as blasphemy, an unforgivable, unpardonable sin. We are taught that this sin will NEVER be passed over and there is nothing that can be done to make it up.
I will never endorse pagan worship. I also do not care what pagans did or did not do in the past. My prayer, and the prayer of my fellow Muslims, is to God and God only. That is what I was taught and what I believe is right and also matches what the bible says to do so I do not question it.
Originally Posted by Thomas Trini
How wonderful it must be to belong to a religion (Islam) where you're only allowed to question other people's beliefs, but not your own. To ask others questions, but never answer theirs.
Egads. What am I saying?
05-08-2009, 01:22 AM
Saved by Grace
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Decatur, TX
Posts: 5,247
Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1
WII, please share with me what Allah has done for you in your life.
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards
"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship
"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
05-08-2009, 02:41 AM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 3,961
Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1
And you continue to miss the prophecies in the OT toward a Saviour....
No peace has yet come to the earth. Hopefully this will happen soon but today there is no sign of it
And you keep glossing over the "origins" of the faith that you embrace and what is written in your own Qu'ran....your own writings confirm that you still practice paganism.
We disagree, because I only pray to God and God only, that Islam is paganism
Can you comment on this portion of your Qu'ran...
I can comment that worship of anything, any place, any one other than God is Shirk, taught as Shirk, and is an unforgivable, unpardonable sin.
I know exactly what it means to recite chanted prayers and live a life of discipline without a personal relationship with God.
I know others like you. Even, sadly, fellow Muslims. It is very sad because if the prayer does not come from the heart with true humility and devotion the prayer is, as you said, pointless.
Matthew 6:7 "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do:"
See above. Jesus was I believe teaching exactly what I stated above.
And, YES, I certainly did feel good about myself when I did it. I was obedient! You can't dismiss the fact that the religion teaches this type of impersonal service and worship and we were never taught anything of a personal God, much like Islam. We were taught that Jesus was kind.
I view your kneeling, prostrating, etc. the same as what we did as Catholics. Not much difference, IMO. Obedient, but impersonal. I don't call what you do or what I used to practice as - "communication".
I cannot say that I blame you for applying a personal experience to the observed actions of others. I do not feel that emptiness when I pray. I spend a little time, as Sunnah (recommended) with additional prayers of which depend on my personal experiences of the day.
You are trying to throw us off of the discussion at hand by using the ever popular tacit of "judging". So, you used to be a Baptist? That's their favorite terminology as I have several sisters that are Baptist. LOL! It won't do here, WII. The title of the thread is Islam vs. Christianity. If you were not here to speak on the issues, differences and disagreements, then why are you here? I am sure that my posting of facts and being serious may appear to be less than kind, but I assure you that I am honestly listening to what you are saying. Even though I do not agree with you as the origin of your faith is suspect and lame, I have enjoyed reading your well thought out posts.
It is common, as above, to observe the actions of others, apply personal experience, or something one reads, or just one's own opinion, to their actions, then apply an interpretation or conclusion to the person being observed. Pointing that out is not meant to be "tactical". I am certainly guilty of doing that back to you as well. It is a fallacy of human nature to do this. I? Used to hate muslims. Boy did I ever. I was once a crazy, drinky redneck. I used to drive the trucks that I now make fun of. I now have another view entirely from both teachings and personal experience.
I point out, again, that your ritual of prayer is "vain repetition". That is part of the discussion here. Now, pony up and cooperate.
It can be. Personal experience. Honesty. Sometimes I am busy. Sometimes I am distracted. Sometimes I just do not feel like praying. The highest form of "Jihad" is taught as the internal battle between those things and the requirement to really, truly stop and give to God the worship and devotion that God is due.
I did not say his "whole" army was multicultural and I wasn't focusing on the Aryanism for my particular point.. Hitler simply used a facit of people under Himmler's direction, in Bosnia, to his advantage. America's error was looking at defeating "communism" during our most recent conflict, in the Balkans, by siding with the Muslims. I don't believe, at that point, we understood what we were unleashing.
We did not "side with Muslims". We prevented the butchery and annhilation of Muslim families who were being exterminated. I was around. I was not Muslim. Extermination of anyone anywhere sickened me at the time and sickened the rest of the country. The regret that we did so also sickens me. There are no Bosnian muslims who hate america. The Muslims who hate america in Afghanistan were trained, propped, build, funded, armed, and supported by America to fight the USSR THEN we yanked their rug from under their feet. That rug deserved to be yanked by the way in case you are wondering what my personal thoughts are. But - by our own actions we unleashed something that we currently have to deal with. I do regret that this was done and I frickin LOVED Reagan.
I see what your attitude of the Christian Church is. Where you err is looking at the mistakes of people and not the origin and words of the Bible. I am looking, first, at the origin and the words of your Qur'an and judging your people by that. If Saudi Arabia ever steps up and seriously denounces "terrorism", I will believe that your Qur'an may possibly have been viewed incorrectly. But, I can pretty well reassure myself that it won't happen as Saudi Arabia has had ample time to do so. They also have the harshest Sharia law implemented, which is also rather telling, IMO. They, in fact, are endorsing "terrorism" with their silence. That means they believe in "jihad" as part of their faith and your faith.
Where you err is looking at the mistakes of people and not the origin and words of the Quran. Neither Saudi, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, or any other country here are putting down or degrading America. They as well as other mentioned countries (the big Muslim countries) of Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, and now Pakistan ALSO have to raid, round up, and deal with extremists. Much Muslim blood is spilled doing this.
That fact is that it will never and can never be denied that the attributes of God have changed from the OT to the NT. His moral law and attributes stand, solid, in both books - the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. It is the "ceremonial law" which was done away.
It is the application of the "moral law" that draws the most criticism I think.
Yes, I see this. Is this one you are willing to obey?
In this I see no choice.
I did not contradict myself, but supported what history tells - Muhammad convinced the Muslims that it was Allah's will to fight the infidels. Muhammad turns your religion and "jihad" into a trade and mode of commerce. Now, the whole framework of Islam rests on this very thing from what I am reading. If it didn't, Saudi Arabia would NOT have implemented Sharia law. They are the voice of Islam in the Middle East. This is why we believe that "quiet occupation" will turn into violence as you grow in numbers.
Of course you believe that. Invented enemies are historically the most common justification for national emergency. National emergency is the most common justification for the development of sweeping new national powers. Drop your mouse, read Taylor Caldwell's "A Pillar of Iron" and similar stories and then come back and tell me otherwise. At the time of Mohammed the "infidels" certainly wanted to wipe the Muslims from the face of the earth. It was necessary for them to defend themselves. Numbers? The numbers of Muslims have already grown. The instruments of violence still come from "Christian" nations. Quiet occupation? My fellow expats here who are Christian practice their faith here and nobody bothers them. They are just practicing their faith. I wouldn’t conclude that they are "occupying" anything. I will note that they spend more time and effort counting their money, maximizing their investments, and working out tricks to sneak bacon from Bahrain than practicing their faith. They are are truly and fully your brothers and sisters.
I am honest enough to say that if America continues on it's path with secularism, we will have to contend with "jihad" in this country as well.
There is NO group, NO body, NO set of beliefs that can take America down. America, if she falls, will fall from within by erosion of her principles little by little. Refer back to history. How many great civilizations did not fall to greed, idolatry, and corruption from within?
Again, you miss the point of the New Covenant and the Church, but I see how easy that is to do with Secularism growing and clouding the view of what the Church was ordained to do and be
I have to apologize but I stand by the observation that the "new church" has become just another business model. Leaving the sarcastic and smarty comments aside, the church divides and divides and divides itself over silly things like sideburns and hem lengths. In the meantime they retreat to the suburbs. There are few to no apostolic churches in bad neighborhoods but bad neighborhoods are where the sinners are. AKA Churches are not locating themselves where they are most needed but retreating to areas with the greatest business potential. Every morsel of territory you retreat from becomes the base of the evil that has and continues to erode you. Yet you do this then look outside for threats to your "way of life" and "standard of living" as if that is the greatest threat to our country.
05-08-2009, 02:48 AM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 3,961
Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1
We are blessed. We are free of debt. We have a comfortable home. We have no immediate needs. We have a baby daughter on the way who should come any day. We have a wonderful marriage. The day is beautiful. We have a beautiful beach down the road for our enjoyment. He has given us good health. He keeps us safe every day. We owe everything we are or have to Him. We have much gratitude to Him for what He has given us.
Originally Posted by Jason
WII, please share with me what Allah has done for you in your life.
05-08-2009, 03:59 PM
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
The truth of the matter is that I have shared what Islam is and what Islam teaches. I do not go research what pagans did 1500 years ago because I (this may surprise you) do not care. I already know that paganism is a sin and do not need a wordy article on the internet to confirm that. Everyone who has every bowed to a pagan god or worshipped a pagan god or given room in their hearts for money, things, relationships, or anything else to anyone that shares any form of devotion to anything but the one and true God has a specific end. The nearly infinite number of ways that others have selected to achieve that end interests me so little that I do not have a comment on it. I also have no comment on actions or beliefs of thousands of years ago. I have no comment on the sinful actions of "muslims" who currently do those actions today except to point out, when specific cases are referenced, the precise areas where those cases violate the teachings of Islam. When you or anyone else is dumb enough to apply those actions to me I return the favor by applying the actions of bad people who do bad things in the name of "christianity" back to you. Then spell out how dumb and wrong it is.
Question: how do you even know what paganism is if you don't read about it? How do you know you have the one true God if you are unaware of any of the false gods? Merely being religious will not merit you eternal life. Also, there's a big difference between Christianity and Islam. Every day, you can read about Muslims commiting heinous acts, such as circumcising their own daughters, at home, without any medical knowledge or medicine, killing others (infidels or not) and so much more.
Originally Posted by Walks in islam
When we pray we face the Kabaa. We do not pray to the Kabaa. We pray to God. God sees that prayer and the intention behind that prayer in our hearts. Each one of us is responsible for our own actions. Facing the Kabaa is a symbol of unity. From Muslims around the entire world. Giving the Kabaa homage or any form of diety equivalent to God is a form of Shirk. Shirk is to include anyone or anything in the oneness of God. This is, like the Bible clearly spells out as blasphemy, an unforgivable, unpardonable sin. We are taught that this sin will NEVER be passed over and there is nothing that can be done to make it up.
I will never endorse pagan worship. I also do not care what pagans did or did not do in the past. My prayer, and the prayer of my fellow Muslims, is to God and God only. That is what I was taught and what I believe is right and also matches what the bible says to do so I do not question it.
Question: if God (or in your case Allah) is in heaven, are you praying towards heaven, or a black pagan obelisk? if it's not towards heaven, you're not even praying to Allah, but to a black inanimate object. (Note: the Christians, who bow towards the heavens, are also praying in unison as well). Many of us also look up, not east (or whatever direction). I remember flying from Amsterdam to Bahrain, and we could never watch a movie. Why, because the screen which usually showed movies was constantly being updated as to where Mecca was. How sad is that? Your god can't even hear you if you're praying in the wrong direction? Leaving all the other "contradictions" in whoever's book we read, do you really wish to serve a God who is that impotent and weak? You're doing nothing more than what the Baal worshippers did in the Old Testament, praying to a wooden god, or in your case one of stone. You should read the O.T. prophet Isaiah, who mocked the Baal worshippers. Where it says Baal, just insert Kaaba. Same thing. He (Isaiah) really takes them to task in the 40th chapters.
05-08-2009, 04:20 PM
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Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
We are blessed. We are free of debt. We have a comfortable home. We have no immediate needs. We have a baby daughter on the way who should come any day. We have a wonderful marriage. The day is beautiful. We have a beautiful beach down the road for our enjoyment. He has given us good health. He keeps us safe every day. We owe everything we are or have to Him. We have much gratitude to Him for what He has given us.
I think he was looking more for a testimony. That's not a testimony.
05-08-2009, 06:53 PM
Not riding the train
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 48,544
Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
And you continue to miss the prophecies in the OT toward a Saviour....
No peace has yet come to the earth. Hopefully this will happen soon but today there is no sign of it
And you keep glossing over the "origins" of the faith that you embrace and what is written in your own Qu'ran....your own writings confirm that you still practice paganism.
We disagree, because I only pray to God and God only, that Islam is paganism
Can you comment on this portion of your Qu'ran...
I can comment that worship of anything, any place, any one other than God is Shirk, taught as Shirk, and is an unforgivable, unpardonable sin.
I know exactly what it means to recite chanted prayers and live a life of discipline without a personal relationship with God.
I know others like you. Even, sadly, fellow Muslims. It is very sad because if the prayer does not come from the heart with true humility and devotion the prayer is, as you said, pointless.
Matthew 6:7 "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do:"
See above. Jesus was I believe teaching exactly what I stated above.
And, YES, I certainly did feel good about myself when I did it. I was obedient! You can't dismiss the fact that the religion teaches this type of impersonal service and worship and we were never taught anything of a personal God, much like Islam. We were taught that Jesus was kind.
I view your kneeling, prostrating, etc. the same as what we did as Catholics. Not much difference, IMO. Obedient, but impersonal. I don't call what you do or what I used to practice as - "communication".
I cannot say that I blame you for applying a personal experience to the observed actions of others. I do not feel that emptiness when I pray. I spend a little time, as Sunnah (recommended) with additional prayers of which depend on my personal experiences of the day.
You are trying to throw us off of the discussion at hand by using the ever popular tacit of "judging". So, you used to be a Baptist? That's their favorite terminology as I have several sisters that are Baptist. LOL! It won't do here, WII. The title of the thread is Islam vs. Christianity. If you were not here to speak on the issues, differences and disagreements, then why are you here? I am sure that my posting of facts and being serious may appear to be less than kind, but I assure you that I am honestly listening to what you are saying. Even though I do not agree with you as the origin of your faith is suspect and lame, I have enjoyed reading your well thought out posts.
It is common, as above, to observe the actions of others, apply personal experience, or something one reads, or just one's own opinion, to their actions, then apply an interpretation or conclusion to the person being observed. Pointing that out is not meant to be "tactical". I am certainly guilty of doing that back to you as well. It is a fallacy of human nature to do this. I? Used to hate muslims. Boy did I ever. I was once a crazy, drinky redneck. I used to drive the trucks that I now make fun of. I now have another view entirely from both teachings and personal experience.
I point out, again, that your ritual of prayer is "vain repetition". That is part of the discussion here. Now, pony up and cooperate.
It can be. Personal experience. Honesty. Sometimes I am busy. Sometimes I am distracted. Sometimes I just do not feel like praying. The highest form of "Jihad" is taught as the internal battle between those things and the requirement to really, truly stop and give to God the worship and devotion that God is due.
I did not say his "whole" army was multicultural and I wasn't focusing on the Aryanism for my particular point.. Hitler simply used a facit of people under Himmler's direction, in Bosnia, to his advantage. America's error was looking at defeating "communism" during our most recent conflict, in the Balkans, by siding with the Muslims. I don't believe, at that point, we understood what we were unleashing.
We did not "side with Muslims". We prevented the butchery and annhilation of Muslim families who were being exterminated. I was around. I was not Muslim. Extermination of anyone anywhere sickened me at the time and sickened the rest of the country. The regret that we did so also sickens me. There are no Bosnian muslims who hate america. The Muslims who hate america in Afghanistan were trained, propped, build, funded, armed, and supported by America to fight the USSR THEN we yanked their rug from under their feet. That rug deserved to be yanked by the way in case you are wondering what my personal thoughts are. But - by our own actions we unleashed something that we currently have to deal with. I do regret that this was done and I frickin LOVED Reagan.
I see what your attitude of the Christian Church is. Where you err is looking at the mistakes of people and not the origin and words of the Bible. I am looking, first, at the origin and the words of your Qur'an and judging your people by that. If Saudi Arabia ever steps up and seriously denounces "terrorism", I will believe that your Qur'an may possibly have been viewed incorrectly. But, I can pretty well reassure myself that it won't happen as Saudi Arabia has had ample time to do so. They also have the harshest Sharia law implemented, which is also rather telling, IMO. They, in fact, are endorsing "terrorism" with their silence. That means they believe in "jihad" as part of their faith and your faith.
Where you err is looking at the mistakes of people and not the origin and words of the Quran. Neither Saudi, Bahrain, Qatar, UAE, or any other country here are putting down or degrading America. They as well as other mentioned countries (the big Muslim countries) of Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, and now Pakistan ALSO have to raid, round up, and deal with extremists. Much Muslim blood is spilled doing this.
That fact is that it will never and can never be denied that the attributes of God have changed from the OT to the NT. His moral law and attributes stand, solid, in both books - the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. It is the "ceremonial law" which was done away.
It is the application of the "moral law" that draws the most criticism I think.
Yes, I see this. Is this one you are willing to obey?
In this I see no choice.
I did not contradict myself, but supported what history tells - Muhammad convinced the Muslims that it was Allah's will to fight the infidels. Muhammad turns your religion and "jihad" into a trade and mode of commerce. Now, the whole framework of Islam rests on this very thing from what I am reading. If it didn't, Saudi Arabia would NOT have implemented Sharia law. They are the voice of Islam in the Middle East. This is why we believe that "quiet occupation" will turn into violence as you grow in numbers.
Of course you believe that. Invented enemies are historically the most common justification for national emergency. National emergency is the most common justification for the development of sweeping new national powers. Drop your mouse, read Taylor Caldwell's "A Pillar of Iron" and similar stories and then come back and tell me otherwise. At the time of Mohammed the "infidels" certainly wanted to wipe the Muslims from the face of the earth. It was necessary for them to defend themselves. Numbers? The numbers of Muslims have already grown. The instruments of violence still come from "Christian" nations. Quiet occupation? My fellow expats here who are Christian practice their faith here and nobody bothers them. They are just practicing their faith. I wouldn’t conclude that they are "occupying" anything. I will note that they spend more time and effort counting their money, maximizing their investments, and working out tricks to sneak bacon from Bahrain than practicing their faith. They are are truly and fully your brothers and sisters.
I am honest enough to say that if America continues on it's path with secularism, we will have to contend with "jihad" in this country as well.
There is NO group, NO body, NO set of beliefs that can take America down. America, if she falls, will fall from within by erosion of her principles little by little. Refer back to history. How many great civilizations did not fall to greed, idolatry, and corruption from within?
Again, you miss the point of the New Covenant and the Church, but I see how easy that is to do with Secularism growing and clouding the view of what the Church was ordained to do and be
I have to apologize but I stand by the observation that the "new church" has become just another business model. Leaving the sarcastic and smarty comments aside, the church divides and divides and divides itself over silly things like sideburns and hem lengths. In the meantime they retreat to the suburbs. There are few to no apostolic churches in bad neighborhoods but bad neighborhoods are where the sinners are. AKA Churches are not locating themselves where they are most needed but retreating to areas with the greatest business potential. Every morsel of territory you retreat from becomes the base of the evil that has and continues to erode you. Yet you do this then look outside for threats to your "way of life" and "standard of living" as if that is the greatest threat to our country.
After all of our discourse you want me to read a book of fiction and take it seriously? Are you serious? lol
05-08-2009, 07:54 PM
Go Dodgers!
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 45,787
Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
The truth of the matter is that I have shared what Islam is and what Islam teaches. I do not go research what pagans did 1500 years ago because I (this may surprise you) do not care. I already know that paganism is a sin and do not need a wordy article on the internet to confirm that. Everyone who has every bowed to a pagan god or worshipped a pagan god or given room in their hearts for money, things, relationships, or anything else to anyone that shares any form of devotion to anything but the one and true God has a specific end. The nearly infinite number of ways that others have selected to achieve that end interests me so little that I do not have a comment on it. I also have no comment on actions or beliefs of thousands of years ago. I have no comment on the sinful actions of "muslims" who currently do those actions today except to point out, when specific cases are referenced, the precise areas where those cases violate the teachings of Islam. When you or anyone else is dumb enough to apply those actions to me I return the favor by applying the actions of bad people who do bad things in the name of "christianity" back to you. Then spell out how dumb and wrong it is.
When we pray we face the Kabaa. We do not pray to the Kabaa. We pray to God. God sees that prayer and the intention behind that prayer in our hearts. Each one of us is responsible for our own actions. Facing the Kabaa is a symbol of unity. From Muslims around the entire world. Giving the Kabaa homage or any form of diety equivalent to God is a form of Shirk. Shirk is to include anyone or anything in the oneness of God. This is, like the Bible clearly spells out as blasphemy, an unforgivable, unpardonable sin. We are taught that this sin will NEVER be passed over and there is nothing that can be done to make it up.
I will never endorse pagan worship. I also do not care what pagans did or did not do in the past. My prayer, and the prayer of my fellow Muslims, is to God and God only. That is what I was taught and what I believe is right and also matches what the bible says to do so I do not question it.
facing a meteorite stone that was central to pagan goddess worship...why would you face that stone just as the pagans did? Think about it. Our point was not that you would endorse worship but that you ARE practicing it unwittingly.
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
- There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
- The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
- Every sinner must repent of their sins.
- That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
- That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
- The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
05-08-2009, 07:56 PM
Go Dodgers!
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 45,787
Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
We are blessed. We are free of debt. We have a comfortable home. We have no immediate needs. We have a baby daughter on the way who should come any day. We have a wonderful marriage. The day is beautiful. We have a beautiful beach down the road for our enjoyment. He has given us good health. He keeps us safe every day. We owe everything we are or have to Him. We have much gratitude to Him for what He has given us.
Atheists can have that as well as pagans or Buddhists. But beside that, I am glad for you :-)
Let it be understood that Apostolic Friends Forum is an Apostolic Forum.
Apostolic is defined on AFF as:
- There is One God. This one God reveals Himself distinctly as Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
- The Son is God himself in a human form or "God manifested in the flesh" (1Tim 3:16)
- Every sinner must repent of their sins.
- That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
- That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
- The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
05-09-2009, 12:55 AM
Saved by Grace
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Decatur, TX
Posts: 5,247
Re: Islam vs. Christianity Part 1
Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
We are blessed. We are free of debt. We have a comfortable home. We have no immediate needs. We have a baby daughter on the way who should come any day. We have a wonderful marriage. The day is beautiful. We have a beautiful beach down the road for our enjoyment. He has given us good health. He keeps us safe every day. We owe everything we are or have to Him. We have much gratitude to Him for what He has given us.
I'm glad to hear that. However as Prax said, atheiest, buddishts, christians, or anyone can fit into taht category.
Please let me share with you what Jesus has done for me:
I came to Him at the age of 18. My parents divorced when I was five. My mother had custody of us, and has been married I think 8 times now. So obviously, we had some major problems, different kinds of abuse, child protective services, gangs, drugs, strip clubs, police arresing people at my house, on and on. I had left home while I was still in high school, and tried to make it on my own. Now I was even more miserable, and providing for myself. Though I had friends who sold drugs, and i was offered the easy money, I did manage to work a real job-which only added to my misery. here I am strugling, hating life, depresssed and lonely (though I had shacked up with a girl-but when sinful things weren't going on, all we did was fight), and contemplating suicide. Look what my life had been, and here I am at 17 looking at another 50 years of this misery, I may as well give up now.
I had gone to church a few times, but it was boring, I hated it, and everything I did was sin-literally.
Anyway, God began to convict me of my lifestyle. I was so miserable that only He could help me. Long story short, I repented of my sins at age 18, I was baptizes, and filled with the Holy Ghost. When I was filled with the Holy Ghost, I spoke in tongues. It wasn't something anyone told me to do, or anything I was very familiar with. However, that doesn't matter,except that it was from God. What matters is, from that time there was a very radical change in mine (and my wife life-she recieved the Hoyl Ghost 3 weeks after me).
From that time immediately we both quit cussing (haven't since-that was 9years ago), quit smoking (no patches needed, God did it), quit drinking, our attitudes were chagned, our hearts were changed. Quit (fist) fighting with others, as well as among ourselves. God fixed our marriage, which was all but over, (still together 10 years later).
Not only that, but at the time we came to Jesus, I had lost our apartment, my job, and our car. We had nothing. The night my wife recieved the holy Ghost, she was still speaking in tongues when we got home. Since we lost our apartment, we were staying with other people. They asked what's wrong with her (since she was speaking something other than english), and when I explained, we were told to find a new place to live. We lived in a motel for the next several months.
Anyway, God helped us out of that situation. I began to get raises at work, and soon we were able to move into an apartment. Jesus began to work out everything is such a miraculous way. Here I was a failure, drop out, troubled youth written off to end up dead or in prison, having experienced the kind of life transforming religious experience that so many wish they had, or claim to have had. God was good, but the best was yet to come. About 4 years later.
My first child was crippled with Juvenille Rhumatoid Arthritus. We were refered to several specialist, as well as had visits at Cook's Children's in Fort Worth, and Children Miracle Network in Dallas, and also Scottish Rite Children's Hospital. We were told that our little girl would never be able to be a normal child, and public school would be a bad idea. She would never be able to play or participate with the other kids, and that she would need hip replacement surgery, amongst other things. In December 2004, Bro. Donnie Napier preached at our church, and afterward we had prayer for Hannah (my daughter). God miraculously healed her. Her leg didn't straighten out immediately when we laid hands on her. But that night she didn't compalin about any pain, and within a few days her leg was completely healed, and has been every since. Not only does she go to public school, and enjoy a normal life, she is an honor roll student. She is very active, doing all of the things the doctors said she never would, and all of that with out any persciption medicines, or any of the surgeries that were planned for her.
To keep it short, I will say, not only these things, but I have prayed for people who were dying, and they lived, cast out a demon (only once-and it was freaky, like "surely this isn't happening"), seen the work of God, and had many prayers answered in Jesus name. Broken bones healed by prayer. As the song goes, "He's been so good to me, I cannot tell it all."
I don't know what your allah can do for you. I know that Jesus is a God who I can call on in the most dire and desperate of situations, and He answers prayer.
From what you post, you seem like you are/were genuinely searching for truth. I'm not going to tear you down. I completely understand where your coming from. Christianity in general has become carnal, worldly, and the complete opposite of what Jesus commanded us to do and be like. We have celebrity preachers in it for the money, and "saints" who live like the devil. I believe that Christianity as a whole is apostate. However, there is still a true church, filled with true believers. There is still a God, who came manifest in flesh to save us. There is truth, there is a God, and if you search for Him with your whole heart you will find Him. You will find that He loves you when you don't deserve it. You will find when you fail Him, He doesn't fail you. You will find that when your unfaithful, He's still faithful. I am so sorry that Christianity as a whole has turned genuine people such as yourself, and thousands others away, because many churches long ago made took Christ out of Christianity, and made it about themselves, their social clubs, and their economic status. These things should never be so, and I do believe taht they will be judged for it.
WII, I want to remind you, even if you deny Him, cuss Him, or simply think of Him to be nothing more than a mere man, Jesus loves you, and died for your sin. The only atonement that can be made, was made by Him.
your friend,
(also from the south)
"Resolved: That all men should live to the glory of God. Resolved, secondly: That whether or not anyone else does, I will." ~Jonathan Edwards
"The only man who has the right to say he is justified by grace alone is the man who has left all to follow Christ." ~Dietrich Bonheoffer, The Cost of Discipleship
"Preachers who should be fishing for men are now too often fishing for compliments from men." ~Leonard Ravenhill
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