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Old 02-17-2008, 11:47 PM
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Re: Western District Split

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
I'm CA. District born and bred. I think it will work out for the best for the youth here is why:

You will be able to go to 2 youth conventions now not to mention many more events andmore time and chances to meet your friends.

You will not be turned away simply because you are from the wrong District.

A lot of people are against the District splitting because they feel like the south is too liberal. I'm not addressing that part. most of these people are leaving the UPC anyways.

The mere size and traffic of Calif. demands a second District. anyone living here knows I'm right about it

The northern CA youth convention will be held in Stockton- An easy one hour flight to Sacramento
I don't live there and I still think you are right!

Hey, why aren't you in Church????
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Old 02-17-2008, 11:49 PM
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Re: Western District Split

Originally Posted by George View Post
I think what UPC_TEEN89 meant was they will not get to see their long term friends because chances are the districts will hold most of their events during the same time. For instance, if youth conv. is always at spring break, they will have to choose which district youth event they wish to attend. Their pastors are going to tell them to attend their district event. It's possible the youth camps could be at different times but, youth camps require the signature of your pastor. I don't know if they will accept youth from another district. Even if they did accept youth from another district, chances are the youth could not afford to attend two camps. With this in mind, I understand the pain of the teens.
I hadn't thought of that. I hope they'll do it at dif. times.
It would be a good idea if Southern CA would have their youth convention in the winter since the weather is so nice.

Indiana Dist. has theirs a Christmas Break and you can only imagine how awful the weather is there during that time yet it's packed.

If i heard right, Praise on the Mtn is going to remain combined
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Old 02-25-2008, 09:01 PM

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Thank you all for relaborating on this. I am in Cali, and the split will take me away from my friends in the southern district. I was at a Ladies Conference for the Western District here in my town.....they say that Nevada and Southern Cali have created the new Southern California District and the rest of us from the grapevine are still considered Western District. I also understand that some churches are going independent.....i know that seeing your friends shouldnt be one of the main reasons of going to these events. I am also 18 and i do know how to drive, but i also work and am a full-time college student. I find it rare to get time to go visit my friends in the far areas of the district with it united already....so these "twice a year events" are very meaningfull to me. To me, the youth are the next generation, and some kids have already backslided from the strict standards already. I know, i have friends that have. Splitting the district for even more stricter standards are ridiculous. You can raise the chances of even more kids backsliding. Some of us dont have families who are in church or arnt in church as much as they supposed to be. Who are they supposed to rely on? their friends, and some meet the bestest of friends at these "twice a year events". My friend who is from southern cali have recently passed away and i couldnt even attend the funeral because of the distance. the only time i could see her was at youth conv. and sr. camp. those are cherished moments that will never be forgotten. We are supposed to be a united family. Us youth are taking it the hardest because we are still young in the word and learning. Our friends can be our source to getting closer with God, i know that i wouldnt be in church as much as i am now without it being for my friends....

Last edited by UPC_TEEN89; 02-25-2008 at 09:02 PM. Reason: typos
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Old 02-25-2008, 09:46 PM
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Re: Western District Split

Originally Posted by UPC_TEEN89 View Post
Thank you all for relaborating on this. I am in Cali, and the split will take me away from my friends in the southern district. I was at a Ladies Conference for the Western District here in my town.....they say that Nevada and Southern Cali have created the new Southern California District and the rest of us from the grapevine are still considered Western District. I also understand that some churches are going independent.....i know that seeing your friends shouldnt be one of the main reasons of going to these events. I am also 18 and i do know how to drive, but i also work and am a full-time college student. I find it rare to get time to go visit my friends in the far areas of the district with it united already....so these "twice a year events" are very meaningfull to me. To me, the youth are the next generation, and some kids have already backslided from the strict standards already. I know, i have friends that have. Splitting the district for even more stricter standards are ridiculous. You can raise the chances of even more kids backsliding. Some of us dont have families who are in church or arnt in church as much as they supposed to be. Who are they supposed to rely on? their friends, and some meet the bestest of friends at these "twice a year events". My friend who is from southern cali have recently passed away and i couldnt even attend the funeral because of the distance. the only time i could see her was at youth conv. and sr. camp. those are cherished moments that will never be forgotten. We are supposed to be a united family. Us youth are taking it the hardest because we are still young in the word and learning. Our friends can be our source to getting closer with God, i know that i wouldnt be in church as much as i am now without it being for my friends....
Just some points from your post:

1) The Southern California District had nothing to do with stricter standards. In fact, standards are not even an issue with the recent formation. It has to do more the geography. It just makes sense.

2) Some churches, in light of the UPC's affirmitive vote of Resolution 4 at this years past General Conference was the ever so looked upon "reason" to form the WWPF. There are many ultra conservative churches that have left the UPC for the WWPF. This decision effects, primarily, those in what is now considered the Western District.

3) If you have a true friendship with someone....geographical boundaries should not even be an option. I have a very good friend who lives in the Northern part of the state and I see them, in person, maybe 3-4 times a year. I talk to the person regularly. Geopgraphy has no boundaries on a relationship.

4) These friends will continue to be your friend if both of you cultivate it and work at it. If your only communication with them is just twice a year for a week...and that is the extent of your talks, you may have more acquaintences.

I know that there was some, in opposition of the formation, who spoke to their youth about these events coming to an end and how tragic it was for our youth. I am sorry you got involved in that propoganda. But just know...true friendship will not be bound by geogrpahical boundaries. I have dear friends in the North that were part of my district, is no longer, but our frienship will not end. I pray that you find the value of true friendship.
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Old 02-26-2008, 11:14 AM

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Re: Western District Split

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
If i heard right, Praise on the Mtn is going to remain combined
Really?? omgoodness that would be awesome because im planning to join W.A.Y Choir this year!
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