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Old 08-18-2008, 04:59 PM
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Re: Evangelicals & Nervous Breakdowns

Well. I'm far from an expert on the topic, except maybe in the field of human experience. I don't know alot about depression, but, I would say that if I were to talk to "someone"., they'd diagnose me as being depresseed, maybe chronically so. Depression, I think, shows up in many different ways. In me, I think its an inferiorty complex. I am never "good" enough. And maybe more, but, as I said, I'm no expert.

But, I do know prayer helps. But...this isn't necessarily enough. Depression, it would seem, is something that builds over time...sometimes for years. And, while I do believe God can heal a person of depression instantly, often it takes along time to work through its affects. And it takes help. Someone told me this once "What is done psychologically can be psychogically undone". But, like any rehabilitation, it take time and effort. And a perscription of "say three Our Fathers" may not be enough to help a person deal with the depression and everything that comes with it.

As far as medication...I don't know. I'm not a doctor. But, I think we live in an "over-medicated" world. The fear I have is that we are becoming chemically dependent. This isn't to say its not needed by some. It is, but only the doctor and the patient can decide that.

But... what do I know? I'm no expert.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7

Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
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Old 08-18-2008, 05:17 PM
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Re: Evangelicals & Nervous Breakdowns

I don't think anyone is minimalizing the power of prayer, scripture, or any sacred thing. Its not a "one or the other" situation. Sometimes, contrary to popular belief, things are not black and white. Remeber the brain is an organ just like a kidney or liver or heart. It can malfunction due to many different causes. Rhoni has wonderful insight and a very sweet spirit surrounding all this...it may do us all well to listen to her!
Blessings to all!
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Old 08-18-2008, 05:23 PM
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Re: Evangelicals & Nervous Breakdowns

Originally Posted by steve p View Post
I don't think anyone is minimalizing the power of prayer, scripture, or any sacred thing. Its not a "one or the other" situation. Sometimes, contrary to popular belief, things are not black and white. Remeber the brain is an organ just like a kidney or liver or heart. It can malfunction due to many different causes. Rhoni has wonderful insight and a very sweet spirit surrounding all this...it may do us all well to listen to her!
Blessings to all!
I agree!
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7

Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
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Old 08-18-2008, 05:27 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Evangelicals & Nervous Breakdowns

Originally Posted by steve p View Post
I don't think anyone is minimalizing the power of prayer, scripture, or any sacred thing. Its not a "one or the other" situation. Sometimes, contrary to popular belief, things are not black and white. Remeber the brain is an organ just like a kidney or liver or heart. It can malfunction due to many different causes. Rhoni has wonderful insight and a very sweet spirit surrounding all this...it may do us all well to listen to her!
Blessings to all!
Maybe you guys aren't, but the guy Rhoni was talking about sure sounded like he was telling people to leave other Christians out of it. Bad advice, in my opinion.
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Old 08-18-2008, 05:36 PM
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Re: Evangelicals & Nervous Breakdowns

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Maybe you guys aren't, but the guy Rhoni was talking about sure sounded like he was telling people to leave other Christians out of it. Bad advice, in my opinion.
Why you gotta rain on our chemically-altered parade, man....?

Or maybe there IS no parade...

You're harshing my mellow.

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Old 08-18-2008, 06:47 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: Evangelicals & Nervous Breakdowns

Originally Posted by steve p View Post
I don't think anyone is minimalizing the power of prayer, scripture, or any sacred thing. Its not a "one or the other" situation. Sometimes, contrary to popular belief, things are not black and white. Remeber the brain is an organ just like a kidney or liver or heart. It can malfunction due to many different causes. Rhoni has wonderful insight and a very sweet spirit surrounding all this...it may do us all well to listen to her!
Blessings to all!
Steve p,

I purposely chose to get my Marriage & family Counseling degree from a religious college. I took classes in Integration and Spiritual Formation because I believe that God is the answer to all life's problems and a relationship with Him will lead the therapist to be sensitive to what is really going on and not just what is being said. That same Spirit can lead the client to wholeness through the help of a Godly counselor that will incorporate Christian principles into the counseling process.

For the record, medication is a last resort, or a temporary help to get the client where he/she can actually think and process what is going on in their life; past, present, and future. For some, like those suffering from a chronic condition, not unlike physical illness such as; diabetes, High Blood pressure, or cardiac problems....medication is a life long answer for quality and length of life. Some of these mental health conditions would be; any diagnosis with psychosis, some types of Bipolar Disorder, schizophrenia or schizoaffective Disorder, and severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorders...to name a few.

The Pastor speaking this morning was talking about a temporary condition, a situational depression that left untreated will cause physical problems, and mental problems that will lead to death or suicide if not treated.

To clarify: The Pastor who went through this said he could not get the help he needed from Pastoral associates and mentors who, like many on this forum, think that if you pray enough, fast enough, and read/memorize the word enough you will be fine...or that you can just will yourself to snap out of it. The reference was geared toward spirit-filled evangelicals. He said he had a business acquaintence who referred him to a Psychiatirst who was not a Christian but a good Psychiatrist who prescribed medication and referred him to a "Christian" counselor. This worked for him. When he came back to himself, the Psychiatrist discontinued his medication and he is now doing well.

Many types of depression can be handled, should be handled, before you get to the point of having a physiological and psychological breakdown. Seeing a counsleor who is a Christian and can counsel you within the framework of your belief system and give you spiritual guidance along with the multiple methods one is taught to decrease anxiety and signs and symptoms of depression.

Anxiety such as has been mentioned, which results in panic attacks, and debilitating fear can be totally healed/done away with with therapy.

Blessings, Rhoni
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Old 08-18-2008, 07:01 PM
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Re: Evangelicals & Nervous Breakdowns

Originally Posted by DerrickS View Post
Why you gotta rain on our chemically-altered parade, man....?

Or maybe there IS no parade...

You're harshing my mellow.

Take another pill, Brother! It'll make you feel better!
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Old 08-18-2008, 07:05 PM
jaxfam6 jaxfam6 is offline
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Re: Evangelicals & Nervous Breakdowns

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Take another pill, Brother! It'll make you feel better!
you are one bad bad man Rico

Life is .............

I'll get back to you when I figure it out.
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Old 08-18-2008, 07:06 PM
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Re: Evangelicals & Nervous Breakdowns

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Steve p,

I purposely chose to get my Marriage & family Counseling degree from a religious college. I took classes in Integration and Spiritual Formation because I believe that God is the answer to all life's problems and a relationship with Him will lead the therapist to be sensitive to what is really going on and not just what is being said. That same Spirit can lead the client to wholeness through the help of a Godly counselor that will incorporate Christian principles into the counseling process.

For the record, medication is a last resort, or a temporary help to get the client where he/she can actually think and process what is going on in their life; past, present, and future. For some, like those suffering from a chronic condition, not unlike physical illness such as; diabetes, High Blood pressure, or cardiac problems....medication is a life long answer for quality and length of life. Some of these mental health conditions would be; any diagnosis with psychosis, some types of Bipolar Disorder, schizophrenia or schizoaffective Disorder, and severe Obsessive Compulsive Disorders...to name a few.

The Pastor speaking this morning was talking about a temporary condition, a situational depression that left untreated will cause physical problems, and mental problems that will lead to death or suicide if not treated.

To clarify: The Pastor who went through this said he could not get the help he needed from Pastoral associates and mentors who, like many on this forum, think that if you pray enough, fast enough, and read/memorize the word enough you will be fine...or that you can just will yourself to snap out of it. The reference was geared toward spirit-filled evangelicals. He said he had a business acquaintence who referred him to a Psychiatirst who was not a Christian but a good Psychiatrist who prescribed medication and referred him to a "Christian" counselor. This worked for him. When he came back to himself, the Psychiatrist discontinued his medication and he is now doing well.

Many types of depression can be handled, should be handled, before you get to the point of having a physiological and psychological breakdown. Seeing a counsleor who is a Christian and can counsel you within the framework of your belief system and give you spiritual guidance along with the multiple methods one is taught to decrease anxiety and signs and symptoms of depression.

Anxiety such as has been mentioned, which results in panic attacks, and debilitating fear can be totally healed/done away with with therapy.

Blessings, Rhoni
Sister, you already know how I feel about you and this counseling thing. You need to stop letting what apostolics think about you offering this service and pray you down the moolah to open yourself up a nice office somewhere. The times I have prayed about you (shocking, isn't it? ), I always see a white painted sign sticking out from a small storefront that says, "Christian Counseling" across the top, in an arch type of design, with your name and number underneath it. Go for it, and let the Lord bless you in this area.
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Old 08-18-2008, 07:14 PM
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Re: Evangelicals & Nervous Breakdowns

I haven't read through all these pages but this thread comes at a very proper time.

My pastor and his wife were in a severe car accident that could have taken their lives 2 years ago. They are older and have somewhat recovered physically---the aches and pains are still there but they are alive!

Anyway--over the past 2 year my pastor's wife has been getting more and more depressed. She has went to a counselor--she is on medicine--and of course we have prayed. Last week she admitted herself into a hospital. Not a mental ward but a place to find some answers.

She was released today but she asked to stay. She didn't feel well enough.

My pastor is upset that his wife won't just " push through and get over this!" Sadly--he's mad she stayed in the hospital instead of coming home. He has some problems with the image it portrays.

The church as a whole supports this woman and we want what is best for her. We want her husband to take the time to care for her. We are taken back that he isn't concerned enough for his wife!
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