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Old 07-24-2008, 03:08 PM
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Re: UPC Culture

Ahhh yes! the evils of mixed bathing...............

We were in revival one time when I was in high school. It was summer, our church was not air conditioned and it was VERY hot.

After service one night, all of us young people decided that instead of our nightly trip to McDonald's, we wanted to cool off. One of the new girls had a nice built in pool in their backyard. Her parents had gone with the other adults to Bob Evans. So................

The only problem was that, because we weren't allowed to Mixed Bath, we didn't have swimming suits to wear. And heaven knows it would have been baaaaaadddd if we had gotten our clothes wet swimming and then had to explain that to the adults afterwards.

So what else could we do? We took our clothes off and went skinny dipping!

We didn't turn any lights on, so it was all pretty innocent.

A couple weeks later, one of the girls got a case of "the guilts" and went to the pastor and confessed. Imagine that the stink that that stirred up!!

Oh the joys of being an Apostolic youth! LOL!!
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Old 07-24-2008, 03:11 PM
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Re: UPC Culture

Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
Ahhh yes! the evils of mixed bathing...............

We were in revival one time when I was in high school. It was summer, our church was not air conditioned and it was VERY hot.

After service one night, all of us young people decided that instead of our nightly trip to McDonald's, we wanted to cool off. One of the new girls had a nice built in pool in their backyard. Her parents had gone with the other adults to Bob Evans. So................

The only problem was that, because we weren't allowed to Mixed Bath, we didn't have swimming suits to wear. And heaven knows it would have been baaaaaadddd if we had gotten our clothes wet swimming and then had to explain that to the adults afterwards.

So what else could we do? We took our clothes off and went skinny dipping!

We didn't turn any lights on, so it was all pretty innocent.

A couple weeks later, one of the girls got a case of "the guilts" and went to the pastor and confessed. Imagine that the stink that that stirred up!!

Oh the joys of being an Apostolic youth! LOL!!
I did alot of things as an Apostolic teen and beyond...but I must say that this is something I NEVER would have considered. LOL!
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Old 07-24-2008, 04:00 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: UPC Culture

Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
Ahhh yes! the evils of mixed bathing...............

So what else could we do? We took our clothes off and went skinny dipping!

A couple weeks later, one of the girls got a case of "the guilts" and went to the pastor and confessed. Imagine that the stink that that stirred up!!

Oh the joys of being an Apostolic youth! LOL!!
I'll bet it really hit the fan with all the unplanned pregnancies that no doubt occurred as a result of this stunt!
I sure hope that more than one person was banned from bible quizzing!
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Old 07-24-2008, 05:30 PM
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Re: UPC Culture

No one has a clear understanding of the word apostolic let alone charismatic.

Originally Posted by Michael Phelps View Post
People who are more liberal than us have "Gone Charismatic".

Kind of like "gone fishing".

ANd, unfortunately, we don't understand the true meaning of the word Charismatic!

So, I'm quite sure it confuses some folks...........
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Old 07-24-2008, 06:14 PM
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Re: UPC Culture

Originally Posted by RandyWayne View Post
I'll bet it really hit the fan with all the unplanned pregnancies that no doubt occurred as a result of this stunt!
I sure hope that more than one person was banned from bible quizzing!
LOL!! No quizzing at our little church at that time. But we were definately short in helpers in the Sunday School department for a while. And a few of us were banned from playing our musical instruments for several weeks. The choir was sure short singers for the next month or so. And it seems to me that quite a few kids spent the next several weeks sitting with their parents during every service.

The funny thing is that, except for the girl who got the guilts, most of our parents never knew what had gone on. I talked to someone about a year ago who had never heard about this happening! And these people had TWO kids in the crowd! LOL!!
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Old 07-24-2008, 06:18 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Re: UPC Culture

Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
LOL!! No quizzing at our little church at that time. But we were definately short in helpers in the Sunday School department for a while. And a few of us were banned from playing our musical instruments for several weeks. The choir was sure short singers for the next month or so. And it seems to me that quite a few kids spent the next several weeks sitting with their parents during every service.

The funny thing is that, except for the girl who got the guilts, most of our parents never knew what had gone on. I talked to someone about a year ago who had never heard about this happening! And these people had TWO kids in the crowd! LOL!!
Bible quizzing...reminds me of the year I was 12 almost 13...I was on the Luke team in Ohio. I was the youngest of the 5 other quizzers on our team. Toledo was the team to beat that year. I was known for my 'contesting' and getting decisions overturned. It was down to the last 30 point question and the other team got it wrong. It was a question I had worked on the night before...I never told anyone that I knew it...but I froze. Everyone was looking at me and crying. It was so much pressure. I just sat there until they called 'time'. I cried the rest of the day.
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Old 07-24-2008, 06:22 PM
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Re: UPC Culture

How about, "I wouldn't take nothin' for my journey now."
Doesn't that mean that You would take something?

And what's with the 'prayer wheel?'
Isn't that Buddist?
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Old 07-24-2008, 06:49 PM
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Re: UPC Culture

Originally Posted by Rhoni View Post
Bible quizzing...reminds me of the year I was 12 almost 13...I was on the Luke team in Ohio. I was the youngest of the 5 other quizzers on our team. Toledo was the team to beat that year. I was known for my 'contesting' and getting decisions overturned. It was down to the last 30 point question and the other team got it wrong. It was a question I had worked on the night before...I never told anyone that I knew it...but I froze. Everyone was looking at me and crying. It was so much pressure. I just sat there until they called 'time'. I cried the rest of the day.
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Old 07-24-2008, 06:53 PM
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Re: UPC Culture

Originally Posted by tstew View Post
Thus began a lifelong journey into psychoanalysis and the unlocking of the mysteries of the mind.
You got that right!
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Old 07-24-2008, 10:43 PM
jaxfam6 jaxfam6 is offline
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Re: UPC Culture

Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
Ahhh yes! the evils of mixed bathing...............

We were in revival one time when I was in high school. It was summer, our church was not air conditioned and it was VERY hot.

After service one night, all of us young people decided that instead of our nightly trip to McDonald's, we wanted to cool off. One of the new girls had a nice built in pool in their backyard. Her parents had gone with the other adults to Bob Evans. So................

The only problem was that, because we weren't allowed to Mixed Bath, we didn't have swimming suits to wear. And heaven knows it would have been baaaaaadddd if we had gotten our clothes wet swimming and then had to explain that to the adults afterwards.

So what else could we do? We took our clothes off and went skinny dipping!

We didn't turn any lights on, so it was all pretty innocent.

A couple weeks later, one of the girls got a case of "the guilts" and went to the pastor and confessed. Imagine that the stink that that stirred up!!

Oh the joys of being an Apostolic youth! LOL!!
Only an Ohio youth would think of this =)
Life is .............

I'll get back to you when I figure it out.
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