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Old 06-26-2008, 04:48 PM
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revrandy revrandy is offline
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Why was it so necessary to have Hillary in the..

White House to women?


This article is about a group of women meeting to try to bring some unity to support Barack and they can't let Hillary go?

Is is some sort of justification or vendication to have put a Clinton or just Hillary back in the White House?

Or does it represent the anger of women towards men at large?
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Old 06-26-2008, 04:52 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Why was it so necessary to have Hillary in the

Hillary? Hillary who? Who dat be?
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Old 06-26-2008, 05:19 PM
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Re: Why was it so necessary to have Hillary in the


Any subgroup of people who see one their group rise to a new level that no one from that group has reached before naturally have great pride in that accomplishment.

I think that is the struggle you see right now with moderate and conservative blacks. They don't support Obama's policies but they are so proud and pleased that someone of their race (or at least half their race) is in the running they are tempted to support him soley on the basis of his skin color.

I believe that it is the same with some women. Paritcularly the radical feminists. They have pushed to be men for so long and while they have had success in reaching the Corporate boardrooms and lower levels of politics they have never been elected to National office in the USA.

For those women Hillary was more than just a canidate they agreed with or personally liked. She was THE ONE that was going to make the ultimate feminist accomplishment as the leader of the Free World. They were invested in what she represents more than her herself.
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