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Old 08-01-2008, 11:40 PM
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Re: Argument why Jesus had facial hair?

I say since it was Jewish custom and since He was recognized as a rabbi or teacher who taught in the synagoges"I probably just butchered this word cause my phone doesnt have spell check" I believe He had a beard.Shaving was an Egyptian custom and one of the reasons the Romans shaved is because in battle a beard is one thing an enemy can get a grip on to stab you or cut your throat.Cant see blood thirsty Romans going after Jesus with tweezers like He was at some kind of dayspa....they YANKED that bad boy off
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Old 08-02-2008, 12:02 AM
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Re: Argument why Jesus had facial hair?

Originally Posted by Brad Murphy View Post
How sharp were the razors back then... did you have to use a stone?
Obsidian fractures at extremely sharp angles and the stone is so hard that it keeps a fine edge for a long time. It's still the blade of choice among some specialist surgeons.

Iron was sharpened and polished to be used as a razor in antiquity. The Romans introduced the customer of the "clean shave" for purposes of hygiene and comfort. It was considered bad manners to crack the lice in your beard at the table. The way to delouse yourself was to shave off all of your body hair.

Shaving was available to the ancients with more or less the modern levels of comfort. Again, for the Romans it even became a sign of obedience and subservience to authority figures at times. To this day the Popes require that all of their clergy shave their faces. This is enforced with differing levels and those RCC clergy who do sport beards do so to show their rebellion or at least their dissatisfaction with some aspect of the RCC system.

When they left the RCC, Protestant men used to grow beards to show their renunciation of Roman Catholic tradition. Martin Luther and John Calvin both grew beards before even taking wives to show their split from Rome.

"Come out of her, my people!" Revelation 18:1-4
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Old 08-02-2008, 06:34 AM
Brad Murphy Brad Murphy is offline
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Re: Argument why Jesus had facial hair?

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Obsidian fractures at extremely sharp angles and the stone is so hard that it keeps a fine edge for a long time. It's still the blade of choice among some specialist surgeons.

Iron was sharpened and polished to be used as a razor in antiquity. The Romans introduced the customer of the "clean shave" for purposes of hygiene and comfort. It was considered bad manners to crack the lice in your beard at the table. The way to delouse yourself was to shave off all of your body hair.

Shaving was available to the ancients with more or less the modern levels of comfort. Again, for the Romans it even became a sign of obedience and subservience to authority figures at times. To this day the Popes require that all of their clergy shave their faces. This is enforced with differing levels and those RCC clergy who do sport beards do so to show their rebellion or at least their dissatisfaction with some aspect of the RCC system.

When they left the RCC, Protestant men used to grow beards to show their renunciation of Roman Catholic tradition. Martin Luther and John Calvin both grew beards before even taking wives to show their split from Rome.

"Come out of her, my people!" Revelation 18:1-4
Thanks, I always learn something from you! (and if you check my posts, I don't say things like that lightly)
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Old 08-02-2008, 06:57 AM
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Re: Argument why Jesus had facial hair?

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Shaving was available to the ancients with more or less the modern levels of comfort. Again, for the Romans it even became a sign of obedience and subservience to authority figures at times. To this day the Popes require that all of their clergy shave their faces. This is enforced with differing levels and those RCC clergy who do sport beards do so to show their rebellion or at least their dissatisfaction with some aspect of the RCC system.

When they left the RCC, Protestant men used to grow beards to show their renunciation of Roman Catholic tradition. Martin Luther and John Calvin both grew beards before even taking wives to show their split from Rome.

"Come out of her, my people!" Revelation 18:1-4
To take that a step further, some might say then that growing a beard could be seen as making a statement against the neo-Papal authoritarianism that exists in too many of our Apostolic churches today.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.

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Old 08-02-2008, 07:37 AM
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Re: Argument why Jesus had facial hair?

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Obsidian fractures at extremely sharp angles and the stone is so hard that it keeps a fine edge for a long time. It's still the blade of choice among some specialist surgeons.

Iron was sharpened and polished to be used as a razor in antiquity. The Romans introduced the customer of the "clean shave" for purposes of hygiene and comfort. It was considered bad manners to crack the lice in your beard at the table. The way to delouse yourself was to shave off all of your body hair.

Shaving was available to the ancients with more or less the modern levels of comfort. Again, for the Romans it even became a sign of obedience and subservience to authority figures at times. To this day the Popes require that all of their clergy shave their faces. This is enforced with differing levels and those RCC clergy who do sport beards do so to show their rebellion or at least their dissatisfaction with some aspect of the RCC system.
When they left the RCC, Protestant men used to grow beards to show their renunciation of Roman Catholic tradition. Martin Luther and John Calvin both grew beards before even taking wives to show their split from Rome.

"Come out of her, my people!" Revelation 18:1-4
This is not 100% accurate.

Shaving is older than Rome. The Egyptians were shaving their faces and bodies for hygiene long before Romulus and Remus were born.

As far as Popes requiring clean shaven clergy; the article you referenced disagreed. It said that beards were worn by both Clement VII and Paul III. It further stated: "in Eastern lands a smooth face carries with it the suggestion of effeminacy. For this reason the clergy, whether Catholic or Schismatic, of the Oriental churches have always worn their beards. The same consideration, together with a regard for practical difficulties, has influenced the Roman authorities in according a similar privilege to missionaries, not only in the East but in other barbarous countries where the conveniences of civilization cannot be found. In the case of religious orders like the Capuchins and the Camaldolese Hermits the wearing of a beard is prescribed in their constitutions as a mark of austerity and penance. Individual priests who for medical or other reasons desire to exempt themselves from the law require the permission of their bishop."
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Old 08-02-2008, 07:42 AM
shag shag is offline

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Re: Argument why Jesus had facial hair?

I grew a short beard a year ago, and have had it since for the most part. It's been stated, while I was setting in an open discussion church mens class setting, that men in "the church" that grow a beard, generally do it out of rebellion.
And that, along with a few other"religous" comments (60's worldly etc.)were made. I held my tongue, (and my tongue still hurts from it- hehe). I chose not to speak cause I would have been even more "labeled" for speaking conflictingly with "the man of God", especially in the presence of quite a few new converts.

I am of the opinion, that "leaders" push it (clean shavedness) to keep unity of the fellowship or organization, whether they think its an issue or not. I also believe oftentimes, leaders put "unity of and loyalty to the brethren(even when upholding doctorines of man)" above "unity of the Spirit" and "unity of the Word". Which doing so is not "kingdom", and eventually brings disaster to "unity of the brethren". -IMHO

Of course a flip side of the coin that some could use would be this verse: 1 Cor. 8:13
Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend. (likewise beards?)
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Old 08-02-2008, 12:59 PM
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Re: Argument why Jesus had facial hair?

As far as hearing the argument that Jesus grew a beard during transfer from Pilant to Herod, I don't ever recall hearing that one.
If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart...
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Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. - Eph. 4:29
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Old 08-02-2008, 03:48 PM
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Re: Argument why Jesus had facial hair?

Originally Posted by shag View Post
As far as hearing the argument that Jesus grew a beard during transfer from Pilant to Herod, I don't ever recall hearing that one.
At best, it's an absurd stretch to make such a claim... at worst, its a perverse and shameful twisting of God's word, to claim biblical support for an un-biblical teaching.
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Old 12-30-2008, 06:54 PM
Frank_H_Smith Frank_H_Smith is offline
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Re: Argument why Jesus had facial hair?

The argument that Jesus was clean shaven and grew a beard in the 24 = or - hours that he was in custody is absurd. There were laws not to round off the corner of you beards; David's men had half their beards shaven to shame them; and it is a historical fact that jews wore beards in as in the case of the oil which ran down Aron's Beard. When I was pastoring a church, a man and his family came into the church. He had a ZZ Top style beard. I thought he was new to Christianity. He knew the bible better than I. He showed me from the Bible how Jesus was probably born on the feast of tabernacle and how the feast days were types and shadows of God's Plan. We need to spend more time on our selves and less time teaching our neighbor.
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Old 12-30-2008, 09:24 PM
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Re: Argument why Jesus had facial hair?

Originally Posted by Bryan View Post
I'm asking if you heard that argument? I don't need any other commentary until someone affirms.
I had not heard that argument.
It is my understanding that Jesus was arrested at night, dragged back and forth between Pilate and Herod that night and crucified the next day.

I have read on a forum that since Jesus was arrested at night He had not shaved since that morning so He would have had several hours of beard stubble which the Roman soldiers removed with tweezers (which presumably they carried in their pockets).
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