Again do your homework. Both Germany and Russia advocated a messianic view of the state.
Both extremes join hands at the end of the spectrum and for this reason they may appear similar in quality ... but the inherent foundations are different ...
CC1, it was a close decision between staying home, and voting for McCain.
there is that voice withing the Republican party that says maybe it is better to loose this one because winning will only get us more muddy water and more liberalism in congress.
I said that Iraq is the deciding factor. that is half true. McCain will at least not put a Ginsburg on the supreme court.
Obama will do that and worse i am sure.
If we were not facing Global Islamic terrorism and an onslought of humanism I would be tempted to buy in to that thought.
However too much is at stake. I can't stand McCain but will vote for him and hope for a miracle that he wins. McCain at his worst is ten times better than the danger Obama and Hillary pose to our National Security and family values.
There will probably be at least two vacancies on the Supreme Court in the next four years and the thought of what kind of activist judges Obama or Hillary will appoint is scary.
Facism is not liberal politics, Dave ... I don't kow a mainstream historical scholar that would support this.
Originally Posted by ReformedDave
Again do your homework. Both Germany and Russia advocated a messianic view of the state.
Is it possible that both a left winger and a right winger can be Fascists? It doesnt seem to me that Fascism is exclusively the domain of either right or left.
Historically, there was a period where several countries and leaders openly accepted the label of "fascist" to describe their political systems, particularly in the 1930s and 1940s. However, owing to the historical record and verdict on these past fascist countries, the term has now fallen largely into disuse as an objective description. Overall, this is due to the associations between fascist regimes and racial supremacist policies, especially in Nazi Germany, although not all fascist regimes espoused racist policies.[citation needed] The term is now used more as an epithet than as a term for any existing systems. This is true even in countries where it might legitimately apply.
Daniel 12:3 And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars for ever.
The Neo-nazis are ultra-conservatives ... Nazism/Fascism has its roots in conservatism gone wild.
Anything else is revisionism.
DA, you are mixing your nouns.
Facism has its roots in a form or conservitism that is quite foreign to American Politics.
Early 20th century European Conservitives believed in totalitarianism that was an extention of the Monarchical systems of Europe
this relates in no meaningful way to American Conservitives at all.
American Conserivitives draw their traditions from the founding fathers who were enlightenmenet liberals
Liberalism by definition is much more closely alligned with American Conservitives than American Liberals.
American Liberals arent even liberals (Hillary agrees by the way).
they are Progressives who are much more alligned with certain aspects of Facism and socialism than they are with the ideas of the enlightenment liberal views that are the core of True Liberalism.
So, while you are accurate in saying that Facism is more a conservitive view, you are incorrect in connecting that word "conservitive" to Modern American Politics"
American Liberals are the true conservitives.....we American Conservitives really are the true Liberals!
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
Both extremes join hands at the end of the spectrum and for this reason they may appear similar in quality ... but the inherent foundations are different ...
It is fascinating to see the interest shown by FDR and several of his cronies to the 'Italian experiment'.......
__________________ "I have had a perfectly wonderful evening, but this wasn't it."
If we were not facing Global Islamic terrorism and an onslought of humanism I would be tempted to buy in to that thought.
However too much is at stake. I can't stand McCain but will vote for him and hope for a miracle that he wins. McCain at his worst is ten times better than the danger Obama and Hillary pose to our National Security and family values.
There will probably be at least two vacancies on the Supreme Court in the next four years and the thought of what kind of activist judges Obama or Hillary will appoint is scary.
have to agree with you cc1, truth is spoken, now anyway, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
Is it possible that both a left winger and a right winger can be Fascists? It doesnt seem to me that Fascism is exclusively the domain of either right or left?
Historically, there was a period where several countries and leaders openly accepted the label of "fascist" to describe their political systems, particularly in the 1930s and 1940s. However, owing to the historical record and verdict on these past fascist countries, the term has now fallen largely into disuse as an objective description. Overall, this is due to the associations between fascist regimes and racial supremacist policies, especially in Nazi Germany, although not all fascist regimes espoused racist policies.[citation needed] The term is now used more as an epithet than as a term for any existing systems. This is true even in countries where it might legitimately apply.