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Old 02-26-2008, 12:32 AM
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Re: Do YOU really believe what you were taught?

Originally Posted by OneAccord View Post
Wow, tall order. My "spiritual journey" has taken many turns down through the years. My faith hasn't changed, but, is some ways, it has evolved.

At one time I believed the Serpent Seed doctrine. But, one day, I read John 3:16. And I allowed myself to think outside the box. And, I eventually climbed out of that box and never looked back.

I use to be against woman ministers, (that came from the same teaching). But, once again, I did what I wasn't suppose to do. I questioned. And God answered.

I use to be very strict, (no TV, no anything). But, I realized that "Its not what goes in that defiles, its what comes out". (Paraphrase) Now, as long as I keep my heart right, I don't have to spend so much time covering my eyes and ears. . I was strictly a standards man, but then I realized I was spending too much time washing the outside of my platter, while ignoring the dead bones within. I decided to get rid of the bones, and you know what, when I did, the outside took care of itself.

Doctrinally, I have evolved a little. I focus more on Jesus now, instead of focusing on doctrines about Him. I've come to a better understanding of the Gospel of the Kingdom that I had before. And I use to love to fuss and argue. But, some time out of fellowship with the Body of Christ cured me of that. Now, I try to promote unity within the Body because, if there has ever been a Message of the Hour, the Unity of the Spirit is that message.

Oh yeah, and I spend much less time trying to earn my salvation, and more time rejoicing in the grace that keeps me saved!
Well said, OA, well said.
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Old 02-26-2008, 01:40 AM
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Re: Do YOU really believe what you were taught?

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
So homosexuality isn't a sin to you?
Huh, I think Timmy and Lassie needs to talk about that one a little.
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Old 02-26-2008, 09:45 AM
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Re: Do YOU really believe what you were taught?

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
A sampling of things my elders (tried to) teach me:

If you stop working for God, He'll kill you. Never heard this

Stay away from those Oneness Pentecostals.

Rock music is a sin.Still believe

Playing cards is a sin. Never heard this

Homosexuality is a sin. Still believe this

Dancing is a sin. Still believe this.

If you're in a theater when Jesus comes, He won't go in there to find ya. Still believe this

If you're not tithing, God can't bless you. Still believe this. I would never rob God.

If you're sick, all you have to do is pray and God will heal you. Still believe in healing. God has healed me of Ulcers, Kidney stone, and more.

Still believe in repentance, baptism in Jesus name, and being fill with the Holy Ghost. All is essential. Still believe that women must look and dress like women, no pants, cut hair, jewelry of ANY kind, make-up, or ungodly clothing. Men must look and dress like men, no long hair, jewelry, shorts, etc.

No Hollywood, org. sports, etc.

God the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
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Old 02-26-2008, 10:23 AM
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Re: Do YOU really believe what you were taught?

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne View Post
So homosexuality isn't a sin to you?
Of course not! Why should it be? OK, if the Bible says it's an abomination to God, the Bible is wrong. The Bible corrected itself (so to speak) on some things, such as mixing fabric types in clothing (or did it?), eating shellfish (I suppose), eating meat offered to idols, animal sacrifice, etc. I think it forgot to correct this one. Either that or left it up to us to fix it ourselves. Times change. There may have been good reason for some laws, in some eras, and if the reasons go away, so should the laws.

Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 02-26-2008, 10:28 AM
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Re: Do YOU really believe what you were taught?

Originally Posted by Whole Hearted View Post
Still believe in repentance, baptism in Jesus name, and being fill with the Holy Ghost. All is essential. Still believe that women must look and dress like women, no pants, cut hair, jewelry of ANY kind, make-up, or ungodly clothing. Men must look and dress like men, no long hair, jewelry, shorts, etc.

No Hollywood, org. sports, etc.

God the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
I agree with Jesus, when He said that all the law follows from his top two: love God, and love your neighbor. Maybe you see some connection between these laws and the sin of dancing, or of women wearing pants, but I don't.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 02-26-2008, 10:37 AM
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Re: Do YOU really believe what you were taught?

Originally Posted by HeavenlyOne
So homosexuality isn't a sin to you?
Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Of course not! Why should it be? OK, if the Bible says it's an abomination to God, the Bible is wrong. The Bible corrected itself (so to speak) on some things, such as mixing fabric types in clothing (or did it?), eating shellfish (I suppose), eating meat offered to idols, animal sacrifice, etc. I think it forgot to correct this one. Either that or left it up to us to fix it ourselves. Times change. There may have been good reason for some laws, in some eras, and if the reasons go away, so should the laws.

Huh? Really? Are you being facetious? I am totally missing the meaning of this post--or maybe I just hope I am.
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Old 02-26-2008, 10:37 AM
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Re: Do YOU really believe what you were taught?

I believe you must obey Acts 2:38 and I believe you must obey the 10 commandments and I believe you must obey the Royal Law and I believe it would be good if you obeyed the Sermon on the Mount.

I believe Jesus is coming back for a Bride that is spotless without wrinkle.

Now as to how to be a Bride without spot or wrinkle is the question.

I believe you should dress modestly. Ask yourself what is your motive to how you dress. Is it to look Godly, rich, seductive, etc?

I believe your reactions to life is your most revealing character of Godliness or ungodliness. How to you respond to someone in traffic cutting you off when you are in a hurry? Godly or ungodly?

Guidelines on how to dress changes with the cultures whether we are mature enough to believe that or not. The 1600 folks would say we are ungodly in our dress. You can see our ankles AND calves!

Do we go back to the beginning as Sis. A mentioned? Back to robes, and men wearing beards to separate men from women? Do we go back to wearing only sandals?

Again, you have to draw the line somewhere, and I think that line moves somewhat with time. Look at men today. They did not wear their hair as short as they do not 25 years ago. But the "style" today is to wear it short so the MEN can conform to the world on this. When long hair was in style they wore it as long as they could get by with it.

But what does your heart say about WHY you do what you do. I do some things simply for submission to my pastor. There is no scripture to back up some of the teachings according to my understanding of scripture. Most of it is not salvational per se, but COULD become an issue for some folks.

For example: the scripture talks about drinking a little wine for the stomach. But I would not suggest everyone take up wine drinking as some may find themselves addicted to wine. But neither do I find it a sin. Now IF you over indulged it would be a sin, but so would over eating. JMO

My best friend was not allowed to play with dice in board games, they had to make a spinner to play the game.

The Bible says seek out your own salvation with fear and trembling. I am afraid we leave out the fear and trembling to often.

IF you do not have a love for the TRUTH you will believe the lie.

I think that is a key factor.
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Old 02-26-2008, 10:45 AM
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Re: Do YOU really believe what you were taught?

Originally Posted by OneAccord View Post
Huh... not to argue with you, Brother... just need a litlle help in undertsnding what you are saying. Two questions (yes or no). I just don't quite understand the bolded parts (above).

Is homosexuality a sin? ___________
Is homosexuality okay, in your opinion? __________

I'm not gonna rake you over coals, or argue with you, I just need a little help in understanding your position. You can PM the answers if you'd rather.
Is homosexuality a sin? ___No________
Is homosexuality okay, in your opinion? ____Yes______

BTW, I didn't arrive at this conclusion easily. For decades, I believed what I was taught, including that the Bible ("our" Bible) was infallible and inspired, homosexuality was a sin, etc. I succumbed to the "folly of an open mind"! The more I looked, the more I changed my beliefs.
Hebrews 13:23 Know ye that our brother Timothy is set at liberty

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Old 02-26-2008, 10:56 AM
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Re: Do YOU really believe what you were taught?

all I can say is that I am shocked beyond shocked.
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Old 02-26-2008, 10:58 AM
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Re: Do YOU really believe what you were taught?

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
Is homosexuality a sin? ___No________
Is homosexuality okay, in your opinion? ____Yes______

BTW, I didn't arrive at this conclusion easily. For decades, I believed what I was taught, including that the Bible ("our" Bible) was infallible and inspired, homosexuality was a sin, etc. I succumbed to the "folly of an open mind"! The more I looked, the more I changed my beliefs.
IF you believe the Bible to be fallible you have lost your foundation!
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