No, I don't. You can't put words in my mouth. I am doing great, some things may not be going well, but democrats do not have the answer.
I know ONLY Republicans have the answer. Bro…you’re an ideologue. Sometimes the Republicans are right on issues and sometimes the Democrats are right on issues. No one is always entirely wrong and the other entirely right. But…if things are going so well…we’ll see what America thinks at the ballot boxes. Americans will vote what they are experiencing. If they are doing well as it is they will vote for McCain to continue Bush’s policies. If not…they’ll vote for change.
These projects had huge funding during Clintons 8 years, what happen to all that money? It was sqandered. Wasted. Bushes cuts have made states be accountable for what they have and make due..
Really? You have to remember, I’m a reconciler for the government. I file requisitions, set up purchase orders, enforce contracts, and file for funds provided by block grants such as CDBG. What did Clinton “squander” the money on? The block grants were issued to the states and issued to local governments who qualified for funding. How did “Clinton” squander this money if it was local hands?
Much of this is in need of attention. By repealing much of the Bush tax cut they can go back to the old budget and there will be little need to increase the budget for these programs. Please note, these programs will be contracted out to private companies. So it will not only provide jobs, but it will give companies more income. When companies have more income, they stimulate the economy
Exactly, thats why tax cuts for these companies do the same, see that is the difference..cut their taxes so they can expand and grow, or raise taxes to fund government programs to give back to them to go back into the economy. Our way is simple, your way cost me money
Not entirely. You see a bulk of tax cuts go to multinational billion dollar companies. They invest a significant amount of it in foreign investments (and endeavors) and this poses a drain on the American economy and reduces the growth tax cuts could generate. These investments need to be taxed to discourage them, especially if the tax cut was part of a stimulus package.
Bush has offered some of the strongest tax cuts in history. According to the logic you hold the economy should be booming…the proof is in the pudding.
whatever, just another wasted sentence at taking a shot at someone.
No, seriously. Right Wing sources only tell you their position and their SLANT on the opposition. I can tell by the questions you ask, like the one above about Clinton squandering money for infrastructure….you don’t really have many details other than what you’re told on the Right. Don’t get me wrong, many things on the right are OK. But a lot of it is absolute propaganda.
This is typical liberal spin....its raising taxes , period , plain and simple.
Stimulating the economy and having billion dollar corporate entities pay their fair share on the tax burden isn’t “raising taxes”….it’s ensuring that taxes are paid.
another liberal spin job, we are not rewarding them for going over seas, you know the really sad part is there are people actually ignorant enough to believe that garbage.
We often don’t “reward” them directly, but our tax law allows them to get away without paying their taxes…here’s how it works….The tax code is written in a way that allows companies not to pay the full 35% U.S. corporate tax rate on foreign income when that money remains invested overseas.
But…. here's how it works before the loophole: a company earns $100 million abroad in Lowtaxistan where the corporate tax rate is 20%. The foreign subsidiary pays that money to the U.S. parent. The parent then pays $35 million to the U.S. government and takes a credit for the 20% (or
$20 million) payment to the Lowtaxistan government. So the net to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service is $15 million.
But…. here's how it works with the loophole: the U.S. subsidiary simply keeps the money offshore and certifies to its accountants that the money is invested overseas. It never remits the money to the parent and so never pays the $15 million extra to Uncle Sam. These are tax breaks that our tax law allows companies to exploit and so they move overseas. This money is called, unrepatriated earnings. This loophole has to be closed…it costs us billions every year. It has to be MORE profitable to do business here…not there. Close the loopholes and give generous tax breaks only to companies that stay and create jobs in the US.
Eliminating these loopholes will not end off shoring. But it might make it less attractive for some companies.
Not really. Think about it. Your taxes haven’t increased anywhere near the rate that the cost of living is increasing.
I know , isn't it wonderful
Wonderful that the cost of living has increased to such a degree that Americans are technically poorer today than you were last year?
Americans poorer than a year ago
Fed reports household net worth down 3.6% in fourth quarter
By Rex Nutting, MarketWatch
Last update: 1:18 p.m. EST March 6, 2008
Why is that? Tell me Chris, why can't we just drill all the oil we have here so we don't have to mess with OPEC? Oh yeah , the dems wont let us because they say they are worried about the enviournment..(whatever) California will not even build a new power plant because the enviormentalist are paying the dems too much to keep it out. As a result California is in debt to others states to provide them with power using the same means that they are against.
I don’t think you’re looking ahead. Think about this…peak oil. Some experts in the oil market admit that they are worried that we are approaching a peak in oil production. When oil peaks…we’ll drill. It could make America a leading nation in oil production should oil peak within the next generation or two. The oil we’re not drilling may actually be quite an investment if we leave it right where it’s at.
We have to use renewable energy resources and nuclear power more. And I’ll admit, the far left environmentalists are a pain in the bottom because we could drill and produce a few more refineries. I’m middle ground on this one. Personally, if they started drilling tomorrow, as long as they invest in environmentally safe measures and are audited regularly for meeting environmental standards I have no issue with drilling.
LIfe is not tight for me, *sigh*
And you’re all that matters. Honestly, I hope they don’t get tight for you. Are you still paying on a mortgage loan? Do you know if you are in positive or negative equity?
But this never happens under Democratic control. Everyone says Bill had the budget perfect, the economy jumping, we were in surpluses....so when was the tax cuts coming...when was the wave going back out to sea? He never mentioned that once..
You’re crazy! LOL
When President Clinton got into office he raised taxes to balance the budget and pay off the REPBULICAN DEFICIT. Then you’ll notice that in the mid 90’s Clinton issued several economic stimulus packages that reduced taxes for targeted industries and launched domestic programs that created some nice jobs, the Republican Congress wanted deeper and more expansive cuts, but hey, that’s politics. These tax-breaks stimulated the economy and it did real well but things began slowing down as Clinton’s second term was drawing to a close. When Bush became President he inherited this slow down. This is why one of the first things Bush did was offer a tax rebate package to give the economy an extra boost. Bush then passed the massive tax cuts he’s known for. The cuts have benefited business and they did stimulate economy, but Bush really didn’t invest in funding any domestic initiatives to create good paying middle class jobs. Now things are slowing down again and they are implementing the tax rebates. This will help and it’s a good idea. But there’s a hole in the boat right now…the housing market. The Republicans deregulated the banking industry and so the industry (they love deregulation) and began this variable rate mortgage scheme. Now property values are dropping and people are finding that commodities are becoming a better investment than real estate.
Like I have said , the dems will win and you will have your way, so why bother posting this garbage , nobody is buying it.....you could quietly vote in your liberal buddies, not tell anyone and still have a good standing with posters....
Oh…my goal isn’t to change your mind. My goal is to merely present the other side of the story. You see there’s a rule in politics…you have to define yourself. You NEVER just allow the opposition to define you. That means you have to explain the position you hold and why you believe it’s best compared to the opposition’s position. I’m only posting for the reader’s sake. Sure, I could walk away and allow you and your conservative buddies to backslap and laugh, make fun, and have a virtual love fest with each over your conservatism…but you guys aren’t going to give anyone anything but your position. Some very impressionable people might read what we have hear. I feel led to present to you and them an explanation of the policies from the other side.
Then the reader is informed by both the right and the left. They can then form an educated opinion.
I’m not trying change your mind bro…and you're a good man. Right now you and this discussion are serving to allow me to explain the other position.