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07-25-2008, 08:01 PM
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Re: Vote McCAIN... Let Marriage and Divorce Contin
Originally Posted by 1399
A vote for McCain is a vote in favor of divorce. He himself has personally been divorced and remarried.
A vote for the Republican McCain is your blessing on divorce!

07-25-2008, 08:24 PM
Matthew 7:6
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Re: Vote McCAIN... Let Marriage and Divorce Contin
Originally Posted by Rico
You are part of the group who is voting his religious convictions, not me. I guess this means you guys pick and choose which convictions are important to you? 
Do you think a person should not let their moral/religious convictions be a factor in who they support for high office?
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
I'm T France, and I approved this message.

07-25-2008, 08:31 PM
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Re: Vote McCAIN... Let Marriage and Divorce Contin
Originally Posted by Sam
I'm not really sure what the legal requirements are for being President of the U.S. One is being a natural born citizen. Another is being 35 years old or older.
We elect a President as a sort of figure head every 4 years. Usually we alternate between Democrat and Republican. Whoever is in office is blamed for every thing so the opposing party is voted in next time.
Dubya is a Republican and has been in office for two terms so he is considered personally to blame for
not avoiding the Muslim attack on 9/11
high gas prices
jobs going overseas
people being in debt over their heads and losing homes
lack of American pride
expensive cars
war and troops in Germany, Kosovo, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq
Nuclear facilities in North Korea and Iran
Teen age pregnancies
High school dropouts
Rioting and looting in major cities
etc. etc.
so, since Dubya and the Republicans are to blame for these and many other things we will now vote in the party which openly supports and promotes
the GLBT agenda
MTV, Hollywood, PBS, Media standards of morality
Redistribution of wealth
etc. etc.
After we are disillusioned by the Dems for a term or two we'll probably go back to Republicans for a term or two
You forgot to add "needlessly sending our troops into Iraq with some lame excuse about WMDs, rather than being honest enough to tell the people the real reason we were going in was to establish a permanent military presence smack dab in the Middle East, in a country with vast oil reserves that we're supposed to believe had nothing to do with why we went in, even though at least one of the major companies profiting the most from this war just so happens to be a company that was once run by our VP" to your Bush list.
You also forgot to add the part about "the single largest swipe at personal freedom in this country with the Patriot Act and creation of Homeland Security, the complete disregard for privacy of US citzens by authorizing wire taps without a court order and the handing over of private phone records to the government by American phone companies" to your Bush list.

07-25-2008, 08:38 PM
Shaking the dust off my shoes.
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Re: Vote McCAIN... Let Marriage and Divorce Contin
Originally Posted by TRFrance
Do you think a person should not let their moral/religious convictions be a factor in who they support for high office?
To be honest with you, TRFrance, the more I think about it, the more I think the only way anyone who calls themself a Christian can really stay true to their religious convictions would be to avoid voting in national elections in the first place. I'm not saying I've decided to never vote again, but I don't see any light coming from Washington D.C. and am not naive enough to think I ever will.

07-26-2008, 06:44 AM
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Re: Vote McCAIN... Let Marriage and Divorce Contin
I started this thread in response to the sentiment that seems to be held by many folks on AFF that a vote for the Democrats is a vote for sin.
I have read numerous times posts that suggest that no CHristian could ever vote Democrat and still consider themselves Christian.
They have made these statements with complete DISREGARD to the political history of this country.
Why would so many poor Christians vote Democrat?
Why would so many Christians without health care insurance vote Democrat?
Why did black Christians start voting for the Democrats?
Well there are those that would think that the answer is that all of the above mentioned folks are ill-informed heathens who aren't really Christians at all.
Obama has never performed an abortion, he simply believes that to have or not have an abortion should not be up to the government.
Is Obama a homosexual? No, but a vote for him makes the voter pro-gay and by some logic, gay by association.
A vote for the Democrats makes the Christian a lazy, gay murderer by association, according to some folks logic on here.
Well what does that mean for the voter who votes for McCain?
God hates divorce.
However, God gives directions for how to gives directions for how to perform an abortion, if the wife has been suspected of being unfaithful.
So, if the litmus test are "moral values" like some suggest, Obama is more moral than McCain.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."

07-26-2008, 07:09 AM
Matthew 7:6
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Re: Vote McCAIN... Let Marriage and Divorce Contin
Originally Posted by Rico
However, God gives directions for how to perform an abortion, if the wife has been suspected of being unfaithful.
So, if the litmus test are "moral values" like some suggest, Obama is more moral than McCain.
Please quote for us the scripture where God gives "directions for how to perform an abortion".
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
I'm T France, and I approved this message.

07-26-2008, 07:33 AM
Wouldn't Take Nothin' For My Journey Now!
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Re: Vote McCAIN... Let Marriage and Divorce Contin
Originally Posted by 1399
But God hates divorce. There is a scripture that states this verbatim.
So why would we vote for someone who has PERSONALLY taken part in something that is so detestable in the sight of God?

07-26-2008, 07:36 AM
Re: Vote McCAIN... Let Marriage and Divorce Contin
Originally Posted by 1399
so y vote 4 him?
because I am a US CITIZEN.. I must vote.. ethically I must vote and I only have two choices.... so go figure

07-26-2008, 07:37 AM
Re: Vote McCAIN... Let Marriage and Divorce Contin
Originally Posted by 1399
But God hates divorce. There is a scripture that states this verbatim.
So why would we vote for someone who has PERSONALLY taken part in something that is so detestable in the sight of God?
God calls lesbianism and homosexuality abominations.. Barack supports both... so give me some choices here

07-26-2008, 07:39 AM
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Re: Vote McCAIN... Let Marriage and Divorce Contin
All men/women have sinned...let's not vote for anyone because they are all sinners. That is what I hear being said. I think you have to weigh out the issues and make a choice on those most important to a allowing Judeo Christain morality to be continued.
McCain's being divorced is small potatoes to the overall big picture of things. It is the small interest groups that have an agenda... that major on the minor issues to deflect from what is really going one. Please be aware of this.
Blessings, Rhoni
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