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Old 02-18-2008, 07:55 PM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by ChristopherHall View Post
Sister, I know many are going to take opportunity to insult you, but I want to express to you that I would never say you are for abortion based on the above. Though on a personal level, while I think it should be legal for a woman to choose if her life or health is in danger, I still think it's morally wrong and should be approached with much sorrow. We walk by faith. If a woman aborts to protect her life it does illustrate a lack of faith.

That's my opinion.

But God bless you sister, please know I'm not judging you.
I agree.

This is why I don't fight for abortions to be illegal. There has to be an exception.
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Old 02-18-2008, 07:55 PM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by ABIgrad View Post

I read this article and am terrified that the frontrunner for as next president of the United States will not wear an American Flag lapel pin nor place his hand over his heart for the National Anthem, will allow volunteers to display a Cuban flag with the image of Che Guevara (communist executioner). This is terrifying folks.


Volunteers at Barack Obama Campaign office in Houston.

Barack Obama refusing to place his hand over his heart during the National Anthem.
I'm just curious, is this site that you provide have a following like that of CNN or Fox News? I only ask, because I'm curious to how many Americans will get any of this information provided by this link.
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Old 02-18-2008, 08:09 PM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

I look at it like this. This was a local Obama supporters campaign headquarters. But this wasn't officially endorsed by Obama. Many of these volunteers most likely have ties with Cuba and believe that Che Guevara represents the kind of democratic change they'd like to see in Cuba. For many his image is also a symbol of revolutionary political change. It reflects more on their personal interests not on Obama. Many atheists supported Bush, but that doesn't reflect on Bush's faith. But if I were Obama I'd make sure to state that it's not appropriate.

On Reports of an Inappropriate Flag in a Texas Obama Office
February 12, 2008

"This is a volunteer office that is not in any way controlled by the Obama campaign. We were disappointed to see this picture because it is both offensive to many Cuban-Americans -- and Americans of all backgrounds -- and because it does not reflect Senator Obama’s views. Barack Obama has been very clear in putting forward a Cuba policy that is based on one principle: freedom for the Cuban people." -- Obama Campaign

From Houston Fox News:

"The office featured in this video is funded by volunteers of the Barack Obama Campaign and is not an official headquarters for his campaign."
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
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Old 02-18-2008, 09:07 PM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by ChristopherHall View Post
I look at it like this. This was a local Obama supporters campaign headquarters. But this wasn't officially endorsed by Obama. Many of these volunteers most likely have ties with Cuba and believe that Che Guevara represents the kind of democratic change they'd like to see in Cuba. For many his image is also a symbol of revolutionary political change. It reflects more on their personal interests not on Obama. Many atheists supported Bush, but that doesn't reflect on Bush's faith. But if I were Obama I'd make sure to state that it's not appropriate.
Dude! what UP????

have you lost your ever loving mind????? Che did NOT represent democratic ANYTHING.

Dude was a communist! AND A KILLER!

Dude represents what the left LOVES. COMMUNISM!

Dude was a foot soldier for Fidel Castro! NOT SOME KIND OF CUBAN REFORMIST!!!!!


Chris, you have stooped to a new low here. maybe you need to break out a history book buddy.
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Old 02-18-2008, 09:46 PM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by Ferd View Post
Dude! what UP????

have you lost your ever loving mind????? Che did NOT represent democratic ANYTHING.

Dude was a communist! AND A KILLER!

Dude represents what the left LOVES. COMMUNISM!

Dude was a foot soldier for Fidel Castro! NOT SOME KIND OF CUBAN REFORMIST!!!!!


Chris, you have stooped to a new low here. maybe you need to break out a history book buddy.
I didn't say I agreed with them. I'm just saying what it represents in some of their minds. Personally, I think he was a madman.

(You wouldn't deal well with international diplomacy. You have to objectively understand what makes them tick and what and who symbolizes what in their minds. You don't have to agree, but understanding is of some value. It's like that old saying, one man's terrorist is another man's revolutionary. For example, the founding fathers were regarded by the British as revolutionary terrorists. If discussing their views or worldview in the 1700's that has to be kept in mind.)
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
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Old 02-18-2008, 11:09 PM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by ChristopherHall View Post
Does anyone take WorldNetDaily seriously? LOL
Hey! WorldNutDaily swiped my pic... that I... uhm... swiped.

But at least I scooped them.
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Old 02-18-2008, 11:14 PM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by ChristopherHall View Post
I look at it like this. This was a local Obama supporters campaign headquarters. But this wasn't officially endorsed by Obama. Many of these volunteers most likely have ties with Cuba and believe that Che Guevara represents the kind of democratic change they'd like to see in Cuba. For many his image is also a symbol of revolutionary political change. It reflects more on their personal interests not on Obama. Many atheists supported Bush, but that doesn't reflect on Bush's faith. But if I were Obama I'd make sure to state that it's not appropriate.
What!!! Do you even know who Che was??? He was Castro's hired gun. After killing a bunch of Cubans and getting Castro installed, Che went about "exporting" Castro's totalitarian ideals and wound up getting killed in a gun fight.

Che's devotees know exactly who he was and what he died doing. The man was a ruthless killer. A few Hollywood blondes might gloss that over with their trendy fashions, but people who put up Che's pic in their offices know exactly who and what he was.

And this is the biggest problem I have with Obamarama; the nutcases that he attracks and the favors that he will end up owing them for their support.
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Old 02-18-2008, 11:21 PM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by ChristopherHall View Post
I didn't say I agreed with them. I'm just saying what it represents in some of their minds. Personally, I think he was a madman.

(You wouldn't deal well with international diplomacy. You have to objectively understand what makes them tick and what and who symbolizes what in their minds. You don't have to agree, but understanding is of some value. It's like that old saying, one man's terrorist is another man's revolutionary. For example, the founding fathers were regarded by the British as revolutionary terrorists. If discussing their views or worldview in the 1700's that has to be kept in mind.)
But that assessment was wrong. The US founding fathers never made war against civilian populations in their fight with the British and they promoted institutions of democracy and freedom.

Che killed civilians, took civilian hostages and generally terrorized the countryside wherever he went. Comparing him to the founders is wrong. If you want to make a moral equivalence argument- you have to find two groups who behaved in a morally equivalent way.

Che Guevara and George Washington were not moral equivalents. In order to "deal well with international diplomacy" you've got to get your own moral values straight. Deliberately targeting civilian populations to advance your "revolution" is immoral. Compromising this principle will destroy any understanding that you might have been able to garner from like-minded people overseas. it's better to stick to the "high road" and not muddy ourselves trying to "understand" terrorists.

Now, what was your man Obama's top foreign policy wonk doing in Damascus last week at the Ayatollah's terrorist anniversary party? And what does this say about Obama's "understanding" of foreign affairs?
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Old 02-19-2008, 02:19 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by trickledown
Dave, I think that CH will always minor on these direct questions. He says that in America if you work hard, you are supposed to move forward. He works in a government union; this job type usually offers no advancement that is based on merit and hard work. There are multiplied protections for the laziest and least productive workers in this utopia that must be paid for by the whole.
Originally Posted by ChristopherHall View Post
Trickledown, that's highly offensive bro.

Working for a union or for the government is no utopia let me tell you.

I said nothing about utopia. It is a terrible system.

We are not guaranteed to move forward no matter how hard we work. Many weeks, I have seen my hardest efforts reward with me with less than at other times. Our God nor our country guarantee financial advancement.

This coming week I will work more than sixty hours and ...

What I'm talking about is the American dream. America used to be a place where if you worked hard you could make a life for yourself. What you're telling me is that the American dream is dead. You have no promises. You can work your finger to the bone and not expect anything in return. Honestly trickledown, my family are hard working blue collar folks. They remember when America worked. One could work hard and make a life of financial security for themselves.
America is still a place where hard and smart work is very rewarding. You can move up the financial ladder in the US very quickly. I still believe in hard work and haven't worked for a big company in years. My time this week will be handsomely rewarded.
I will make decisions based on my priorities. Food and housing first, then do you have credit card debt and auto loan debt that you have accumulated at the expense of not providing adequately for your families healthcare. The majority of the uninsured of working age in the US do. I think that they have chosen consumer gratification over wise health practices. Are most uninsured americans overweight? I assume this is the fault of too little government intervention. Well at least I know that if I have to pay for healthcare out of my HSA that I will find a doctor who will not over prescribe and under provide.

Trickledown, that's highly offensive bro. and I say as usual that you avoid the points and spew nonsense...
What you're saying reminds me of the slave mentality. You've been mentally and emotionally pistol whipped by the corporate masters of our society into not expecting (WHAT, I said I don't expect hard work in a government union to pay off) your work to pay off or bring you higher. You've been brow beaten into just accepting that you're nothing but a wage slave. Another meaningless cog in their corporate machine. They(evil corporations again) sit in the offices and make all the profits while you and I work our fingers to the bone...to expect nothing according to you(again only from protectionist unions.. poor reading comprehension from the cut and paste king). I'm challenging that slave mentality. I believe we can make America great again. We can make America work again. We can have a country where if you work hard and you're a good employee you should expect to go higher and advance in your field, in your pay, in your abilities, and in your satisfaction of your work. I don't believe in wage slave thinking.
Again remember that CH sees UHC as a right that want cost union gov. emp. anything. It will be paid for by evil rich and evil corps who have taken advantage of him long enough

And the only thing that's going to energize America and make this dream possible again will be a revival of Democracy, hope, and a willingness to stand up and fight for your pea patch.

What are you talking about? Fight for your own pea patch. Leave the security of your dead-end government job and go provide for your family by the virtues of hard work that you praise. It will be a risk aand you might not have as much time to praise democrats on this thread. Hey, once you start paying higher taxes, you might even question why you pay so much. You will be able to allow government to minister more with your higher taxes and you will be able to give charitably in the community and never compromise your standard of living currently. Sometimes hard weeks won't be fruitfull, but some weeks you may make what you now make in a month. The US is great and you can still have the American Dream. Just do it like your great grandparents generation. On Your Own!
Forty years ago we (oneness pentecost) held ourselves at a "safe distance" from the world. Do we now embrace what was "worldliness" then? Are we simply trying to maintain a distance from popular society? Are we then guilty of "trickledown" immorality?
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Old 02-19-2008, 05:43 AM
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Re: Why shouldn't I vote for Obama??

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
What!!! Do you even know who Che was??? He was Castro's hired gun. After killing a bunch of Cubans and getting Castro installed, Che went about "exporting" Castro's totalitarian ideals and wound up getting killed in a gun fight.

Che's devotees know exactly who he was and what he died doing. The man was a ruthless killer. A few Hollywood blondes might gloss that over with their trendy fashions, but people who put up Che's pic in their offices know exactly who and what he was.

And this is the biggest problem I have with Obamarama; the nutcases that he attracks and the favors that he will end up owing them for their support.
Republicans have nutcases that believe in Theonomy and the institution of God's Law. In conversations on this forum they've voiced how they'd support laws executing homosexuals, prostitutes, and women who procure abortions. Some Pro-Lifers actually support shooting abortion doctors. I know Neo-Nazis who vote strict Republican tickets.

You have to realize that every political party has it's nutcases. The nuts on the far right don't represent the rank and file Republican nor do they represent the candidate. The nuts on the far left don't representing the rank and file Democrat nor do they represent the candidate.

When you grow up a little more you won't get all emotional and flip out at this kind of thing so easily. You'll be grounded and realize that those are just nutcases.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (English Standard Version)
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