Originally Posted by SuzanneDeAZ
A little about me. I am a retired public school teacher. The last 4 years I taught kinder the teacher next to me and I got along very well. She was a preacher at a oneness church. We got a long great even though we may differ in this doctrine.
I do a lot of searches on the web and have joined various forums as I like to discuss curent events and movements that are now in the body of Christ. I recently left a church that was really into manifestations and impartations. I did not know that they put so much emphsis on these things till they had a prophetic conference in which the gospel was not preached but that the guest speaker was brought there to impart his gift of "revival". There was a lot of hype people falling off their chairs and under the power. After I left I started to so some research and found most of those in the prophetic movement are into dominion theology. I know the leadership in our church claims to be a prophet and an apostle. I started to do research on dominion theology and was shocked to believe they plan to force Christianity on the general population. Many believe this to become part of the apostate church. what say you?
well personally I don't go around knocking people off of chairs. I do believe that God heals and have prayed for man who have been healed. I do believe that God speaks to his people thru Apostles, prophets, pastors, evangelists, and teachers, though I have only known of one man I would call a prophet and he died a few years ago... and I cant say I would tag anyone with the title "Apostle" unless it were an honorific title....
as for the notion that Christianity can be forced on people, my God is a gentleman. Faith in Him is to precious to be bashing into people.
I believe Christians should have their faith as a driving force in all they do, even when they vote. But that doesn't mean Christians should be about passing laws that require non-Christians to convert. That would be a perversion of the Gospel!
I suspect most of the folk around here would agree with me....but with any group you will find varying opinions....
hows that for an answer?