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Old 03-28-2007, 04:39 PM
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StillStanding StillStanding is offline
Beautiful are the feet......

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My father-in-law always faced the entrance door when he visited a restaurant. He had a fear of someone walking up on him!
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Old 03-28-2007, 06:04 PM
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Originally Posted by tbpew View Post
I refuse to eat crabs.

It seems to me that it would be like tearing the pipes off your sewer treatment plant and dipping them in Old Bay.

These hideous creatures have a God-ordained mission but who'd a thunk somebody come along and say, why don't we eat the bay's sewer processing plant?
Cool a food thread!

I was in Reno last week and stayed at the Atlantis Hotel. They have a seafood buffet - with MONSTER crablegs on it! I found I could resist the wine, women and gambling.... but the gluttony might have got me.... I think I qualified.
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Old 03-28-2007, 06:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover View Post
Cool a food thread!

I was in Reno last week and stayed at the Atlantis Hotel. They have a seafood buffet - with MONSTER crablegs on it! I found I could resist the wine, women and gambling.... but the gluttony might have got me.... I think I qualified.
don't be too hard on yourself,
every male is pretty much wired to see if he can beat the buffet,
for some, a seafood buffet is just screaming at them with their individual "price per lb" just to get you stirred up!
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath [James 1:19]
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Old 03-28-2007, 07:42 PM
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Praxeas Praxeas is offline
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Originally Posted by Ravens View Post
Since the last few threads I've read seem to all be arguments (although for the most part respectful ones), I thought I would start something totally silly that we can all probably add to. . .

Me first:
I cannot fall asleep in what I call the 'funeral position'. . . .meaning lying straight on my back with my hands folded over my stomach. To me, this is how dead people are usually displayed and I cannot lay like that for any length of time. I've tried and it bothers me so much I have to move in order to fall asleep. Stupid, I know. . .
I also cannot stand in the shower directly facing the shower head with my eyes closed. Anyone ever see the movie where the girl is taking a shower and is facing the shower head when a spider falls right on her face???? (I think it's Bird on a Wire) Yes, this is the reason why I can't do it. . . . .my eyes have to be open if I'm facing the shower head. Again, totally stupid, but I just can't. . . .

Am I the only weirdo on here or does anyone else have anything they do or don't do based on some old wives tale passed down or through some other weirded out fetish they developed on their own?
Ok....not being able to fall asleep on your back just because it is physically uncomfortable to me is normal........BUT not being able to fall asleep on your back cuz that's not dead folks lay in their coffin is a little weird
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