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Old 12-22-2008, 07:29 PM
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Imagine celebrating your birthday on a day you weren't born.

Also that you weren't the one who changed it.

Other people changed it in your honor, and made your birthday after someone who at the time of the changing had a bigger following than you.

To celebrate your birthday everyone did things that had nothing to do with you personally. Also they only focus on the moments that you were born, and some time later when you were about two years old when some magicians came by your house.

Your birthday has had its date changed, borrowed from a more popular individual (who was around way before your birth), and to make matters worse a fat dwarf in red pajamas and a pine tree with jewelry on it now is a reminder of what you represent?

I thought Jesus is about His death, burial and resurrection?

Isn't that celebrated through the water baptism in Jesus name?

Just a thought.

In Jesus name

Brother Benincasa

I have one better,

Suppose you are a famous Jew who destroyed the works of Adolph Hitler!

You rose from obscurity and singlehandedly stormed Hitler's castle and killed him, liberated the Jews and others in the concentration camps, and had a philosophy that, if embraced, would give you peace and rest in your spirit.

Wanting to honor this Jew, we can't, no one knows when he was born.

What shall we do, FLASH!!!!!

Let's celebrate his birthday on April 14th!!!!

We will celebrate it with Swastikas and Eagle Banners, Ziek Heil we will cry!

Who cares if this was Hitler's birthday? We don't. No, we are going to honor this Jew by taking back Hitler's birthday and giving it to this one who gave his life for us.

Pass the stein? And paint the little mustache on the Jew's picture!

Now, That's honor where honor is due, right?
Ron Harvey

Remember, your day is only as good as the strength of the table you're dancing on!

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Old 12-22-2008, 09:00 PM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

To those who ask about this just being a "conviction." In my assembly, we don't use the word "conviction", something is either Bible or it's not, and on some matters we have preferences- but not "conviction." Convicts/Guilty people have "convictions."

Example: "I have a conviction against wearing red."

"So you wore red and felt guilty?"

"Well no, I don't wear red."

"So you have a conviction just in case you ever feel like putting on red?"


"Why do you feel the need to call it a conviction?"

"Well, cause I would feel wrong wearing red."

"Is is Bible?"


"Well then why don't you call it a preference?"

You see GOD didn't make me feel bad or speak to me or anything like that concerning xmas, I just saw it in HIS Word, I obey and HE blesses me and let's me know I'm walking in the right way!

-Bro. Alex
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Old 12-22-2008, 09:09 PM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Do you ANTI CHRISTmas folk decline your christmas bonuses on your jobs????????

notice how this question was ignored????

bet they'd take those evil C'mas bonuses especially in rough economic times!
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Old 12-22-2008, 09:15 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by nahkoe View Post
You realize that the term "pulpit" there speaks of a raised platform and not a "pulpit" as we know it, right? You see the pulpit as we know it is of Greek pagan origin and was widely used by philosophers in their schools to teach pupils various pagan concepts. If you look this up in any other more modern translation based on formal equivalency you'll see that it doesn't mean what most think it does. My point? Simple, it's pagan. Paul preached in houses and publicly without any form of pulpit or "scholasticism".

The early church met in Synagogues on the Sabbath, as they were Jewish. No one who was not a rabbi was allowed to teach the Scriptures during that time in history. They would meet in homes on Sunday morning..what we'd call Saturday night (after sundown, after leaving the synagogue) to worship Jesus because that wasn't something they were allowed to do in the synagogue.
You are correct, however, only Paul was a qualified rabbi among the Christians. Most such as Apollos and Aquila were not rabbis, and they taught the Scriptures in their homes conversationally.

But, you believe that Christianity superseded Judaism there's not much more I have to say here, really. If you believe that, then yes what you''re saying is accurate.
Christianity definitely supercooled Judaism. It wasn't the Lord's intention to make Jews of Gentiles or to "Judify" the masses. Christianity is as near a universal religion as one can get. That's it's beauty. It can apply, appeal, and function without the need of an inherent "Jewishness" that Messianics like to demand.

That's not how God feels about it. But we're at an impasse here. I know I won't budge, and I doubt you will either.[/QUOTE]

Regarding eating meat sacrificed to idols Paul wrote...
1 Corinthians 8:4
As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one.
Paul's point is that it doesn't matter if a Christian eats something sacrificed to idols, however, a weak brother or sister might be offended. Why? Because an idol is nothing. To you a Christmas tree is a bit scary idol, to me, it's a seasonal custom of decoration that casts a pretty light in the living room. Being European in ancestry, I find it a bit cultural too. Yes, I am of European ancestry and proud of it.
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Old 12-22-2008, 09:16 PM
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by 2020Vision View Post
Almost everything has some pagan beginning. I guess we just get through these things in prayer and conviction. If my brother doesn't want to do Christmas, that's fine. Just know it's possible to live in the world and not be of it. It's possible to celebrate Christmas, by focusing on the story of Christ. It's a holiday tradition that wasn't set forth by the Apostles, but surely has good value for Christianity. The whole speaks of Christ in many of our Christmas songs that are on the airwaves. To God be the Glory!
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Old 12-22-2008, 09:16 PM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
notice how this question was ignored????

bet they'd take those evil C'mas bonuses especially in rough economic times!
At my work they don't give an xmas bonus. This is a foolish question...

If they did, yeah, I'd take it, they probably don't even call it an xmas bonus since there are plenty of people (ie. Jews and other religions) that don't celebrate xmas. They probably call it an "end of the year bonus."

-Bro. Alex
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Old 12-22-2008, 09:18 PM
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
You realize that the term "pulpit" there speaks of a raised platform and not a "pulpit" as we know it, right? You see the pulpit as we know it is of Greek pagan origin and was widely used by philosophers in their schools to teach pupils various pagan concepts. If you look this up in any other more modern translation based on formal equivalency you'll see that it doesn't mean what most think it does. My point? Simple, it's pagan. Paul preached in houses and publicly without any form of pulpit or "scholasticism".

You are correct, however, only Paul was a qualified rabbi among the Christians. Most such as Apollos and Aquila were not rabbis, and they taught the Scriptures in their homes conversationally.

Christianity definitely supercooled Judaism. It wasn't the Lord's intention to make Jews of Gentiles or to "Judify" the masses. Christianity is as near a universal religion as one can get. That's it's beauty. It can apply, appeal, and function without the need of an inherent "Jewishness" that Messianics like to demand.

That's not how God feels about it. But we're at an impasse here. I know I won't budge, and I doubt you will either.
Regarding eating meat sacrificed to idols Paul wrote...
1 Corinthians 8:4
As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one.
Paul's point is that it doesn't matter if a Christian eats something sacrificed to idols, however, a weak brother or sister might be offended. Why? Because an idol is nothing. To you a Christmas tree is a bit scary idol, to me, it's a seasonal custom of decoration that casts a pretty light in the living room. Being European in ancestry, I find it a bit cultural too. Yes, I am of European ancestry and proud of it.[/QUOTE]

Well then, to not offend your brother shouldn't you then not have an xmas tree, just like Paul wouldn't eat meat, if meat offended his brother?

-Bro. Alex
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Old 12-22-2008, 09:19 PM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by Sept5SavedTeen View Post
At my work they don't give an xmas bonus. This is a foolish question...

If they did, yeah, I'd take it, they probably don't even call it an xmas bonus since there are plenty of people (ie. Jews and other religions) that don't celebrate xmas. They probably call it an "end of the year bonus."

-Bro. Alex

Would you take it IF they gave you a bonus and IF they did call it a "Christmas Bonus" ???
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Old 12-22-2008, 09:26 PM
Sept5SavedTeen Sept5SavedTeen is offline
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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Would you take it IF they gave you a bonus and IF they did call it a "Christmas Bonus" ???
Why wouldn't I recieve worldly things from the world and give it back to the world? I work for meat that perishes, and I give to Ceasar what is Ceasar's. These sort of questions are foolish. If you disagree with the president and he gives a tax refund, do you not take it?

-Bro. Alex
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Old 12-22-2008, 09:26 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: We're Not Putting X-Mas Trees Up!

Originally Posted by ronharvey View Post
The difference here is, not only do you erect a church over it but you have moved the furniture from the old pagan temple and moved it into the Church after its erection.
Furniture is just furniture.
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