This was sexual immorality, pedopilia, a sex ring, beyond your wildest imangination. A special sex bed set up in the temple. I don't want to think on these things further.
All this was hidden behind the "cloak of religeon" It wasn't was an oranized child molestion ring hidng behind their percieved constututional rights.
Drug dealers/growers/users have tried this ploy.
we do not allow people in this country to over upon altars living sacraficec, either animal or human.
The men in this sex cult need to be jailed for their crimes against children. They treated the women no better than what the taliban treats women.
The women and children need intervention. They need detoxed from their flawed teachings.
The cost will be great what ever we do.
I feel childrens rights must be protected.
Will some of this "fall out" upon us apostolics and our religouis freedoms. Probably so, but this kind of abuse of freedom of religeon has gone to far in Texas.
There is no NT precedent for multiple wives and in our society especsially to take multiple wives that are in their young teen years by men in their 50's is an abominable thing.
God has lavished his love upon me.
Wow. Although I have no time to stay and discuss the issue; I would love to see a thread started about the 400+ children in Texas that have been ripped from the lives they knew.
It is ALARMING to me that the state is seeking to terminate all parental rights (from what I have read).
Prosecute crime? Yes. But aren't we also prosecuting the victims of what they were taught all their lives without outside influence to the contrary? Girls who became mothers just past puberty and knew no other way?
And what of the implications of taking all the children from their parents (not just the ones in immediate harm's way) because we don't like what is taught?
It isn't that far removed from the idea that children could be taken from homes that aren't in step with mainstream society, is it? Think on that and hug your child.
So, what's the verdict? Is Texas right or wrong to remove all of the children and seek to terminate the parents' rights to these children?
What would you do? Are you sure? What path is set for the future????
Again, I wish I had time to discuss the issue, but don't. Hopefully, some others will think and post on this. I would love to read what you all have to say.
Is a mother that allows her children to forced into sexual relations with men 4 times their age.....Is that mother really caring for her children??
I agree!! These kids needed removed from their mothers... the ones who have already been having sex with these men at such young ages and ... The ones who are a product of teenage mothers also..The mothers and babies need to be taken out of there! . because thats just WRONG and yes folks... if they are under 18 it is still rape!!!
I agree!! These kids needed removed from their mothers... the ones who have already been having sex with these men at such young ages and ... The ones who are a product of teenage mothers also..The mothers and babies need to be taken out of there! . because thats just WRONG and yes folks... if they are under 18 it is still rape!!!
It has happened in a few states where a 19 or 20 year old boy had a "relationship" with his girlfriend that was 17.
She got the preggers, her Daddy called the police and the young man who had consensual relations with this minor child ended up in jail for 20 years and on a sexual predators list for life.
But some of us want to protect these men from their crimes under a freedom of religeon defense.
God has lavished his love upon me.