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Old 08-17-2008, 11:20 AM
OnenessWoman OnenessWoman is offline

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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

Originally Posted by HappyTown View Post
Don't feel to bad, I was paying our power bill and the gal had a plant on her desk, I'm like, is this real??? Without waiting for her to answer I reach over tough on the leaves and ended up with a handful of real leaves, I was so embarrassed, she shot me the evil eye, said why yes it is.

So for the last two months I've made hubby or my kids go in to pay, yep I just can't face her, I'm a wimp!
Wimp!!! Now, go march right on in there and apologize, missy...or your electricity may be cut off next time!!
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Old 08-17-2008, 11:26 AM
OnenessWoman OnenessWoman is offline

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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
The above is inaccurate.

What follows is accurate:

Obama named Clarence Thomas, who he said was not a "strong enough jurist or legal thinker," and Antonin Scalia, though he said he didn't doubt "his intellectual brilliance."

Obama gets a big fat boo on this one....for dissin the hottest justice on the court! Eh, Pro?
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Old 08-17-2008, 12:04 PM
JaneEyre JaneEyre is offline
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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

I am not sure if this information has been posted as I have not read the entire thread. I did not get to see this last night. It can be viewed at:


Click on McCain Obama Faith Forum Replay at upper right of the screen.

Also, I read that it will be broadcast again tonight (Sunday) at 8 Eastern Time on CNN.
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Old 08-17-2008, 05:03 PM
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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

Originally Posted by chosenbyone View Post
John the war monger McCain is now attempting to compel Republican Voters into believing that granting offshore oil and mineral rights to private multinational corporations will have an effect on the outrageous price that is currently being forced on the American People at the gas pump.

In reality, the Oil Companies have paid the Republican Party off, used low production of Oil, corrupt speculation on trading, and WAR MONGERING to allow the US Congress into giving away offshore oil leases. The Oil Companies are sitting on over 68 MILLION Acres already approved for Oil Production and the OIL COMPANIES aren’t using these leases.

The Republicans in the US House of Representatives have consistently filibustered (blocked) proposed legislation that would force the Oil Companies to begin domestic Oil Production on already approved land, or risk losing the Oil and Mineral Lease Rights. They’ve also dismissed a bill calling for domestic produced oil to stay in America and not to be sold on the World Market.

The Republicans want to give away American Owned Oil and Mineral Rights to Private Multinational Oil Corporations so that they will be able to sit on those leases (probably for 10 years) to then sell our oil on the World Market probably to the Peoples Republic of China.

Is this change we can believe in my friends???
for vrb!

Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)

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Old 08-17-2008, 09:50 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

Originally Posted by vrblackwell View Post
Did you have your ears plugged. McCain, along with most republicans want to do everything, including drilling. the fact is. it will be decades before we can totally go to a renewable source of energy. Meanwhile, we must use what we have.
Yeah, I heard what he said. He wants to build 45 more nuclear power plants. DUH?!?!?! We don't know what to do with the nuclear waste we are already producing, and McCain wants to add 45 more nuclear power plants to the problem? Yeah. Some solution. Gimme a break!

The oil companies already have permission to drill on thousands of acres offshore and aren't taking advantage of it. More drilling wouldn't provide any relief for at least ten years anyway. The automotive industry is where we need to start. They can develop technology and bring it to market in a relatively short period of time. They're already doing it with these hybrids and will soon be doing it with total electric and hydrogen powered vehicles. I also like the plan this Perkins fella from Texas has proposed.
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Old 08-17-2008, 10:06 PM
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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

To date, big oil companies have contributed 1.2 million dollars to McCain's campaign, so wouldn't it be conceivable that his policies were influenced by those contributions?

Ten senior Hess Corporation executives and/or members of the Hess family each gave $28,500 to the joint RNC-McCain fundraising committee, just days after McCain reversed himself to favor offshore drilling, according to Federal Election Commission reports. Multiple Oil Company Executives Gave Huge Contributions To Electing McCain Just Days After Offshore Drilling Reversal
By Greg Sargent and Eric Kleefeld

The centerpiece of Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) tax plan is two huge tax cuts for American corporations. As president, McCain would cut the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent and allow corporations to deduct immediately all of their investments in equipment and technology. Reducing the corporate tax rate alone would deliver a $3.8 billion tax cut to the five largest American oil companies, according to a Center for American Progress Action Fund analysis of those companies’ financial statements.

Oil companies saw their biggest profits in the last 13 months, while the middle class saw their standard of living slipping lower and lower.

Why are so many people blinded by party lines and not seeing exactly what is behind all the rhetoric?

Isaiah 53:5: "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."(KJV)

"God sends no one away empty except those who are full of themselves." Dwight L. Moody
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Old 08-17-2008, 10:16 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

Originally Posted by chosenbyone View Post
To date, big oil companies have contributed 1.2 million dollars to McCain's campaign, so wouldn't it be conceivable that his policies were influenced by those contributions?

Ten senior Hess Corporation executives and/or members of the Hess family each gave $28,500 to the joint RNC-McCain fundraising committee, just days after McCain reversed himself to favor offshore drilling, according to Federal Election Commission reports. Multiple Oil Company Executives Gave Huge Contributions To Electing McCain Just Days After Offshore Drilling Reversal
By Greg Sargent and Eric Kleefeld

The centerpiece of Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) tax plan is two huge tax cuts for American corporations. As president, McCain would cut the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent and allow corporations to deduct immediately all of their investments in equipment and technology. Reducing the corporate tax rate alone would deliver a $3.8 billion tax cut to the five largest American oil companies, according to a Center for American Progress Action Fund analysis of those companies’ financial statements.

Oil companies saw their biggest profits in the last 13 months, while the middle class saw their standard of living slipping lower and lower.

Why are so many people blinded by party lines and not seeing exactly what is behind all the rhetoric?
Abortion and gays. I read on another forum where one person doesn't care what Republicans stand for as long they stay pro-life. Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.
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Old 08-18-2008, 06:55 PM
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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

Originally Posted by vrblackwell View Post
Did you have your ears plugged. McCain, along with most republicans want to do everything, including drilling. the fact is. it will be decades before we can totally go to a renewable source of energy. Meanwhile, we must use what we have.

That, my friend is also just untrue.

We've had metro busses and commuter busses running off of natural gas in the cities where pollution is high for several years now.

We have Wind Farms being built in our country, right now for a clean, unlimited source for energy.

We have coal, millions of tons of coal, that if invested into, would mean thousands of new jobs for the poor in the mountains of West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

We have cars that run off of hydrogen fuel cells-- the technology being perfected by Chevrolet, as I type.

"DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW!" is catchy. When McCain says it, he appears strong and full of conviction with clarity.

But his argument is severely flawed. He's not even deceived as to how inadequate his response is, but those who believe him are-- making it more and more impossible to really believe any thing John McCain has to say.

He's just another politician who can not be trusted.
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Old 08-18-2008, 07:12 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
That, my friend is also just untrue.

We've had metro busses and commuter busses running off of natural gas in the cities where pollution is high for several years now.

We have Wind Farms being built in our country, right now for a clean, unlimited source for energy.

We have coal, millions of tons of coal, that if invested into, would mean thousands of new jobs for the poor in the mountains of West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

We have cars that run off of hydrogen fuel cells-- the technology being perfected by Chevrolet, as I type.

"DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW!" is catchy. When McCain says it, he appears strong and full of conviction with clarity.

But his argument is severely flawed. He's not even deceived as to how inadequate his response is, but those who believe him are-- making it more and more impossible to really believe any thing John McCain has to say.

He's just another politician who can not be trusted.
Honda is offering a car to people in California that is a hydrogen powered car. Other than coal, I agree with all the options you presented. Coal is a big polluter. We need to figure out a way to make it be a very low emission source of energy.
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Old 08-18-2008, 07:36 PM
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Re: Obama & Mcain on TV Tonight!!

Originally Posted by 1399 View Post
That, my friend is also just untrue.

We've had metro busses and commuter busses running off of natural gas in the cities where pollution is high for several years now.

We have Wind Farms being built in our country, right now for a clean, unlimited source for energy.

We have coal, millions of tons of coal, that if invested into, would mean thousands of new jobs for the poor in the mountains of West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

We have cars that run off of hydrogen fuel cells-- the technology being perfected by Chevrolet, as I type.

"DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW!" is catchy. When McCain says it, he appears strong and full of conviction with clarity.

But his argument is severely flawed. He's not even deceived as to how inadequate his response is, but those who believe him are-- making it more and more impossible to really believe any thing John McCain has to say.

He's just another politician who can not be trusted.
I agree with the natural gas thought. However, take decades to get cars converted and to have stations in place to provide the gas. Are you going to buy a new car for everyone?

Wind power is something we ought to be using more of. Again, it will take years an billions of dollars to accomplish this. Wind alone would never provide enough power for the country.

We use coal and should be using more. Obama and the Dem's are against using coal, and natural gas.

If it was profitable for car dealers to build and sale cars that run on Hydrogen they would be doing it. The technology is not perfected enough to build the cars at affordable prices. Hybrids are also to expensive.

I was raised around oil drilling in La. My have family that has worked in that industry for years. I myself worked in it for awhile. They can start drilling in many new places and have that oil on the market within 2 to 3 years.

I have family that on land with both oil and gas reserves on them in La. You nor the Dem's may can fool a lot of people who do not know any better, but not me.

There is a reason that senators and congressman, both republicans and democrats, from states like La and TX are strong advocates for drilling. Because they know that they lies that Obama and Pelosi spew about oil drilling are just that, lies.

Rico, you bring up the fact that the oil companies have thousands of acres that they are not drilling on. This again shows the lack of knowledge that you and the Dem's who feed you this nonsense have of this topic.

When new land is opened up for drilling the oil companies have to bid on those acres. The acreage goes to the highest bidder. They do not know when they bid how much oil is on tat land, if any. It is a chance they take.

After they win the lease, they have to spend millions more fighting the environmentalist in court just to explore the land to see if enough oil is there to merit drilling. They will spend millions of dollars to explore to see if there is enough oil there to make the investment of drilling.

If these leases had enough oil on them, believe me, they would be using them.

As far as taxing corporations. You guys are economic chowder heads if you think that taxing big business is beneficial to America.

Ireland is sitting back and watching, hoping and praying that we do not lower taxes on big business. There have benefited greatly from America having one of the highest tax rates for big business.

Lets pretend you own a business that produces tennis shoes. You are looking to build a factory that will produce 3000 new jobs. If you build in Ohio, you will pay a tax of 39% between the state and federal tax. You will also be paying your employees a salary starting at $13.00 an hour.

If you build that new factory in Ireland or some other countries, you will pay a tax of 12% and pay your employees a starting salary of 9 dollars an hr. As a business man who is looking to make a profit in order to make investors happy, where are you going to build? Ireland of course.

There goes 3000 jobs that Ohio could have had, plus tax dollars, not only from what the owner paid, but also from each dollar that those employed by the company spent.

This is simple economics as well as biblical principles. "Don't muzzle the ox that treads the corn"
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