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Old 04-30-2009, 05:09 PM
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Re: Breaking news

Originally Posted by TK Burk View Post
No you have not, and neither has anyone else from any eschatological camp.

Eld Epley resorts to saying things like this usually when he's asked to prove one of his prophecy claims with Scripture. It is during those times that he starts misrepresenting and slandering the men and their teachings that he disagrees with. This, of course, he does in hopes of getting the focus off his inability to provide his evidence. But any honest reader will not find even one statement in the entirety of the mentioned thread that qualifies as Anti-Semitic.

Even though he has done this for as many years as I have posted with him, Eld. Epley still shocks me how he can so easily make these type false accusations. I was always taught we will have to answer for such things someday....
Elder Epley sees what we are saying, and he is one step away from becoming a Preterist himself. There is NO WAY someone who has been around Pentecost as long as he has, can't see what we are talking about.
Elder Epley and the others understand more than what they will admit to, yet because of agenda, preaching engagements, and fellowship they have to bang drums, shake sabers, and blow the trumpets loud enough to make everyone believe that they are hard against this teaching. Yet, the Bible and the Holy Ghost continues to bring it to their remembrance.

If we were discussing any other topic Elder Epley would be laying down scripture chapter and verse. Yet when he gets into the subject of eschatology, Elder Epley starts quoting from Word of Flame "Sing Unto The Lord" song books?

Elder Epley can say he doesn't believe what we have been presenting all he wants, but the fact is this, for over five to six years of me going round and round with the sweet Elder, he has never brought forth a strong argument for what he believes. Everything from "Where are the Dead Now?" to the Rebuilding of the 3rd Temple in modern Jerusalem. No answers, just could bes, and maybes.

Elder Epley, the threads about Fulfilled Eschatology would of been on page 50 of this forum already, but you have kept the thread going strong. You are virtually invisible in the Eschatology forum of this web site, but you are hopping and chopping here in the main forum? I think we should take up a love offering for you doing such a great job of keeping this subject in the main view.

In Jesus name

Brother Benincasa

"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence
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Old 04-30-2009, 06:47 PM
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Re: Breaking news

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
a dispensationalist type teaching about Israel



The Jewish nation is the only nation whose origin can be traced with any degree of accuracy. Nobody can name the first English person, first Swede, first Chinese, etc. The origin of some nations is wrapped in legend but Jews and Gentiles alike agree that Abraham was the first “Hebrew” and that the Jewish people descended from him.

Abraham, Acts 7:2-5; Genesis 12:1-7; 13:14-18; 15:1-21; 17:1-8

Isaac, Genesis 26:1-6; 17:15-21

Jacob/Israel, Genesis 28:1-15; 32:22-32; 35:1-15

Everlasting covenant, Psalm 105:1-12; Jeremiah 31:35-37


Deuteronomy 28:36-37, 64-67
John 1:1-18; Matthew 21:33-46; 23:29-39; 24:1-51

Don’t you believe that the church has replaced Israel, and that God has no covenant with modern Israel? I do not believe in “replacement” theology. God still has a land covenant with natural Israel. That covenant with Abraham has not been broken. Yes, I believe the Church is spiritual Israel under a New Covenant . But the New Covenant does not do away with His everlasting land covenant with Israel.... So I believe in two Israels: natural and spiritual. All Jews must come to Christ by faith in His shed blood. Spiritual Israel is His holy invisible Church. God’s chosen people are composed of all believers in Christ. Yet natural Israel maintains its chosen place in modern history as rightful husbandman of the land promised to them. David Wilkerson 3/25/02


“Political Israel was born May 14, 1948 but was born in unbelief. Rigtheous Israel will be born after travail in the Tribulation.” a note in my Bible from an unknown source

Acts 15:14-18 with Amos 9:8-15
Jeremiah 3:18; 24:6; 16:14-15; 30:1-24
Isaiah 11:1-16; 43:5-9; 11:5-13
Hosea 2:14-23: 6:1-3
Zephaniah 3:14-20
Ezekiel 22:17-22 regathered in anger
Ezekiel 36:16-38 hearts changed
Ezekiel 37:1-28 spiritual resurrection
Zechariah chapters 12, 13, 14 Israel’s repentance, restoration, ruling on the earth

Persecution of the Jews

AD 50 30,000 killed in Jerusalem by the Romans
AD 66 persecuted by Gessius Florius, Roman Governor of Judah, 40,000 killed
AD 70 Roman army of 100,000 seige, 1,000,000 killed, 97,000 captured
AD 135 Hadrian devastated Jerusalem, 580, 000 killed, Temple site plowed (Micah 3:12) people scattered throughout the world
AD 1020 All Jews banished from England
AD 1096 “holy war” in Europe, Jews must be baptized or executed
Henry II ordered the Jews to pay for his crusade
AD 1190 York Castle, 500-1000 Jews besieged, they killed one anothrer, set on fire
AD 1272 England claimed to own the Jews and whatever they possessed. Then 16,550 were driven from England by Edward I
AD 1306 100,000 Jews stripped of wealth and possessions and driven from France
AD 1348-50 Black death in Europe blamed on Jews, Spanish Inquisition
AD 1492 All Jews banished from Spain
AD 1560 Banished from Prague
AD 1683 Jews ordered out of all French colonies
AD 1723 Louis XV gave Jews permission to own property
AD 1776 U.S. Declaration of Independence
AD 1933-45 Persecution and death in Europe by Nazis

Some Dates in Jewish History

1445 BC the Exodus
1405 BC entrance into Canaan
1043-1011 King Saul
1011-971 King David
971-931 King Solomon
931 BC the kingdom splits into Israel/Samaria (northern) and Judah (southern)
722 BC Northern Kingdom defeated by Assyria, many carried away captive
606 BC Southern Kingdom attacked by Babylon, many carried away captive
587 BC Temple and Jerusalem destroyed
539 BC Babylon defeated by Media Persia
538 BC Jews allowed to return under Zerubbabel to rebuild Temple
515 BC Temple built
476 BC Esther became Queen of Persia
458 BC more return to Israel under Ezrsa
445 BC commission to rebuild Jerusalem given to Nehemiah
20 BC Herod begins to rebuild the Temple
30 AD death of Jesus
70 AD Herod’s Temple destroyed
1897 First Zionist Congress in Switzerland
1914 90,000 Jews in Palestine
1935 300,000 Jews in Palestine
11/2/17 Balfour Declaration established Palestine as a Jewish homeland
5/14/48 Israel became an independent country
June, 1967 Israel controls Jerusalem
2006 5,313,800 Jews in Israel
There are NO Jews in Isreal them Arabs blowing the place up for nothing.
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Old 04-30-2009, 06:49 PM
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Re: Breaking news

Originally Posted by TK Burk View Post
Eld. Epley, you are not telling the truth about us, and you know it! Anyone reading what is said in that forum will see that your statement is nothing but slander. Please, stop your misrepresentations.

Elder, you really need to leave the talk about eschatology to those who do not have their notes in storage.
YOU -Benne_Blume are saying there are NO Jews so I am repeating what y'all are teaching. Either there are or are NOT Jews today.
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Old 04-30-2009, 06:51 PM
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Re: Breaking news

Originally Posted by Scott Hutchinson View Post
Most Post-Tribs believe the church to be the Israel Of God,does that make them Anti-Semitic ?
I have met some I have wondered about. One guy called them sand N-----s!
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Old 04-30-2009, 06:52 PM
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Re: Breaking news

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
That is a lie, brother Epley. I know there are Jews today. Jews are people who adhere to Judaic religion. And many people adhere to Judaic law.

First you reject what the Jews say about themselves, and now you say we believe there are no jews.

And I am a spiritual Jew!
This is NOT about your so-called spiritual Jew you are NOT a spiritual Jew you are a spiritual(hopefully) Canadian.
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Old 04-30-2009, 06:53 PM
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Re: Breaking news

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
NOT one person on the forum that I know is part of the "Isreal of God." NOT ONE!
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Old 04-30-2009, 06:55 PM
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Re: Breaking news

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
And this is slanderous as well. I am not antisemitic. How can you say such things. There ARE JEWS, and I personally am good friends with Jews. But Jews are adherents to Judaism. They are not a race. Hitler, who was ANTISEMITIC, said they are a race. The Jews, themselves, say they are NOT a race. Who you gonna believe? Hitler or the Jews?
Get that Rabbi out of his cave with some kosher carrott juice and have him make a anit-Jew speech. like some Blacks that are self hating blacks.
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Old 04-30-2009, 06:56 PM
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Re: Breaking news

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Bro. Epley,

I am sure you did not mean to be biased or offensive, but with all due respect, this statement is a very offensive statement to India's people as well as others from other countries.

Blessings, Rhoni
I certainly wouldn't want to offend Osama or any of his wonderful family.
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Old 04-30-2009, 06:58 PM
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Re: Breaking news

Originally Posted by TK Burk View Post
No you have not, and neither has anyone else from any eschatological camp. Eld Epley resorts to saying things like this usually when he's asked to prove one of his prophecy claims with Scripture. It is during those times that he starts misrepresenting and slandering the men and their teachings that he disagrees with. This, of course, he does in hopes of getting the focus off his inability to provide his evidence. But any honest reader will not find even one statement in the entirety of the mentioned thread that qualifies as Anti-Semitic. Even though he has done this for as many years as I have posted with him, Eld. Epley still shocks me how he can so easily make these type false accusations. I was always taught we will have to answer for such things someday....
You guys posts all this junk page after page and someone calls y'all on it and y'all go crying like babies. Make up your minds are there JEWS today?
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Old 04-30-2009, 07:00 PM
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Re: Breaking news

Originally Posted by TJJJ View Post
Elderest of Elders Epley;

This is a childish and immature thread, if you are serious. If you are joking to B,B and B then say so.

You are too experienced to really believe what you wrote. I believe you understand completely what they are trying to say and just don't want to admit where they are coming from, whether you agree with them or not.

The Anti-sematic remarks have been hurled before.
These guys have been posting with me for years they know I am pulling their chain however it is so close to what they really believe it is uncomfortable for them. Rush says "WORDS MEAN SOMETHING."
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