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Old 07-27-2008, 01:33 AM
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Re: The REAL Reason CONS have left or rarely post

Originally Posted by Encryptus View Post
Wow, there are two of them, I thought it was the same guy too !!!!....

Hmmm not whether its Matt or Mark that should feel most insulted.

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Old 07-27-2008, 01:44 AM
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Re: The REAL Reason CONS have left or rarely post

Originally Posted by mizpeh View Post
and all I'm saying is their doctrine says there is one God but when you take a close look at it, what in reality do they have? From PP's POV they have polytheism. He understands they claim monotheism but their doctrine sounds polytheistic. The three persons may not be "separate" gods like in true polytheism, but there are THREE in the Trinity who are each called God, in and of themselves. The doctrine sounds polytheistic to the "simple" folk as Tertullian acknowledged in Against Praxeas.
That was all beside the point of what I posted and why Mizpeh. you are preaching to the choir. If he understands they claim that they why was he telling me I was wrong? Many OPs are clueless as to what the doctrine of the Trinity says or they intentionally distort it.
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Old 07-27-2008, 05:27 AM
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Re: The REAL Reason CONS have left or rarely post

According to Galatians 3:1 legalism is witchcraft. If trinnies aren't allowed in heaven, there sure isn't going to be any witchcraft.

False doctrine is false doctrine.

It is ironic that Epley says trinitarians are lost and going to hell for their false doctrine. Yet he will welcome Benicasasa through the pearly gates even though he calls Benicasa's prophetic views a damnable heresy.

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
I would like to think both would.

However I can use your premise and wonder why so many Oneness Pentecostal preachers are caught up in legalism that is not biblical.

I could judge that they are all going to hell because they are not seeing the error of their ways in trying to earn their salvation and instilling judgmentalism in their saints.

That would be goofy just as I believe your application is.
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Old 07-27-2008, 06:15 AM
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Re: The REAL Reason CONS have left or rarely post

Originally Posted by ManOfWord View Post
I'd love to get into all of this, yet AGAIN, but honestly, I just don't have the time. I am just too busy trying to help folks find Jesus, but they trinitarians or not. But I will say this: I'd take a surrendered trinitarian ANY day over a self-righteous, bigoted, holier than thou oneness person who thinks everyone else is going to hell who doesn't believe like they do. And I think Jesus would as well. After all, the scripture states that the Publican went home justified and the Pharisee apparently didn't.

Those Pharisaical robes seems to be flapping in the breeze these days just as much as the gums, IMO.
Just in case someone misunderstands, I want to be VERY clear about the above post. I was originally responding to a post by TV1a regarding trinnies in heaven and op's in hell and the conversation unfolded from there. Stating I did not have time to get into the whole thing again, I made the above statement of principle, that if anyone reads my posts, they know is my style.

The above comments were NOT directed at St. Matt or anyone personally. I have NEVER called anyone names like that and would NEVER call anyone the names I used to illustrate a point in extremes. I stand by the comments I made but they were not directed at a person. I may not have needed to clarify for most of you, but I don't want to be misunderstood.

Let the sabre rattling continue!
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Old 07-27-2008, 06:57 AM
Brother Price Brother Price is offline
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Re: The REAL Reason CONS have left or rarely post

No man has all truth. This is a spirit that we desperately need to cast out from our churches. We think we have all truth about God, we think we have the only truth about salvation, and we think everyone else is going to Hell. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but many Apostolics may end up there themselves, and I hope that does not happen.

We do not preach His grace. We preach obedience only for salvation, and not grace through faith. Faith is what saves an individual, not works. Works are the by products of a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. However, faith is salvation by grace.

Baptism does not save. I am sorry if this goes contrary to what some preach in their churches, but baptism does not save. It is a fruit of salvation, a witnessing testimony that one has been saved. It is something one should do, but because of grace, one does not go to Hell if they are physically unable to be baptized. This is another problem with this belief. Only the whole can be saved. The sick cannot be baptized, so God has already condemned them to Hell for being sick and unable to be baptized.

Silliness. By grace we are saved through our faith. Nothing else saves. A soul repents and confesses their sins, and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ alone for forgiveness and remission of sins. Jesus name baptism testifies to that forgiveness and remission of sins.

Many trinitarian believers will enter the Kingdom of Heaven before many Apostolics do. We sit as judges and think God is going to quiz them on their exact beliefs before He lets them in. We accuse them of being polytheistic, and worshipping three gods, which is a lie. The fact is, some Apostolics are more polytheistic than them claim trinitarians are...

Their God is Jesus Christ (good).
Their god is their doctrine (bad).
Their god is their organization (bad).
Their god is their standards (bad).

This is not indicative of all my brethren,. but some on here have shown this tendancy. I say this not to condemn or to be harsh. That is not my point this morning. However, if we are going to be Bible believers and livers, then we must be so in grace. That one word we do not hear in our churches like we should, but here is the crux of it all.

God is full of grace, and our works will never be equal to the infinite amount of His grace. That is why many trinitarians will be seated with us in Heaven.

OK, that is all for this morning's diatribe.
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Old 07-27-2008, 07:13 AM
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Re: The REAL Reason CONS have left or rarely post

I'm insulted that anyone would say that Conservatives don't post here anymore.

I still post here !!!
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Old 07-27-2008, 07:26 AM
Brother Price Brother Price is offline
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Re: The REAL Reason CONS have left or rarely post

You're conservative??? Really??? I didn't know that!

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Old 07-27-2008, 08:01 AM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: The REAL Reason CONS have left or rarely post

Originally Posted by Brother Price View Post

Baptism does not save.
It still amazes me that anyone can dogmatically say "Baptism does not save" since there are two verses of the Bible that link Baptism directly to salvation.

Seriously, I'm fearful for anyone who can blatantly say "Baptism does not save"!

Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved

1 Peter 3:21 ...baptism doth also now save us...
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Old 07-27-2008, 08:41 AM
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Re: The REAL Reason CONS have left or rarely post

Originally Posted by stmatthew View Post
It just is no longer worth the effort. Honestly, I think if it came down to it this would be the answer that most Cons that left would give you all. It just ain't worth the fight to defend apostolic doctrine on a forum that is for apostolics.
Wait a minute! Are you saying that part of Apostolic doctrine is putting trinitarians in Hell?

I don't see anyone tearing apart Apostolic doctrine! I don't see anyone saying that the trinity doctrine is correct or the way to go.

What I see is some posters saying that one's perfect comprehension of exactly who Jesus is, won't necessarily send them to the lake of fire.
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Old 07-27-2008, 08:48 AM
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Re: The REAL Reason CONS have left or rarely post

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Wasn't it good that the truth finally came to light?
That is, how he really felt about things when he left. I really
believe that Renda was glad it was posted even though she's
not going to own up to it publically
- I understand her position
and why she has to come across that way. That admins. have to
act dignified in these situations - I'll say no more....(but I know more!)
And as for the Reverand Fred Phelps?? He looks for any occasion
to rebuke and reprove me- I think he must miss pastoring
ARE YOU SERIOUS??????????????????????????????????

Unbelievable...........you are either the most deluded individual on this forum, or you are just in rare pot stirring form today.
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