There is one God who created all things. In order to save us, He became man. Jesus Christ was God in flesh, Emmanuel -- God with us (Matthew 1:23).
The Gospel
The gospel of the kingdom is the message that the church of Jesus Christ has been commissioned to teach. The gospel of the kingdom declares that the days of human government are numbered and that God will soon set up a kingdom that shall never pass away (Daniel 2:44). When the kingdom of God is established, Jesus will reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.
Salvation The only salvation available to the human race was purchased by Jesus Christ at Calvary. The work of Calvary consists of His death, burial and resurrection. Since the work of Calvary consists of dying, being buried and raising again, Jesus called this plan being born again. He then declared that being born again was essential for entrance into the kingdom of God (John 3:1-5).
Those who have been born again and have lived a life submitted to the lordship of Jesus Christ will be resurrected immortal at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus and will rule and reign with Christ in His kingdom (Revelation 5:9-10).
Eternal Judgment
Those who reject the gospel of Jesus Christ will be resurrected to appear at the great white throne of judgment. Even as the saved receive eternal life, the lost will receive eternal damnation.
The Bible, in its original manuscripts, is the inspired word of God, and it reveals the will of God to the human race. The Holy Scriptures are the final authority in matters of faith and truth.
Re: Will I.B. retract if 2 billion don't die soon?
I am just stating what I know from being personal friends with him,. going to church with him, and speaking to him about this. and hearing him preach pretty often... I do not read his lit. so I dont know what it says nor do I care to. Just stating what I have been told by him personally
Re: Will I.B. retract if 2 billion don't die soon?
Originally Posted by AmazingGrace
I am just stating what I know from being personal friends with him,. going to church with him, and speaking to him about this. and hearing him preach pretty often... I do not read his lit. so I dont know what it says nor do I care to. Just stating what I have been told by him personally
He may very well believe Acts 2:38 like most of the Christian world does ... as much as PCIers did ... and do ....
It seems to me that there is mounting evidence that he does not see it as essential as many of his ministerial peers in the UPCI .... The video and the website statement of beliefs are offered as possible evidence of this ...
Perhaps he's light doctrine like AD URSHAN or GT HAYWOOD?
If he's strict 3 stepper it seems inconsistent that he focuses on end time prophecy and not see the urgency to be more vocal about 3 step salvation.
There is one God who created all things. In order to save us, He became man. Jesus Christ was God in flesh, Emmanuel -- God with us (Matthew 1:23).
The Gospel
The gospel of the kingdom is the message that the church of Jesus Christ has been commissioned to teach. The gospel of the kingdom declares that the days of human government are numbered and that God will soon set up a kingdom that shall never pass away (Daniel 2:44). When the kingdom of God is established, Jesus will reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.
Salvation The only salvation available to the human race was purchased by Jesus Christ at Calvary. The work of Calvary consists of His death, burial and resurrection. Since the work of Calvary consists of dying, being buried and raising again, Jesus called this plan being born again. He then declared that being born again was essential for entrance into the kingdom of God (John 3:1-5).
Those who have been born again and have lived a life submitted to the lordship of Jesus Christ will be resurrected immortal at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus and will rule and reign with Christ in His kingdom (Revelation 5:9-10).
Eternal Judgment
Those who reject the gospel of Jesus Christ will be resurrected to appear at the great white throne of judgment. Even as the saved receive eternal life, the lost will receive eternal damnation.
The Bible, in its original manuscripts, is the inspired word of God, and it reveals the will of God to the human race. The Holy Scriptures are the final authority in matters of faith and truth.
Dan, I have heard IB on the radio telling people they had to be baptized in Jesus name. no waffeling about it. Holy Ghost too.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Three newly filmed lessons by Irvin Baxter, including
Understanding the Godhead (2 hrs)
True Christianity vs. False Christianity (1 hr)
Tongues: Devilish or Divine? (1 hr)
All three lessons on DVD.
This could have been written by the publishing house of the Assembly of God ...
Here is the conclusion of it ...
If you have never received the Holy Ghost evidenced by
speaking with other tongues as the spirit gives utterance, then you
do not have all that God has for you. You must have this experience
in order to live the Christian life that Jesus wants you to live. Jesus
said in Acts 1:8— “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy
Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in
Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part
of the earth.” The apostles had this power, the early church had this
power, and God wants you to have this power today. Without the
power of the Holy Ghost in us, we fulfill the scripture written by
Paul in II Timothy 3:5— “Having a form of godliness, but denying the
power thereof: from such turn away.”
Nothing about this experience being necessary for regeneration ??? He seems to believe it's for empowerment ... at least in this document.
Re: Will I.B. retract if 2 billion don't die soon?
Ok Dan,,, very simple... would you like me to get a copy of the dvd next time he preaches? Every time he preaches if its a specific service where he is informed in advance.. he invites all he can from the Endtime services and I think every single time he has explained this very thing in a 3 step view... sorry just the plain and simple of it. I go to church with the man... I see him every week if not more and he does step 3 times my friend!
Re: Will I.B. retract if 2 billion don't die soon?
Originally Posted by AmazingGrace
Ok Dan,,, very simple... would you like me to get a copy of the dvd next time he preaches? Every time he preaches if its a specific service where he is informed in advance.. he invites all he can from the Endtime services and I think every single time he has explained this very thing in a 3 step view... sorry just the plain and simple of it. I go to church with the man... I see him every week if not more and he does step 3 times my friend!
I'm not saying he does or doesn't ... however a lack of urgency for these steps seem lacking in many of his presentations ... videos ... website ....etc available to millions worldwide.
If one was strict water and spirit ... and one did what he is involved in ... is it not consistent that it be the center of his message?
In one breath you say 2 billion people will most likely die this year yet don't offer the solution at every chance you get?
I have now just found one bible study at the Marble Falls UPCI website that attributes the following bible study to brother Baxter showing he believes that all three steps is how one is born again... yet in all of his writings available at his website it's not evident....
One would think that if tongues was necessary to be regenerated that you'd include that in your tract available to the masses on your popular futurist apocalyptic website ... no????
Or is he watering things down to appear mainstream???? Or is this just an over sight on his part?
Why does he address the listeners at his interdenominational meeting as the end-time Church? Can one be part of the Church without being properly born again? Or was this only directed to the OPs in the crowd ... ? (There didn't seem to be many.)
Do the hundreds of churched who attend his meetings, that haven't obeyed Acts 2:38 as 3 steppers see it, know that the speaker does not think they are saved ... or properly born again? Do they leave these meetings knowing that their souls are in jeopardy of eternal damnation and that they are not rapture ready?
This was not evident in his videos put out by his ministry on YouTube ... but I'm sure they, the attendees, bought plenty of books and other promotional materials afterwards that do not either.