I do not say this for offence or in a prideful way at all, and
I certainly am not against education. Our parents did not
allow the option of "quitting school" as this was not in their
We eleven siblings all finished high school, several with top
honors and scholarships. Many went on to pursue additional
education, including degrees. Our six children also graduated
from the same high school we eleven did. And some with high
But I would not trade my 68 yrs. of "Experience in Life" for all
the letters you could pile up behind my name!
Those years
are priceless but costly but they are worth it!
Money could not buy my "education". There have been many
mentors that have assisted in my learning experience,
The Teacher has been the best!
"And all thy children shall be taught of the LORD; and great
shall be the peace of thy children". (Isaiah 54:13)
"It is written in the prophets, And they shall all be taught of
God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned
of the Father, cometh unto me". (John 6:45)