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Old 08-17-2008, 12:49 PM
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Re: The REASON I want to be a missionary...

Originally Posted by Rico View Post
Rhoni, if you want to become a missionary because you are bored and don't like life in the USA, knock yourself out. I've been honest and truthful with you on this issue. Next time you start a thread I will remember that you're not really interested in people being honest with you, but are more interested in people patting you on the back and telling you how good you are. I'll invent some lie to make you happy and post that instead of what my true opinion may be.

The continued attacks are not needed.

The "truth" is, Rhoni has had many years of ministry experience and I for one, can attest to her anointing and proficiency. How much experience and how many years of ministry do you have that you can give her so much criticism and advice to her? I am curious.

Certainly, she has enough that she can pass on a great deal of advice to others who are young in the ministry. She's been there. She's experienced about all of it.
Old 08-17-2008, 01:04 PM
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Re: The REASON I want to be a missionary...

Originally Posted by OneAccord View Post
This is true, but what is even more true (and scarry) is looking back and seeing where you have been and where you are now. I am 52 and I look back and remember the times when I stood in pulpits in many states and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I preached on radio, on street corners, in tents and in churches from Florida to Indiana. I've prayed for and with people who were sick (and saw them healed), lost (and saw them saved), bound by drugs and alcohol (and saw them delivered). I had a good wife, and a good family, and God was blessing. But today, I sit alone at a keyboard, because I disobeyed what I felt God had laid on my heart. Yeah, brother, not getting there is scarry. But being there at one time and not being there now is even scarrier.

I haven't read much of this thread, but what I sense in Rhoni is the same thing I sense in myself. And in the post quoted above- a longing to BE what God has called us to be. You see, I say "what God has called us to be" rather than "what God has God us to DO" because Paul said we are "living epistles read of all men". Anybody can preach, but not everyone can BE a preacher. Or a missionary. Rhoni has DONE much, but what I sense is a longing to BE rather than just to DO. Course, in all fairness, I see Rhoni has being in the perfect place to BE something great for God. Educated, committed, wow... fully equpped to be of great service to the Kingdom of God. How I'd love to be there. See? there it is.... that longing. That desire. The poster above wants to work with prisoners. Then don't just DO it - BE it! Don't have all the details worked out? Thats not your job. You just provide the loaves and fishes....leave it to the Lord to feed the multitudes. Theres a difference in BEING a missionary and in DOING missionary work. BEING an evangelist is vastly different than DOING evangelistic work.

We should simply present our bodies as a living sacrifice and leave it to him to work it out. I don't want to just "occupy" til He come. I want to BE all I can BE for the Lord. I want to start a library. I want to start a magazine. I want to help evangelists in their ministries. But I can do none of that til He works out the details. All I can do at this point is what Sis. Rhoni is doing. And what Bro. Rico is doing. And what we ALL should be doing. I am praying, "Lord. here am I, send me"!

Thank you. Finally, someone understands what I am trying to say.

Blessings, Rhoni
Old 08-17-2008, 01:15 PM
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Smile Re: The REASON I want to be a missionary...

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
Rhoni, is a good person. Some took offence to the title and I feel misunderstood what she was trying to say and started giving advice and opinions.

I would love to have the privilege to sit down right now and talk with Rhoni she is very skilled in her profession.

I personally am for higher education. I have taken a few collage courses and nothing in books have affected my heart. Whatever that is taught different than the Bible I don´t pay any attention however we learn LOTS from good books. One of my best friends is studing to be a counsellor. She has studied several years and is keeping her books for me to read.

We all get bored at times, suffer burnout...even missionaries...

Sis. Alvear.

Thank you for posting. I thought of you today. We had a guest preacher, Bro. George Salvador from RIOS. He spoke in Portugese and Sis. Sharon Baker translated. His message was simple, but anointed.

He spoke about the 5 stones David took up when he went out to fight Goliath. Had he taken the King's Armour and won the victory, the King could have claimed that it was because of his armour that David won the victory, but David instead took up 5 stones; which he likened to the darts one would use to hit a bullseye.

In a Dart game you have rings worth different points, but the most points that can be won is when you hit the bullseye dead center. He talked about Paul's verses in Phillipians 4:13 & 14. We press toward the mark...the prize of the high calling in Jesus Christ. We might try one stone/dart and hit in the first ring, and it gets us closer so that the next try/stone gets closer. The ultimate objective is to hit the will of God dead center.

He also used the analogy of a baby learning to walk. They always fall down, and the parent doesn't toss them out of the family for falling but picks him back up and encourages him to walk toward him again. Sometimes the baby gets so excited about getting to Daddy that he takes one giant leap and falls into the arms of Daddy.

David put on the whole armour of God and he hit the bullseye/the giant on the first try, BUT David was prepared that if the first stone didn't hit the mark, that he would try again. I shared with Bro. Salvador that I have thrown 3 stones and am on the 4th but I will hit that bullseye/ the mark of the prize of the high calling of God...with my Daddy's help!

Have a Blessed day Sis Alvear...I know I am not as selfless and you but God has every intention of using me just the same.

Love & Prayers,
Old 08-17-2008, 01:18 PM
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Re: The REASON I want to be a missionary...

Originally Posted by dansamy View Post
Sis., this is the post that confuzzled me. When I got to it, I went back and re-read the thread and saw no one bashing your secular education, so it seemed out of the blue to me. Perhaps, I am missing a months-long undercurrent of animosity that I am unaware of? What do you do that biases posters on this forum regarding you and your education?

I understand how your education would be applicable to foreign work and be a potential point of opening doors. That wasn't my point of confusion.

After 5 years of posting with many of these people and getting 'stoned' for my degreee in Psychology, I tend to get paranoid. Don't try to over-analyze the one little post.

Old 08-17-2008, 01:19 PM
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Re: The REASON I want to be a missionary...

Originally Posted by Sassy View Post
Rhoni...my remarks were just in general.(as for being a missionary)
I was just really responding back to oneness man.

Only you know what the call for your life is....that is why haven't responded directly to you in this thread. But I also realize that you were throwing a thought out ....not that you were packing your bags tomorrow. I do that sometimes....but I guess the people around me know well enough to know what I am doing...just thinking.
I am sure you will do the right thing.
Thank you.
Old 08-17-2008, 01:21 PM
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Re: The REASON I want to be a missionary...

Originally Posted by A_PoMo View Post
If you feel this way about the US then make fer sur you don't go to an industrialized Westernized country, especially Europe cuz they're way worse than the US in terms of all the things you've mentioned here.

If you have the missionary urge why not try to learn to connect with and minister to post-modern generations in the US? It's like being on the misison field. It's a whole different world.

Thank you, I'll take that under advisement
Old 08-17-2008, 01:22 PM
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Re: The REASON I want to be a missionary...

Originally Posted by Apprehended View Post

The continued attacks are not needed.

The "truth" is, Rhoni has had many years of ministry experience and I for one, can attest to her anointing and proficiency. How much experience and how many years of ministry do you have that you can give her so much criticism and advice to her? I am curious.

Certainly, she has enough that she can pass on a great deal of advice to others who are young in the ministry. She's been there. She's experienced about all of it.

Thank you for the vote of confidence.

Old 08-17-2008, 01:37 PM
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Re: The REASON I want to be a missionary...

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post

In a Dart game you have rings worth different points, but the most points that can be won is when you hit the bullseye dead center.
Only someone who's never played darts would say this. Actually, the most points you can win is 60, and that's by hitting the triple point value in the 20 spot, which is the first outer ring from center. The bull area of the bullseye is only worth 50 points.

Anyway, had nothing to say, just wanted to be included in this thread....LOL!

I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
My Countdown Counting down to: My world crashing to the ground.
Is this what being 40 is all about???
Old 08-17-2008, 01:42 PM
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Re: The REASON I want to be a missionary...

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
Only someone who's never played darts would say this. Actually, the most points you can win is 60, and that's by hitting the triple point value in the 20 spot, which is the first outer ring from center. The bull area of the bullseye is only worth 50 points.

Anyway, had nothing to say, just wanted to be included in this thread....LOL!

LOL..you just ruined Bro Salvador's message. Give him a comeback for that one...let's see...hitting the triple point in the 20 spot is doing the exact will of God and Heaven is the outcome - which is the bullseye. Kind of like the point isn't to make it to heaven, but to take others with you by doing the W of G...how does that sound?

Glad you are a part of this icky thread
Old 08-17-2008, 01:45 PM
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Re: The REASON I want to be a missionary...

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
Only someone who's never played darts would say this. Actually, the most points you can win is 60, and that's by hitting the triple point value in the 20 spot, which is the first outer ring from center. The bull area of the bullseye is only worth 50 points.

Anyway, had nothing to say, just wanted to be included in this thread....LOL!

Ain't that the way it is... give someone a little diploma and they get to thinkin' they know everything about EVERYTHING. Betcha don't know how to replace a broken ignition actuator on a Ford Truck, do ya?

Well, I do, and I don't even have a degree in Auto Mechanics. I spent all day yesterday learning two things:

1. How to replace a broken ignition actuator on a Ford Truck.


2. I will never, ever again relace a broken ignition actuator on a Ford Truck.
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