Coincidences and Serendipity
Something cool happened last week, wonder if anything like this has ever happened to you.
I hired a new Project Manager to come work in the plant here in Omaha. The guy is from Florida. Well, a few days before he moved up here, he was sitting in a bar in Delray Beach, FL, and another guy walks in, sits down next to him at the bar. They begin to talk, and my new hire mentions that he’s moving to Omaha. The other guy asks what for, and my new hire says that he’s going to work for Jacobs Engineering, and will be at the Kellogg plant in Omaha. Keep in mind that my company has 54,000 employees.
Well, the other guy gets a grin on his face and asks my new hire “Do you know Mike Phelps?” The new hire says, “That’s my boss!”
The other guy was a salesman from Buffalo, NY, who I had purchased a large piece of equipment from a couple of years back for one of my projects in Canada!
I was amazed at all the things that had to fall in place for that particular incident to transpire! A salesman for Keller Technologies in Buffalo, NY goes to Delray Beach, FL, walks into a bar at just the right time, and sits down next to a guy that I just hired! And, out of a company of 54,000 people, this guys knows me!
Have you ever had something cool like that happen?
"Many people view their relationship with God like a "color by number" picture. It's easier to let someone else define the boundaries, tell them which blanks to fill in, and what color to use than it is for them to take a blank canvas and seek inspiration from the Source in order to paint their own masterpiece"