Originally Posted by gloryseeker
I have always held the belief that life begins at inception, BUT the argument of the life is in the blood, which has scriptural backing and corresponds with science has A LOT of merit to it.
But from where does the blood come?
If you cutoff the spiltting of the cells by throwing the dish in the trash.
You have cut off the motion of life that leads to the blood.
You have stopped the energy of God.
I believe that you have commited a greater sin than murder.
Because you may have caused the body and soul to perhaps.... never meet.
As to the fate of that soul their is no scripture nor theological concept.
You have however stopped the law of God started from the offspring of Adam.
You therefore may be committing the same sin as Lucifer as he put himself up as being equal to or greater than God.
I do not understand the advancement of science in wanting to expand our lifespan.
Medical science wants to increase the lifespan of humans year after year.
Yet millions are cutoff before they can breath their first breath.
A woman has the "right" to choose.
It is her body.
So she prefers her body over the body and soul of another!
That is the direct opposite of the holiday we are celebrating this weekend.
Christ gave his body for the body and souls of all mankind.
So to abort a child is the greatest act of selfishness.
As for rape and health of a woman.
I understand the pain and suffering.
That question is very hard to answer...
As for any woman who has had an abortion.
We should not outcast them.
We should reach out to them and pray for their hearts to be healed in the arms of God.
These dear ladies need the church to reach out them.
In love and understanding...