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Old 06-21-2008, 04:22 PM
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Re: Expansion of the Universe Discussion

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Im not "physics" minded or "Astro Phycics" however the idea of a universe that is still expanding or not is interesting. I have always thought it would be interesting if the Universe began to collapse back on itself into that "singularity" and then started all over again.

Then again considering there are other theories to replace the big bang now Im not sure how much we should speculate on the BB.

And by Universe are we speaking purely of unoccupied space or are we speaking of more planets and Stars?

And if the Universe is expanding....where is it expanding into? I mean if I blow up a balloon I can see where the expanding balloon is expanding into.

If the Universe is expanding then Does this mean God is still creating? Or does it mean a part of God's creation never stopped the process of creating?

Great questions, I love this topic as well.

There is a really good book for those that can understand physics http://www.faganbooks.net/si/INTERLOC009718.html

I love this book, long read but it is great.

The universe is expanding into endless space. The expansion doesn't necessarily mean more is being created just more space between the created.

I like the other questions, let's explore them and list our findings!
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Old 06-21-2008, 04:46 PM
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Re: Expansion of the Universe Discussion

I have to run, but I think it's called brane theory or cosmic brane theory. Some cosmologist believe it was possible that several "branes" came together and formed what we now have as creation.

I guess it somehow accounts for the evidence of the BB too. It's been a while
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Old 06-21-2008, 05:13 PM
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Re: Expansion of the Universe Discussion

How could an infinite Creator bring into existence the time-space-matter continuum? The Biblical record indicates that God simply spoke and creation happened. In our perspective as humans we do not know what it would be like for something to simply appear, whereas it was completely non-existent just before, as a result of God saying, or bring into existence His creation. Whenever we create in finitude, such as food for eating or tools for labor, they come with existing materials. I think the BB is an example, possibly, of what happened WHEN God said, let there be. Even then we are using anthropomorphic explanation. When God brought into existence, what we know of our current data possibly occurred, and is basically a finite portrait of the steps or the chain of events that unfolded when what is and was came into existence.
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Old 06-21-2008, 05:28 PM
Carpenter Carpenter is offline
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Re: Expansion of the Universe Discussion

Originally Posted by clgustaveson View Post
Great questions, I love this topic as well.

There is a really good book for those that can understand physics http://www.faganbooks.net/si/INTERLOC009718.html

I love this book, long read but it is great.

The universe is expanding into endless space. The expansion doesn't necessarily mean more is being created just more space between the created.

I like the other questions, let's explore them and list our findings!
When we talk about orbiting around the Sun, actually we are like a big vinyl record and we are slowly but surely being played directly into the most powerful gravitational force in the universe...the Sun. Might take a million years, but it will happen, we will certainly be the second rock from the sun, then the first, then Mars, then Jupiter...but that collision may end things altogether.

Expanding? Maybe in an anecdotal fashion, but not the current solar system.

As far as the big bang being the force that created the evolutionary process. Consider that the chances for a positive mutation from a lower form is approximately 1x10 to the 23rd. Consider that 1x10 to the 17th is considered a mathmatical impossibility, thus you have the chances regarding a catastrophic event giving rise to a highly functioning organism at nil.

I don't think so, give me intellegent design any day of the week.
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Old 06-22-2008, 08:28 AM
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Re: Expansion of the Universe Discussion

Originally Posted by Carpenter View Post
When we talk about orbiting around the Sun, actually we are like a big vinyl record and we are slowly but surely being played directly into the most powerful gravitational force in the universe...the Sun. Might take a million years, but it will happen, we will certainly be the second rock from the sun, then the first, then Mars, then Jupiter...but that collision may end things altogether.

Expanding? Maybe in an anecdotal fashion, but not the current solar system.

As far as the big bang being the force that created the evolutionary process. Consider that the chances for a positive mutation from a lower form is approximately 1x10 to the 23rd. Consider that 1x10 to the 17th is considered a mathmatical impossibility, thus you have the chances regarding a catastrophic event giving rise to a highly functioning organism at nil.

I don't think so, give me intellegent design any day of the week.
This is one of the most uninformes posts I have read. The forces acting against gravity to give us an orbit cause the Earth not to
be collapsing in.

The discussion is about the universe not simply our solar system. The universe expanding within and beyond the Milkyway Galaxy.

The math figures you give are a pointless consideration, and nobody has even proposed that.
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