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Old 11-07-2008, 08:01 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by A_PoMo View Post
she basically threw her debate prep guys under the bus by speculating that it was them and called them 'jerks'. wow, now THAT'S professional. she also said that she knew the difference between africa the nation vs. the country. ??? i think part of her problem isn't that she doesn't know, she doesn't know how to communicate very well. she sounded pretty whiney to me too.

Did she really say this or anything that comes close to this?

Don't exaggerate.
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Old 11-08-2008, 07:59 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

I must say that in the midst of all this, I've lost a lot of respect for John McCain. His aides go out there savaging Palin in the media and he stays silent? Whatever happened to loyalty. All he had to do was make a positive statement supporting Palin and thanking her for being his running mate, etc, and that would have carried a lot of weight.

Why is he silent through all this? This situation has dragged on for days and he's said nothing. Seriously it makes me wonder if he actually put these aides up to this, or gave them the green light to say what they said . Meanwhile he's got Palin hanging out to dry, to the point she felt she had to do TV interviews to defend herself. And in the meantime, McCain's silence is deafening. I always thought of him as being an honorable man who would do the right thing. But now I have to seriously wonder about that.
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Old 11-08-2008, 08:18 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
Don't even try it!!

Even if no one on this board used those exact words, that was definitely the sentiment here!
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Old 11-08-2008, 08:29 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Palin gave the impression that she may have asked some questions about NAFTA during debate prep, that they then leaked to the press after the election to illustrate her lack of knowledge. If that is the case, they threw HER under the bus--not the other way around.

Personally, I agree with her--if that's what they did, then they're JERKS, and there's nothing "unprofessional" about calling a spade a spade. Aides are supposed to be there to assist a candidate--not to use his/her weaknesses against him after a campaign is over.

I think Palin is learning a valuable lesson here, and that is, there's probably nowhere you can let your guard down if you are a political figure.

She also mentioned having to encounter sexism in the other states that she wasn't accustomed to in Alaska, and I have to agree with her. When she first came on the scene, folks were commenting about her needing to stay at home with her kids, and asking how she would handle being in Washington and still care for her children. No one asked that of Obama, that I'm aware. It's a fair accusation--remember when Hillary had to deal with "Iron my shirt?" There are definitely still some male chauvinists in this country.

As for the clothes that were bought for her--I'm suspicious. I'm almost inclined to believe that she was set up. She does NOT come across as a diva, or as someone who spends a lot on clothes, shoes, etc., and it just seems like someone wanted her to come across that way early on. She pointed out quite clearly that the clothes were NOT hers, that they belonged to the RNC, and she said that she had only asked for a Diet Dr. Pepper. A fact which was confirmed, btw, by a McCain aide who was not afraid to show her face.

I just really think that she is being shredded as a preemptive strike.
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--David Livingstone

"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
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Old 11-08-2008, 08:43 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Just to point out--if she was confused about Africa being a continent instead of a country (still not clear on that), I think that's a pretty simple piece of information to possess. However, the point here is not that she did or didn't know it, but that the people who were supposed to help her are maliciously leaking it to the press. She may have picked up on their attitude from the beginning, and that may be why she refused their help. I know I would have.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone

"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
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--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
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Old 11-08-2008, 09:28 AM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post

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Old 11-08-2008, 04:09 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
Did she really say this or anything that comes close to this?

Don't exaggerate.
She did say this, I watched the interview twice. I think what prob happened is that she prob was tired or something and had brain gas and said africa was a nation during the debate prep. and then these guys are acting like she really didn't know. however, when given the opportunity to clear it up she said it in such a way that you still wondered if she knew that africa was a continent and not a nation. she just gives people stuff to crucify her with. she needs to think about what she's going to say ahead of time...it's called prep. and it's what she didn't do in the couric interview. she tries to do things off the cuff and she gets her foot stuck in her mouth. that might work in alaska, but not on the national stage when so many people are gunning for you. jmo.
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Old 11-08-2008, 04:16 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
Palin gave the impression that she may have asked some questions about NAFTA during debate prep, that they then leaked to the press after the election to illustrate her lack of knowledge. If that is the case, they threw HER under the bus--not the other way around. Maybe so but she's still dumb for reacting that way. It was dumb not only because she stooped to calling them jerks, but also because it was obvious that she didn't know for sure that indeed it was them. she just made assumptions and then threw them under the bus. either that or she was outing them. either way, it's immature and very unprofessional, imo. she would be better to take the high road and heap coals on them with kinds words. but, it's too late for that now. it's turned into a spitting contest.

Personally, I agree with her--if that's what they did, then they're JERKS, and there's nothing "unprofessional" about calling a spade a spade. Aides are supposed to be there to assist a candidate--not to use his/her weaknesses against him after a campaign is over. I have to wonder why they would be so set against her. She had to have done something to earn that kind of treatment, if indeed she was mistreated. So far one one person has defended her, one of her aides. Just one?

I think Palin is learning a valuable lesson here, and that is, there's probably nowhere you can let your guard down if you are a political figure. very true.

She also mentioned having to encounter sexism in the other states that she wasn't accustomed to in Alaska, and I have to agree with her. When she first came on the scene, folks were commenting about her needing to stay at home with her kids, and asking how she would handle being in Washington and still care for her children. No one asked that of Obama, that I'm aware. It's a fair accusation--remember when Hillary had to deal with "Iron my shirt?" There are definitely still some male chauvinists in this country.yep. for sure.

As for the clothes that were bought for her--I'm suspicious. I'm almost inclined to believe that she was set up. She does NOT come across as a diva, or as someone who spends a lot on clothes, shoes, etc., and it just seems like someone wanted her to come across that way early on. She pointed out quite clearly that the clothes were NOT hers, that they belonged to the RNC, and she said that she had only asked for a Diet Dr. Pepper. you believe that? seriously? come on! it's a soundbite line. A fact which was confirmed, btw, by a McCain aide who was not afraid to show her face.i thought nicole wallace was one of her aides. maybe not. so far nicole is the one and only person that i have heard defend palin. that seems curious to me.

I just really think that she is being shredded as a preemptive strike.i think it's partly true and they're leveraging it to deflect away from their own failures and the failures of their candidate.
"Most human beings are not able to stand the message of the shaking of foundations. They reject and attack the prophetic minds, not because they really disagree with them, but because they sense the truth of their words and cannot receive it." Paul Tillich
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Old 11-08-2008, 04:21 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
I must say that in the midst of all this, I've lost a lot of respect for John McCain. His aides go out there savaging Palin in the media and he stays silent? Whatever happened to loyalty. All he had to do was make a positive statement supporting Palin and thanking her for being his running mate, etc, and that would have carried a lot of weight.

Why is he silent through all this? This situation has dragged on for days and he's said nothing. Seriously it makes me wonder if he actually put these aides up to this, or gave them the green light to say what they said . Meanwhile he's got Palin hanging out to dry, to the point she felt she had to do TV interviews to defend herself. And in the meantime, McCain's silence is deafening. I always thought of him as being an honorable man who would do the right thing. But now I have to seriously wonder about that.
Yeah, that McCain is quite a guy!

I think she ticked him off and he's letting her have her just desserts. Kinda like his buddy Lieberman is gonna get if he doesn't switch sides and caucus w/the Reds.
"Most human beings are not able to stand the message of the shaking of foundations. They reject and attack the prophetic minds, not because they really disagree with them, but because they sense the truth of their words and cannot receive it." Paul Tillich
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Old 11-08-2008, 07:54 PM
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Re: Backstabbing in McCain camp...

Originally Posted by A_PoMo View Post
You know, part of my reasoning for posting all this 'gossip' and 'rumor mongering' material is to push buttons and poke fun at my fellow conservatives who are so morose and down in the mouth about the election. I think their reaction in that regard is over cooked and extreme.

Another reason is that for me the whole Palin debacle illustrates the gullibility and short sightedness of too many of our people that make religious affiliation a litmus test for their candidate. Palin was presented as a 'spirit filled', born again, conservative believer and the ultra-cons went orgasmic on here and other places, tripping over themselves in adoration and adulation for 'one of us'. "She's one of ours so she must be good for the country" was the ignorant and arrogant assumption.

The problem is that her own people didn't feel she was qualified to run the country. For obvious reasons they hid it from us. As it turns out though she is ignorant of "basic civics, governance, issues, and policy" and she refused help from her own supporters in prepping for debates and major interviews and she verbally abused her staff. To me, this is indicative not only of a person of low character but a person who should never, ever be allowed to have even the outside chance of being the President of the US. Do we really want a person making major decisions who screams at their staff and won't listen to advice and who fails to have even a basic understanding of the fundamentals required for her job? I don't.

This is one of my pet peeves. How apostolics jump on bandwagons w/out the slightest clue as to the facts. We join the latest hair brained schemes, invest in Nigerian Ponzi schemes, cash in life insurance on our own church members to pay for buildings we don't need, and support political candidates merely because they're one of us. It's stupid and reveals a serious Achilles heel in regard to lack of wisdom and prudence (rooted in an institutional inferiority complex?) among too many of us and I'm glad that the egg is on our face as evidence of our immaturity.

Will we learn? Probably not.
So very true!!! Nice use of words by the way...
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