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Branhamism Discussion of distinctive doctrines of William M. Branham.

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Old 05-30-2008, 01:45 AM
Joelel Joelel is offline

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Re: What really happened at Pentecost?

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn View Post
No that's not funny,fact is we all say were filled with the Holy Ghost and according to the scripture the Holy Ghost is suppose to be teaching us all truth. So most is missing it.
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Old 05-30-2008, 02:18 AM
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Re: What really happened at Pentecost?

Fact is,they were being a witness when the Holy Ghost came on them.

Acts 1:7: And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.
8: But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

This is when Peter started preaching,what did he say ?

Acts 2:14: But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:
15: For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day.
16: But this (THIS WHAT ? THIS TONGUE TALKING) is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel;

This tongue talking was them giving prophecy in several different tongues,yes they were witnessing by prophecy in tongues.

17: And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
18: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy

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Old 05-30-2008, 04:47 AM
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Re: What really happened at Pentecost?

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn View Post
Then call your movement Judaic or something besides Pentecostal because nothing happened on the Day of Pentecost that is used to endorse Pentecostalism..... and you won't find much emphasis on Praise & worship after Paul set the church in order
What tripe. Pentecostal...the denomination..is based on the view that speaking in tongues occurs when one is first filled with the Holy Ghost and that is what happened on the day of Pentecost. You are not proving your assertion or disproving what others are saying by making such absurd statements like this
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  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
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Old 05-30-2008, 04:50 AM
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Re: What really happened at Pentecost?

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn View Post
Then call your movement Judaic or something besides Pentecostal because nothing happened on the Day of Pentecost that is used to endorse Pentecostalism..... and you won't find much emphasis on Praise & worship after Paul set the church in order
Excuse me?! You must be reading a Bible with pages torn out. The Bible speaks volumes about praise and worship. But, this is again from a man who avows the teachings of a backslidden false prophet and liar.
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Old 05-30-2008, 09:26 AM
shag shag is offline

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Re: What really happened at Pentecost?

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn View Post
Option #1 - An ole time, Holy Ghost campmeeting with shouting & Speaking in Tongues,, Praising God and having a good ole time

Option #2 - The most effective missionary outreach in the history of the church

I choose #2 and here is why...

1)Not one time are we told anyone was Praise God on this day.. there is nothing about Magnifying God or any sign whatsoever that this was a church service...

Here's what I see..... of course you will tell me where I'm wrong.. good

Here is where the story begins:

Luke 24:47 - And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.

This is Jesus speaking to his followers about their upcoming mission... they are to preach the gospel to ALL NATIONS.. which will happen or begin at Jerusalem

2 )In the course of conversation with Jesus, they must have felt the burden of this heavy responsibility, after all they did not speak the languages of the nations.... Jesus knowing their fear says this to them

And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.

3.)They were told to go and wait in Jerusalem until they recieved ABILITY (the original for power in this scripture) they would receive a supernatural ability to reach the nations at Jerusalem and this ability would come to them from on high... delivered unto them by the Holy Ghost

4.)So, what happens next? they went and they waited.. this was a time of waiting.. I can only imagine their wondering how they would be able to speak to all the nations about the gospel......

BUt God was up to something.. there was only ONE TIME a year when all the nations gathered at Jerusalem... for the Feast of Pentecost... and GOD KNEW that this would be the time to affect the most people with the gospel...

So they wait and wait... until they heard a sound and languages rested upon them (tongues in the original is languages) so languages of fire rested upon them.....

5.)and immediatly we see that they began to speak in foreign languages that they had never learned... they were ecstatic I am sure to see the ABILITY come upon them to obey the words of Jesus, supernaturally...

6.)Please note they were not speaking in tongues as Pentecostals do because Paul said "if one speaks in tongues he speaks unto God and not unto man and NO MAN could understand him:" but these men gathered around and UNDERSTOOD THEM...

7.)So what did these foreigners hear these disciples saying? They were preaching of the wonderful works of God,, which was the death burial and ressurection of Jesus Christ,.,,, they were testifying of these works supernaturally in other languages.. there was no one shouting and screaminga and rolling in the floors......

8.)finally when they couldn't figure out how these diciples had gained this ability to break the language barrier. they attribute this to some kind of new wine and then Peter.... stood to deliver the theology of the situation as he told them of Joels prophecy and once they understood they came to know Christ....

Is this not the correct understanding of Acts 2?

Mr. Vaughn, I have numbered some of your quotes here from your opening post, to help deal with each opinion. Here are my responses.

#1.) Acts 2:11 Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God. (You wrote in #8 that they were preaching, the bible reads that they were Speaking the wonderful works of God. (which IMO,is praise, whether "the works" is about the gospel, as you stated, or not)
and if they were preaching the gospel to the crowd, as you wrote in #7, why did they need Peter to preach it to them again?
Peter did the preaching, NOT the people as you wrote in #7.

Acts 2:46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church(body of believers) daily such as should be saved.

#2.) This is your opinion, in which I respect. Do you have scripture for it? or are you just drawing a conclusion that they we're overwhelmed wondering how they we're gonna reach the world when they don't know everyone's language? (without any scripure)

3.)You wrote that they were told that they would receive a supernatural ability TO reach nations.
They WERE actually told that they would receive "power" after the Spirit had come upon them AND they shall be witnesses....(you put in the "to", I'll leave it as "and", which, IMO means along with receiving that Spirit, you shall be witnesses....
So according to what you wrote, I assume you believe the "Power" of the Spirit was ONLY for the speaking in another language to witness?
I personally believe the "power" that comes with receiving his Spirit, is for more than just to be witnesses by speaking in another language.
I believe it to be for being a Godly example as a witness, or to have power to overcome the enemy of this world, overcome our fleshly desires, etc.

#4) Again this is your opinion of what must have been going thru their head: The burden of how they were gonna reach the world not knowing all the world's language. Please tell which scripture you use to build such intense burden and conviction upon the disciples, of them wondering how they're gonna reach the world, not knowing their language.

#5) This is your opinion used to paint your picture, which I respect, but is there any scripture for it as well?

#6) Let me get this straight, in #7 you said the people were preaching to the listeners about the gospel, yet in #6, you say they were speaking to God (according to Paul's writing)but the men gathered and understood them.
So they were speaking to God about the gospel that he already knew about since he designed it from the foundation of the world,then the people understood what the tongue talkers were saying to God, so then they were getting preached to (of the gospel)? ?? Please untangle/explain this.

#7) No shouting, screaming, and rolling around in floors. You could be right, but once again, scripture does not say.

(aside from acts 2, but pertains to subject
In Acts 3:8 , when the lame man was healed, he got excited about it, and went on into the temple walking AND Leaping and Laughing. And the people saw and praised God. Please answer this question:

Did the people stop praising God, the instance any of them followed him into the temple? Did he stop praising when he got into the temple?(it says he went in doing those things) Do you believe he and the others that were praising God for the miracle got thrown out of the temple for being too out of line? The real question is WOULD PAUL HAVE THROWN THEM OUT FOR THEIR PRAISE? You may think so, I do not.

#8) You wrote that the crowd attributed the speaking in different languages to be because of drinking new wine.
Please tell me, do you really believe that? or could it be:

They had to be acting a little annevited to also make Peter say "These are not DRUNK as you suppose..... Would you agree to that? linking drunkedness to ONLY the ability to speak other languages, as I understand you to have done, is a little out far fetched for me.
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Old 05-30-2008, 10:17 AM
Dr. Vaughn

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Re: What really happened at Pentecost?


You said:
You wrote in #8 that they were preaching, the bible reads that they were Speaking the wonderful works of God. (which IMO,is praise, whether "the works" is about the gospel, as you stated, or not)
and if they were preaching the gospel to the crowd, as you wrote in #7, why did they need Peter to preach it to them again?
Peter did the preaching, NOT the people as you wrote in #7.

My Response: Would you like to tell us the VAST difference in SPEAKING Preaching? It's gonna be a huge stretch.. when I am preaching I am SPEAKING to people

#2.) This is your opinion, in which I respect. Do you have scripture for it? or are you just drawing a conclusion that they we're overwhelmed wondering how they we're gonna reach the world when they don't know everyone's language? (without any scripure)

There is a such thing as logic.. is there not? In the immediate verse preceding the promise of power.. he is telling these unlearned men that they must now go tell the gospel in ALL THE NATIONS..... Ok.... here they sit, they do not KNOW THE LANGUAGES of all the nations... you tell me with a reasonable mind that this was not something to be considered?

Evidently Jesus could read their minds.. because he immediatly he answers their concerns........ he tells them they will receive the ABILITY...... sir Power is NOT THE WORD used in the ORIGINAL... Here's your proof

Power - DUNAMIS = Ability... I realize the Pentecostals like the word POWER better.. it sounds more Pentecostal.. but actually Jesus said - Tarry at Jerusalem and you will receive the ABILITY for the service I have just commisioned you to..... they would receive the ABILITY to perform the MIRACLE of speaking to the NATIONS

Now, brother.. you read it and tell me how that CANNOT be the logical conclusion.,. especially in light of the fact that this is EXACTLY what happened once they got to Jerusalem.... they received ABILITY (not power) but ABILITY to speak to nations about the gospel.....

3.)You wrote that they were told that they would receive a supernatural ability TO reach nations.
They WERE actually told that they would receive "power" after the Spirit had come upon them AND they shall be witnesses....(you put in the "to", I'll leave it as "and", which, IMO means along with receiving that Spirit, you shall be witnesses....
So according to what you wrote, I assume you believe the "Power" of the Spirit was ONLY for the speaking in another language to witness?
I personally believe the "power" that comes with receiving his Spirit, is for more than just to be witnesses by speaking in another language.
I believe it to be for being a Godly example as a witness, or to have power to overcome the enemy of this world, overcome our fleshly desires, etc.

Shag, I believe I proved previously that I am the one correct on the meaning of POWER in this verse.. its not some electric current Pentecostal type of power... but the original word was ABILITY... you see you keep using the word POWER in its English meaning.. such a FORCE or SHOCK or something overpowering.. and this is actually not a very good translation of the original word ABILITY

#6) Let me get this straight, in #7 you said the people were preaching to the listeners about the gospel, yet in #6, you say they were speaking to God (according to Paul's writing)but the men gathered and understood them.
So they were speaking to God about the gospel that he already knew about since he designed it from the foundation of the world,then the people understood what the tongue talkers were saying to God, so then they were getting preached to (of the gospel)? ?? Please untangle/explain this.

My Response:
Brother, I believe you have completely misunderstood me.. I was actually try to prove the exact opposite, I will try again.

I was showing in scripture where Paul gives the definition of "Speaking in tongues" he said that if someone is speaking in tongues that they are NOT SPEAKING TO ME but rather to God.....

Now, we know by no stretch of the imagination that at Pentecost, the entire purpose was evangelism of the nations.... Thus we know that the PURPOSE of the Languages that fell on them was to speak to those gathered about the WONDERFUL WORKS OF GOD.....

They were NOT SPEAKING TO GOD about the wonderful works of God but rather to those who had gathered.. and thus according to PAULS writing they were not "Speaking in tongues" but rather at Pentecost they were speaking in "OTHER" foreign languages which is not the same as speaking in "unknown tongues that Paul is refering here"

Pauls very definition of speaking in tongues, refutes that anyone was speaking in tongues at Pentecost..... they were NOT.... they were rather doing what Jesus told them they would do,, they were breaking those language barriers and speaking about GOD......and his wonderful works

Now...... PETER in response to the MOCKING and the lack of understanding of all the onlookers... needed to clarify what these people were being told and what they were seeing... thus he brings them the theological discourse....

It is my argument that no one "Spoke in unknown tongues" at Pentecost ,, as the modern day Pentecostals do........ but rather they received supernatural ability from the Holy Ghost to SPEAK TO MEN about the wonderful works of God..... and then Peter brought it all together with his final sermon

When we do street ministry, we do the same thing.. our people mingle among the crowd telling them about Jesus and then we have a speaker who will make a public address to bring the theological message about their need for salvation and basically clear up in their minds everything they have seen and heard....


#7) No shouting, screaming, and rolling around in floors. You could be right, but once again, scripture does not say.

Then how can Pentecostals use this event at Pentecost to give scriptural credence for their displays of emotions?

Thanks Brother,, I enjoy the discourse
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Old 05-30-2008, 10:30 AM
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Re: What really happened at Pentecost?

Peter preached and ONLY Peter and the multitude understood Peter's preaching and obyed! Not the so-called preaching of the multitude.
DV read it and weep!
"they that gladly recieved HIS word were baptized.".Acts 2;41
"But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up HIS voice." 2:14

"...said unto PETER and the rest of the Apostles"...2;37
"with many other words did HE testify and exhort." 2:40
The 120 were NOT preaching they were praising God in tongues they had never learned. The miracle was NOT in the HEARING as Branham taught but the speaking.
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Old 05-30-2008, 10:49 AM
Dr. Vaughn

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Re: What really happened at Pentecost?

Originally Posted by Steve Epley View Post
Peter preached and ONLY Peter and the multitude understood Peter's preaching and obyed! Not the so-called preaching of the multitude.
DV read it and weep!
"they that gladly recieved HIS word were baptized.".Acts 2;41
"But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up HIS voice." 2:14

"...said unto PETER and the rest of the Apostles"...2;37
"with many other words did HE testify and exhort." 2:40
The 120 were NOT preaching they were praising God in tongues they had never learned. The miracle was NOT in the HEARING as Branham taught but the speaking.
Had your scripture said PRAISE & MAGNIFYING God.. then sure.. but it never says that.. so you cant create it.. even Eply doesn't have that power...... they were TELLING THE WONDERFUL WORKS OF GOD to GOD HIMSELF I suppose...... sillines in the first degree brother... they were there to reach nations.... not GOD...

The very original words work against you.. .they were speaking in "other foreign languages" Paul says THATS NOT TONGUES.......

Show me ONE SCRIPTURE in ACTS 2.. Ive asked for it before.. ONE SCRIPTURE that EVER MENTIONS them Praising GOD
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Old 05-30-2008, 10:54 AM
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Re: What really happened at Pentecost?

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn View Post
Had your scripture said PRAISE & MAGNIFYING God.. then sure.. but it never says that.. so you cant create it.. even Eply doesn't have that power...... they were TELLING THE WONDERFUL WORKS OF GOD to GOD HIMSELF I suppose...... sillines in the first degree brother... they were there to reach nations.... not GOD...

The very original words work against you.. .they were speaking in "other foreign languages" Paul says THATS NOT TONGUES.......

Show me ONE SCRIPTURE in ACTS 2.. Ive asked for it before.. ONE SCRIPTURE that EVER MENTIONS them Praising GOD
If THEY were preaching then God had WOMEN preaching!!!!!! Think about it.
They were praising God that was telling the wonderful works of God is.
Tongues are languages no one is arguing with that.

Answer the passages I gave. They are clear.
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Old 05-30-2008, 11:04 AM
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Re: What really happened at Pentecost?

I'm not sure I understand this compulsion to disect the Day of Pentecost as if it is the only New Testament gathering mentioned in the Bible. The New Testament is full of examples of praising God in group settings.
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