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Old 10-30-2008, 05:39 PM
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Re: Al Qaeda lets us know who they want to win.

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
Interesting, since we've killed and/or captured many Al Qaeda leaders since 9/11... and foiled multiple terrorist plots... and kept our country safe from attack since 9/11. I guess that means nothing to the leftists, Bush haters, and others.

I guess in the minds of some, since Bush hasn't killed Osama Bin Laden, that must mean he's been really ineffective against Al Qaeda.
You and I both know that this countries 16 intelligence agencies said in August that Al-qaeda was at pre 9/11 strength. Let that soak in for a minute and then rethink your victory lap around the failed policies of the Bush administration.
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Old 10-30-2008, 05:47 PM
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Re: Al Qaeda lets us know who they want to win.

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
You and I both know that this countries 16 intelligence agencies said in August that Al-qaeda was at pre 9/11 strength. Let that soak in for a minute and then rethink your victory lap around the failed policies of the Bush administration.
The proof is in the pudding.
We have not been attacked,
even though Al Qaeda has tried multiple times.

Related Article: http://www.heritage.org/research/Hom...nse/bg2085.cfm

Maybe if you'd shift out of Bush-bashing mode for just a moment sometimes, you'd be willing to acknowledge that they've done a good job in that regard.

But I'm sure you couldn't bring yourself to admit that, so... never mind.
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Old 10-30-2008, 06:28 PM
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Re: Al Qaeda lets us know who they want to win.

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
Are you just not paying attention, TS?

When a leading Al Qaeda figure issues a statement 5 days before the US elections, calling for the humiliation of Bush and the Republican party, what do you think they're saying?
Ouch! that hurts. I've never been slapped or clubbed as much in my life as I have in just a few months of AFF.

Am I not paying attention? These yahoos have been praying against Bush for years. I am not disputing that they do not like Bush. That is probably a unanimous sentiment among them. I'm sure that on any given day you could quote some previously unknown member or leader of Al-queada saying something negative about Bush and his party.
My points are that I do not know that this unheard of person is the spokesperson for Al-Quaeda or that they are saying that they want Obama as President...because that will be stupid of them in my opinion.

I think it is significant and appropriate to point out that this statement reflects sentiment towards GWB specifically. This person is not making a statement concerning the two actual candidates. He is not speaking about John McCain near as much as GWB. This statement is just one more in a long line of statements directed at a man that we can all agree they do not like.
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Old 10-30-2008, 06:41 PM
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Re: Al Qaeda lets us know who they want to win.

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Ouch! that hurts. I've never been slapped or clubbed as much in my life as I have in just a few months of AFF.

Am I not paying attention? These yahoos have been praying against Bush for years. I am not disputing that they do not like Bush. That is probably a unanimous sentiment among them. I'm sure that on any given day you could quote some previously unknown member or leader of Al-queada saying something negative about Bush and his party.
My points are that I do not know that this unheard of person is the spokesperson for Al-Quaeda or that they are saying that they want Obama as President...because that will be stupid of them in my opinion.

I think it is significant and appropriate to point out that this statement reflects sentiment towards GWB specifically. This person is not making a statement concerning the two actual candidates. He is not speaking about John McCain near as much as GWB. This statement is just one more in a long line of statements directed at a man that we can all agree they do not like.
Stew, did you read the actual article and the actual quote? They specifically mentioned not just Bush but also "his party" (that would be the Republican Party,to further state the obvious). Five days before the elections they're saying they want his party to be humiliated... but you don't think they're indicating they'd prefer to see Obama win?

C'mon Stew... tighten up on that logic a little bit.

If I were to roll my eyes any more I'd hurt myself.

Anyway...it is what it is, sir.
Lets move along.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

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Old 10-30-2008, 06:48 PM
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Re: Al Qaeda lets us know who they want to win.

Originally Posted by TRFrance View Post
Stew, did you read the actual article and the actual quote? They specifically mentioned not just Bush but also "his party" (that would be the Republican Party,to further state the obvious). Five days before the elections they're saying they want his party to be humiliated... but you don't think they're indicating they'd prefer to see Obama win?

C'mon Stew... tighten up on that logic a little bit.

If I were to roll my eyes any more I'd hurt myself.

Anyway...it is what it is, sir.
Lets move along.
Yes I did read the story. My point was that by singling out Bush, it seems to me more like one more anti-Bush statement and not a pro-Obama statement. If your argument is that Al-Quaeda dislikes Bush and wants him embarrassed, I can see that. That would be in keeping with the nature of their experiences with him. This did not read, however, like a statement about John McCain or Barack Obama.
So yes, it does read as a statement that they want Obama to win, but not because they like Obama and dislike John McCain but specifically because they want to see Bush embarassed. Now if that is not logical then I don't know what is. Reading anything else would require reading more into the statement (in that he gave the specific reason himself).
Personally, I think that Al-quaeda as an organization would be much better of if we kept our current focus than if we went the route that Obama has been calling for.
There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Houston.

Either the United States will destroy ignorance, or ignorance will destroy the United States. – W.E.B. DuBois
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Old 10-30-2008, 07:53 PM
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Re: Al Qaeda lets us know who they want to win.

Oh Brother.

This hysteria coming from these right-wing reactionaries is getting more laughable as the election gets closer.

Let's see ... I am the Al Qaeda terrorist group.

I want Obama to win the election.

SO ... in order to accomplish that I'm going to issue a public statement that I want "Bush and his party humiliated."


THAT is really going to influence the American electorate to vote for Obama, isn't it?

I think if I was a terrorist group and wanted Bush to win, THEN I'd issue the statement that I want "Bush and his party humiliated."

You see how ridiculous the premise of this thread is?

By the way TRF, you and the other rightists on here might want to do some thinking for yourselves and less cutting and pasting.

Barack Obama supports more concentrated efforts in Afghanistan to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden and less efforts in an unnecessary war in Iraq that mostly makes big corporations rich in "rebuilding" efforts.

Such simplistic conclusions with a cut and paste article that Al-Qaeda is "for" Obama are misguided and laughable.
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Old 10-31-2008, 12:13 AM
HappyTown HappyTown is offline

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Re: Al Qaeda lets us know who they want to win.

Ron Paul is a true American. One of the very few people who still remembers the Constitution exists. When he said he takes his marching orders from the Constitution, it was music to my ears. If you wonder why I'm voting for Obama instead of McCain, you need only look at how quickly Republicans shunned Ron Paul. You finally had a true Republican running for office and suddenly those who'd claimed to be true Republicans were attacking Ron Paul for being a kook. We quickly found out that the Republican Party is now nothing more than an arm of the Evangelical Right. 8 years and the government got bigger, spending went out of control, our money became even more unsound, interventionism abound, and religious authority became The authority. I wanted my country back, and Ron Paul would have done that. Instead, we got McCain......
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Old 10-31-2008, 12:23 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: Al Qaeda lets us know who they want to win.

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
No, No I realize the perception. I just realize what the reality of the last 8 years has been.

Shall I go on?

Just because you all keep saying the last eight years have been a disaster, just because liberals say it, just because the Dems say it, just because the media says it doesn't make it so. The reality of the last eight years has been, SOME MISTAKES WERE MADE, A LOT OF SUCCESS NEVERTHELESS!

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 10-31-2008, 12:28 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: Al Qaeda lets us know who they want to win.

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
You and I both know that this countries 16 intelligence agencies said in August that Al-qaeda was at pre 9/11 strength. Let that soak in for a minute and then rethink your victory lap around the failed policies of the Bush administration.
So now all of the sudden America's intelligence community has credibility? Were they credible when they said that Hussein had WMDs back in 2001 and throughout the Clinton Administration?

Can't have it both was Mikey boy, can't have it both ways.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 10-31-2008, 12:44 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: Al Qaeda lets us know who they want to win.

Originally Posted by timlan2057 View Post
Oh Brother.

This hysteria coming from these right-wing reactionaries is getting more laughable as the election gets closer.

Let's see ... I am the Al Qaeda terrorist group.

I want Obama to win the election.

SO ... in order to accomplish that I'm going to issue a public statement that I want "Bush and his party humiliated."


THAT is really going to influence the American electorate to vote for Obama, isn't it?

I think if I was a terrorist group and wanted Bush to win, THEN I'd issue the statement that I want "Bush and his party humiliated."

You see how ridiculous the premise of this thread is?

By the way TRF, you and the other rightists on here might want to do some thinking for yourselves and less cutting and pasting.

Barack Obama supports more concentrated efforts in Afghanistan to capture or kill Osama Bin Laden and less efforts in an unnecessary war in Iraq that mostly makes big corporations rich in "rebuilding" efforts.

Such simplistic conclusions with a cut and paste article that Al-Qaeda is "for" Obama are misguided and laughable.
Timlan, these Muslim fanatics are idiots. They believe they speak for God. They issued a video right before the 2004 election stating their support for Kerry. They remember how easy the pickings were during the Clinton years. They remember how easy it was to chase us out of Somalia over a few downed helicopters. They remember how easy it was to set off bombs in the World Trade Center, knocking down the Khobar Towers, destroying two American embassies in Africa, blasting a hole in the side of the USS Cole and only havingt a few bottle rockets lobbed at them in retaliation. The love it when Democrats are in the Oval Office. They don't have the stomach to fight.

And you all are trying to suggest that they are using reverse psychology? Please.

"Let's see, Ahmad, do we want the Harvard graduate who is friends with a Palestinian activist, an American terrorist, a pastor who is friends with Farrakhan and has preached disparagingly of Israel OR should we pray for the Naval fighter pilot who lived in the hell of a POW camp for five years being tortured and brutalized and has said he will chase us to the gates of hell and will stay in Iraq until victory is secured? I say let's pray for the Harvard graduate and against the other guy and his party."

A more likely scenario than not, my friends. They do believe in prayer and in their god to answer their prayer. They are afraid of McCain, my friends, bet on it.

As far as cut and paste, if its what the man prayed its what he prayed. I don't see how hard that is to understand or interpret.

BET: if BO gets elected, he will not cross Pakistan's border to get Bin Laden, and he will not escalate the war in Afghansitan.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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