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Old 10-11-2008, 11:44 PM
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Re: Calling Obama MUSLIM is hidden RACISM????

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
George, but I understood the initial post to be about color...whether he was indeed half black or just 1/4 black. One look at his father will confirm that his father is absolutely black...and his mother is absolutely white. I think that it is a true statement that he is only 1/2 black and 1/2 white, however going 1/4 black and 1/4 Arabic is pushing it. You mentioned the distinction between Arabic and Muslim a few posts back, I also think that it is important to understand the difference between Arabic and Black African Muslim.

In my mind and in a vacuum it would be fair to say that you should not consider him Black, but historically in America he would have been considered very much Black. There were those who were almost visually comp[letely White who were considered Black and treated as such. I don't necessarily like it but it is not a departure from the American culture and the way we have always viewed these things. Personally, I feel that it does not pay sufficient homage to half of his family tree, but it is the reality.

My first response was to Mark asking if people thought calling Obama a Muslin was racism. I gave my answer which included my thoughts on him being more white than black. Just because his father "looked" black in the picture you saw does not mean he does not have Arabic blood. The man is mixed. I have seen Arabs and even some Jews who are more black than the picture in your avatar. It astounds me that people think all Africans are black. They have as many mixed races there as we do in America. I stand by my post that Obama is 1/4 Black Africa, 1/4 Arabic, and 1/2 White American (which is probably the most mixed of them all).
George - as in curious
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Old 10-11-2008, 11:45 PM
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Re: Calling Obama MUSLIM is hidden RACISM????

Originally Posted by MikeinAR View Post
The lady on that video accused Barack Obama of being "Arab" to John McCain. He quickly denounced it and said "No ma'am" that it wasn't true. End of the story.
So John McCain is the Bible of nationalities?!?!?!? Absurd!!!
George - as in curious
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Old 10-11-2008, 11:47 PM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: Calling Obama MUSLIM is hidden RACISM????

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
The fact is that there are folks who are not voting for Sen. Obama because he is Black, but are using the cover that it's because he's a Muslim.

That is the "observation" of many partisan and non-partisan observers of this historic election.

I wouldn't doubt it but I can assure that is not the case with everyone.
I certainly know the difference and I think most do ( even the ones who are using it as an excuse).

When i think of a muslim, I usually think of an Arab. Now, I realize there are muslims of all races, but primarily Arab is what comes to my mind, not an african American.

In Lue of the war we are in with the middle east and the 911 attacks, you can't blame people for being leery of muslims. I make no apologies for it
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Old 10-11-2008, 11:48 PM
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Re: Calling Obama MUSLIM is hidden RACISM????

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
I wouldn't doubt it but I can assure that is not the case with everyone.
I certainly know the difference and I think most do ( even the ones who are using it as an excuse).

When i think of a muslim, I usually think of an Arab. Now, I realize there are muslims of all races, but primarily Arab is what comes to my mind, not an african American.

In Lue of the war we are in with the middle east and the 911 attacks, you can't blame people for being leery of muslims. I make no apologies for it

I don't disagree with you at all man.
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Old 10-11-2008, 11:48 PM
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Re: Calling Obama MUSLIM is hidden RACISM????

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post

You are correct in saying that the Sudan has a lot Muslims, but that is because of relatively recent historical developments on that continent.

The ARabs are not historically from the Sudan area of the continent. They are the recent intruders to the area.

The Arabs there are the ones performing the clitorectomies on the women so as to deny them any pleasure in sex.

The Arabs are the ones hacking the arms off of the boys and girls of the families who won't submit to Islam "peacefully".

There is so much unrest, killing and war in that part of the continient because the Arabs are not from that area (historically) but they are trying to spread Islam and make the Sudan into an Islamic state.

Most of the non-Arabs whose bloodlines actually place them in that area are resisting, or they're already dead.
Here's a history lesson for you. BTW, do you even know how long ago the 13th century was?!?!?

The Republic of the Sudan, commonly referred to as simply Sudan, is a large country in Northeast Africa. Sudan is actually the tenth largest country in the world, with a total surface of 967,495 sq mi (2,505,813 km²). Sudan has a total population of 36,992,490, which is relatively low for a country of this size. The capital city, Khartoum, meaning "Elephant Trunk," is the economic center of the country, but not the largest city. Khartoum holds the largest airport in Sudan, all the main universities, and the largest and most modern hotels. Omdurman, the largest city in Sudan, is close by. Omdurman is the industrial center of the country.

The Sudan has been passed around from hand to hand for centuries. Sudan has been inhabited for at least 60,000 years, with the Egyptians playing an important part in its history and cultural growth. The Arabs didn't arrive in Sudan until the 13th century, but when they did, they took over both the political and cultural heritage of the country.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Sudan was under the rule of Egypt. By the beginning of the next century, however, the British had taken over and kept control of Sudan until the country gained its independence in 1956. Sudan now has a government of National Unity, which is a totalitarian regimen completely under the control of the political and military leader, Omar al-Bashir. Sudan is in war or conflict with several of its neighbors. The government has also refused to allow UN committees to enter its territory.

Sudan's demographic is almost equally divided between African ethnic tribes and Arabs. Arabic and English are both official languages, although over a hundred dialects are spoken throughout the territory. Most residents of Sudan are Muslims.
George - as in curious
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Old 10-11-2008, 11:52 PM
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Re: Calling Obama MUSLIM is hidden RACISM????

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
In conclusion, you are mistaken to state he is Arab.

George, he's not Arab, not in part, not at all.

Last I checked, a baby gets his bloodline from his father anyway. His father is African.
And there are Americans who got American Indian blood from their father and receive free schooling, medical, housing, etc. That part American Indian calls himself "American." You just don't get that "African" doesn't mean a person is black only. They have as many mixed races as we do. In fact, more. There are more tribes than you can count.
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Old 10-11-2008, 11:52 PM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: Calling Obama MUSLIM is hidden RACISM????

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
I don't disagree with you at all man.

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Old 10-12-2008, 12:01 AM
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Re: Calling Obama MUSLIM is hidden RACISM????

Originally Posted by George View Post
If you go by bloodline, the majority of people in Sudan have Arab blood. In fact, the reason there are so many Muslim/Islamic mosque/people in Africa, is because of the infiltration of Arabs into those areas. The countries in Africa that were French colonies were mostly Catholic and there are many "Africans" who are half Black and half French. You cannot use the term "African" to claim a person is black. In South Africa there are many Dutch and English people who are white as snow but are called "Africans."

Makes a great deal of sense George. you know your stuff that's for sure
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Old 10-12-2008, 12:16 AM
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Re: Calling Obama MUSLIM is hidden RACISM????

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Makes a great deal of sense George. you know your stuff that's for sure
I bet with the size of your congregation you have a Black member that looks white. Color does not determine nationality.
George - as in curious
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Old 10-12-2008, 12:55 AM
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Re: Calling Obama MUSLIM is hidden RACISM????

Originally Posted by George View Post
I bet with the size of your congregation you have a Black member that looks white. Color does not determine nationality.
George if it is your assertion that Sen. Obama's father is Arab, you are mistaken.

Kenya's Arab population is less that 1%, and is listed separately from the tribe that Sen. Obama's father family comes from.



There is nothing Arab about Sen. Obama's father.
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